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Farangs outraged by Tesco Lotus commercial showing Thai maid being slapped (VIDEO)

Jonathan Fairfield

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Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

You can see her hand never touched the girl.

Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


hard to believe i know, but the issue is the mainstreaming of domestic violence. it is not the reality of the slap, but more to the point the cultural norm it perpetuates and validates.

and yes to another poster who was wised up enough to realize it was a parody of lakorn, which are the far greater culprit here.

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I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

Yeah, you're right. If there's domestic abuse somewhere else, that makes it OK in Thailand.

I'll remember that next time I'm criticized for touching someone's head or pointing at a holy relic. "It's okay somewhere else," I'll say.

Thanks diablo

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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

That is just the way it is done in acting circles. When Rocky decks his opponents he isn,t actually hitting them. Jeeeez !

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Many farangs are outraged that anyone in the world lives without the PC values and inhibitions they learned in their home countries.

There is a place where people live and think exactly like you would like them to live and think.

I can draw them a map to the airport if it