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Donald Trump’s campaign manager charged with battery


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A campaign manager that assaults a woman and then blatantly lies, a Republican nominee Trump that actually colludes to cover up the lie and attacks the victim calling her a liar.

Isn't video footage a pain.

Seriously is this the best candidate Republicans can put forward?

I can actually hear the bottom of the barrel being scraped.

An absolute disgrace.

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Here's a section of the original police report she filed.


Weapons - Hands, feet, fist, teeth.

Of course she changed this after she found out there was video of the alleged assault.

The CCTV video of the alleged assault was provided by Donald Trump.

There's a better shot of this heinous assault here:


Missed it? Me too....

Edited by pedro01
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Trump faces Republican backlash for Lewandowski battery charge


Donald Trump’s race for the Republican presidential nomination has, once more, become an international talking point.

Not only has he backtracked on his pledge to support the party’s eventual nominee, but his campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, has been charged with battery for allegedly pulling a reporter away from him.

“And you just look at that tape throughout the whole process and you see how unfair it is,” he said. “He’s a good person with a wonderful family, and for him to be charged over something like that… And remember she grabbed me, before he even broke anything. And it almost looks like he’s just trying to create a little room because to be honest with you the news conference had finished. It was over.”

Lewandowski is accused of bruising the-then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields at an event in Florida.

Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton took time out from pulling pints in Wisconsin to give her verdict.

“I’m not going to comment on a pending legal or criminal case, but I think that, you know, ultimately the responsibility is Mr Trump’s,” she told reporters.

Lewandowski is also facing backlash within the Republican Party.

“I don’t know this guy. I don’t know exactly what happened. My understanding is that the report is that he grabbed somebody, and that’s frankly totally and completely inappropriate. It could, could have been one of my daughters for that matter.”

Despite initially denying pulling Michelle Fields, Lewandowski voluntarily went to the police. He will be pleading not guilty when court proceedings begin on May 4, campaign spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-30

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Funny how the Trump fans are trying to blame the left for this: She worked for Breitbart!Essentially he could have simply apologised and been done with it, but instead him and Trump denounced her as "delusional" and accused her of making it all up.

Well now they're both exposed for what they are: Woman-hating liars.

Get over it.

Actually, by post #11, posters are not commenting on a left phenomena at all, rather a pretend feminism thats actually militant opportunism. That is what the "scam" and "bitches" comments refer to. 'Funny" that you would suggest the left owns these labels.

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story as reported on NPR

There are several things interesting about the incident, not least that the conservative news organization (which employed the harmed reporter) initially tried to deny that the incident happened (so as not to anger quick-to-anger Trump), is now admitting that it probably did happen, after some video emerged of the incident. Even more telling (for me), is how Trump pops out a whole string of defensive statements, trying to defend his campaign manager, even though Trump himself was walking ahead from the incident, so he wasn't an eyewitness. He's like the Palestinian village boss who, when he hears of a boy from his village accused of doing something wrong, immediately shouts "no boys in my village could ever do anything wrong!" If Trump was a real man, he would say something like, "Perhaps it happened. Let's wait and see what the evidence shows, in a court of law."

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Washington Post reporter Ben Terris:

"News broke that I had been a witness to the incident between Fields and Lewandowski."

"I watched as a man with short-cropped hair and a suit grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the way.

He was Corey Lewandowski, Trump’s 41-year-old campaign manager."

"Fields stumbled. Finger-shaped bruises formed on her arm."

“I’m just a little spooked,” she said, a tear streaming down her face. “No one has grabbed me like that before.”


Here is an example of a total lie (the quote, not poster). Finger shaped bruises formed on her arm is a dead give away that it is an <deleted> lie! "Finger-shaped bruises formed on her arm."

Capillary refill is variously seconds. Petichial hemorrhage is minutes. Ecchymosis/hematoma is longer. The cascade of physiology necessary to note 'bruises' in real time do not exist in reality. The amount of time necessary to note "bruises" would prevent the observer from noting it in real time, as testified. Laceration, bleeding, open fracture- ok. Bruising=lie!

This is perjury. The quote can easily be proven false.

Had someone ever "grabbed [her] like that before" she might have developed the basic social skills necessary to inform her she should not grab people as she did.

She felt entitled. She was rejected. She sought refuge in victimization, a familiar sanctuary for so many in America these days.

I am also convinced this BS will serve to empower Trump. I am not for or against that- but I am against fecalbags like this women. This psudeo-crime is emblematic of why Trump is popular- we are sick of all your shiiite.

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‘Can I Press Charges?’ Report: "Secret Service Says Michelle Fields Touched Trump Before Lewandowski Intervened."

Donald Trump asks on his Twitter account whether he can “press charges” against Michelle Fields, as David Martosko of the Daily Mail prints purported quotes from an anonymous Secret Service agent in Trump’s security detail — claiming Fields was warned she was too close to the billionaire presidential candidate.

From the Daily Mail:

Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing a reporter, in a case that may hinge on a Secret Service claim that the journalist first made unwanted physical contact with the billionaire-turned-politician.

‘Victory press conference was over. Why is she allowed to grab me and shout questions? Can I press charges?’ Trump tweeted this afternoon.


Anywhere in the US, a citizen is allowed to defend himself or even a complete stranger against battery. When this woman grabbed Trump and the guy moved in to separate them, his action was lawful.

Let's not forget that Trump has Secret Service protection and it is Illegal to touch such a person.

The libs have lost their minds on this one - opportunists without a cause.

Edited by NeverSure
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What you see is the hidden arms of government trying to take down a candidate that is not beholden to them. The only candidate willing to protect the border and deport illegals. The only candidate to stop stupid trade deals. And the only candidate willing to question involvement in Nato and interference in other countries' internal affairs. It is especially telling that so many of the leftists on this forum who routinely berate the US for its manipulation and direction of other countries are attacking the only candidate willing to pull back american troops and manipulation of other countries. Same on the trade deals that leftists USUALLY attack as an international danger--except when the only candidate in the race, Trump, actually promises to do something to stop them.

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it could just be you attempting to commandeer a forum topic (Donald Trump's Campaign manager charged with battery),

to drone on and promote your myopic, marginalizing, simplistic agenda.

Edited by iReason
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‘Can I Press Charges?’ Report: "Secret Service Says Michelle Fields Touched Trump Before Lewandowski Intervened."
Donald Trump asks on his Twitter account whether he can “press charges” against Michelle Fields, as David Martosko of the Daily Mail prints purported quotes from an anonymous Secret Service agent in Trump’s security detail — claiming Fields was warned she was too close to the billionaire presidential candidate.
From the Daily Mail:
Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski has been charged with simple battery for allegedly grabbing a reporter, in a case that may hinge on a Secret Service claim that the journalist first made unwanted physical contact with the billionaire-turned-politician.
‘Victory press conference was over. Why is she allowed to grab me and shout questions? Can I press charges?’ Trump tweeted this afternoon.
Anywhere in the US, a citizen is allowed to defend himself or even a complete stranger against battery. When this woman grabbed Trump and the guy moved in to separate them, his action was lawful.
Let's not forget that Trump has Secret Service protection and it is Illegal to touch such a person.
The libs have lost their minds on this one - opportunists without a cause.

The beltway toadies, such as National Review, Townhall, Weekly Standard, and Commentary are showing what they are willing to do to keep control of the levers of power. One good thing will come of this, no matter what. The Republican establishment will be destroyed. And many of these people, who couldn't get themselves published anywhere else but Bill Buckley's subsidized vanity press, NRO, will never get another mass platform again.

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Of course the slurping, Trump fanboys can't get enough of this type of thing. What they fail to realize is that there's not enough of them to win the general election. Not even close to enough. The majority of Americans are disgusted by Trump and his campaign.

63% of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump.


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Just remember that she worked for Breitbart and was a "friendly".

An apology would have nipped it in the bud.

The idiot chose to lie through his teeth and has now been caught with his pants down, and his idiot boss is backing him.

I could understand the handwringing and wailing and gnashing if it was a Huff Post reporter, but it was one of their own.

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Of course the slurping, Trump fanboys can't get enough of this type of thing. What they fail to realize is that there's not enough of them to win the general election. Not even close to enough. The majority of Americans are disgusted by Trump and his campaign.

63% of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump.


The issues surrounding a discussion of a "majority of Americans" is rich with the deepest meaning for this election, especially why Sanders and Trump have such meaning- its a 3 minutes to midnight race to obtain "majority."

Your post may, of course, be correct. This does not render the posts and observations lately invalid. Trump has impetus because people are sick of the division, political correctness, and balkanization of America. Its hard to suggest a majority of people are sick of this (as you suggest) when a near majority of people are now on the public dole and soon to reach a tipping point in inculcating "division, political correctness, and balkanization" into America permanently. As America has woken up so late in the day its very likely we will all reach darkness without the clock being reset.

So, if a majority begins at 51%, your post is likely very true! However, this does not mean every and all observations about Trump and TV posters are incorrect. Only that the fire department was called too late. Good think millions more voters have been brought in to race to the "tipping point" threshold Malcolm Gladwell writes of. Once past this tipping point, there will never again be a "majority of Americans" espousing America First concepts- only division, other people's stuff, isolation, stigma, victimization, and more of other people's stuff.

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Trump's reaction is extreme, over the top. He's been banging away at it for days. Trump just loves those yes men.

Trump's March on Cleveland and his design to March on Washington are predicated on dismantling the whole of the system. Trump would tell us we don't need a constitutional convention. Once he finds out what that is. Ted Cruz is also confused about the Constitution but at least he mentions the document.

This is reminiscent of Europe in the 1920s and the 1930s. The guy is an airborne riot.

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What you see is the hidden arms of government trying to take down a candidate that is not beholden to them. The only candidate willing to protect the border and deport illegals. The only candidate to stop stupid trade deals. And the only candidate willing to question involvement in Nato and interference in other countries' internal affairs. It is especially telling that so many of the leftists on this forum who routinely berate the US for its manipulation and direction of other countries are attacking the only candidate willing to pull back american troops and manipulation of other countries. Same on the trade deals that leftists USUALLY attack as an international danger--except when the only candidate in the race, Trump, actually promises to do something to stop them.

Change doesn't necessarily mean better. Donald is the world's premier salesman, so he constantly says things that will get people riled up. It gets him free publicity, and he can claim everyone who is angry (at DC insiders or migrants) is on his side of the issues. Yet, doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean they will be better. You'll notice Trump doesn't articulate on policy statements. Instead, he'll make sweeping crowd-pleasing vague statements, with lots of repeats. Every sentence is lavished with superlatives (greatest/worst, wonderful/awful, huge/stupid), and then his minions are left to fill in the spaces.

In contrast, thinking people know that all those issues are many-faceted. There is no silver-bullet cure for any of them (though Trump supporters can't fathom that). Trump supporters are like people who have just been dumped by a lover and/or can never make a romance work. They pine away the hours hoping their knight in white armor comes galloping along to make everything right. Along comes Trump who promises them "You will be so happy with me!" (an actual quote from Trump, after his NH win), and the minions lap it up while pumping their fists in the air.

Note: Trump probably said the exact same words ("you will be so happy with me") to his first couple of wives. Look how long those flings lasted. Well, that line seems to work for him, when he wants to F' someone.

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Take another look at this. She's being aggressive, reaches out with her left hand and takes hold of Trump.

1. That's battery.

2. It's also illegal to touch anyone who has Secret Service Protection.

3. She was the aggressor and committing a crime and Trump's guy steps in, removes her arm, and steps between them.

4. Any citizen has the right to do that to protect any other citizen.

5. The Secret Service had already warned her that she was too close to Trump but she continued her aggression.


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Here are some police who've no doubt seen that video and are endorsing Trump for president.

"The National Border Patrol Council (NBPC) endorsed Donald Trump for President of the United States."

March 30, 2016

"The endorsement is the first-ever in a presidential primary for the NBPC. The agents’ statement makes clear that Trump’s public pledge to secure the border by turning to the actual agents in the NBPC is revolutionary and an opportunity never-before-seen and one that may never be seen again. They wrote, “Mr. Trump will take on special interest and embrace the ideas of rank-and-file Border Patrol agents rather than listening to the management yes-men who say whatever they are programmed to say."


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The Wall Street Journal:

“Mr. Trump laid out how he would run his campaign 30 years ago in his best seller “The Art of the Deal”:

“I play to people’s fantasies” and a “little hyperbole never hurts.”

“Sometimes, part of making a deal is denigrating your competition.”

“Controversy, in short, sells.”

“Good publicity is preferable to bad, but from a bottom-line perspective, bad publicity is sometimes better than no publicity at all.”

“I like making deals, preferably big deals. That’s how I get my kicks.”


Huckster. Charlatan. Fraudster. Hoaxter. Phony. Con-Man.


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Change doesn't necessarily mean better. Donald is the world's premier salesman, so he constantly says things that will get people riled up. It gets him free publicity, and he can claim everyone who is angry (at DC insiders or migrants) is on his side of the issues. Yet, doing things differently doesn't necessarily mean they will be better. You'll notice Trump doesn't articulate on policy statements. Instead, he'll make sweeping crowd-pleasing vague statements, with lots of repeats. Every sentence is lavished with superlatives (greatest/worst, wonderful/awful, huge/stupid), and then his minions are left to fill in the spaces.

In contrast, thinking people know that all those issues are many-faceted. There is no silver-bullet cure for any of them (though Trump supporters can't fathom that). Trump supporters are like people who have just been dumped by a lover and/or can never make a romance work. They pine away the hours hoping their knight in white armor comes galloping along to make everything right. Along comes Trump who promises them "You will be so happy with me!" (an actual quote from Trump, after his NH win), and the minions lap it up while pumping their fists in the air.

Note: Trump probably said the exact same words ("you will be so happy with me") to his first couple of wives. Look how long those flings lasted. Well, that line seems to work for him, when he wants to F' someone.

I think you are correct... about most of this. It is cause to remind me that Trump is the best bad option (IMO), not the best choice. I cannot say I have liked a president in my adult life so perhaps my bar is fantasy.

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Just picked this off the internet. Looks like the prosecution is all about politics and not about an assault.


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council
Published: 3 hours ago
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
I'm certain the liberals will attack the source so let's put an early stop to that nonsense.
Following is a link to the Palm Beach Post article in 2015 showing the prosecutor is, indeed, part of Hillary's election team.
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Just remember that she worked for Breitbart and was a "friendly".

An apology would have nipped it in the bud.

The idiot chose to lie through his teeth and has now been caught with his pants down, and his idiot boss is backing him.

I could understand the handwringing and wailing and gnashing if it was a Huff Post reporter, but it was one of their own.

Look at the video - there was no assault. Why should he admit guilt?

Her facial expression doesn't even change - which it would if she'd been hurt. She'd not even touched on her forearm where she claims to be bruised.


You really see an assault with hands, feet, fist & teeth there as she first reported?

Or any assault at all?

Edited by pedro01
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Just picked this off the internet. Looks like the prosecution is all about politics and not about an assault.


Put on Florida Democratic Party's campaign-endorsing council
Published: 3 hours ago
NEW YORK – The Florida prosecutor who brought battery charges against Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, supports Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president.
An article published by the Palm Beach Post on Nov. 17, 2015, has been circulating since Tuesday evening because it lists Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg as a member 150-member Florida Leadership Council, which was established by the Democratic Party to promote Hillary Clinton’s presidential candidacy.
The article states that Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg and Tax Collector Anne Gannon “are also part of Clinton’s Florida team.”
I'm certain the liberals will attack the source so let's put an early stop to that nonsense.
Following is a link to the Palm Beach Post article in 2015 showing the prosecutor is, indeed, part of Hillary's election team.

Political opportunism. American politics is corrupt. There is also the rigging of the Arizona election to ensure Hillary would win by reducing the polling stations by 70% and many had to queue up to 5 hours, and now a 100,000 signatures demanding a new election and a federal investigation. A party machine to ensure Hillary wins the nomination and the Republicans doing all they can to prevent Trump from being nominated. Nobody likes outsiders who might bring reforms to the political and media money machines. America is becoming more and more undemocratic by the minute. Echoes of the former plutocratic and oligarchic Soviet Union. And some TVF members would like to see the demise of the Republicans to morph the USA into a one party (Democrat) state. The whole political system on both sides needs an overhaul with the abolition of career politicians where money buys power and power corrupts absolutely

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Trump just keeps cozying up to women. He's such a male Oprah Winfrey:

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said on Wednesday that women who end pregnancies should face punishment if the United States bans abortion, prompting a torrent of negative reactions from critics, including his White House rivals.

I know he's trying to woo the Ted Cruz voters & Evangelical nutcase right, but he's sounding more Taliban than Teabag. tongue.png


It is getting harder to make the argument that he is not on the Democrat's payroll.

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As others have said or implied, it's an idiot woman trying to scam money for no justified reason.

She's lucky a secret service guy didn't grip her arm!

These bloodsucking leeches should be made an example of...

I hope Trump gets a million miles of positive press from it... I'm sure he will!

I wouldn't be so sure, the media establishment don't like Trump, they like Hillary since they know which side their bread is buttered. It's as if they are her personal media machine to the point of anti Trump alarm world wide. Ludicrous when all he's done is talk and actually done nothing. But nobody in the media calls for indictments of past Presidents causing and supporting wars and screwing over the american people for decades. Millions of deaths in the ME and all the media can talk about obsessively is Trump and Mussolini while America faces $20 Trillion national debt. Same nonsense repeated on TVF. Totally ludicrous IMO

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You may be right... I just "hope" he can make a big win out of the insanity. For all his "bluster", he makes some good sense to me. Somebody needs to take down the "Elite" "Insiders" or the US will go the way of the Roman and every other fallen empire

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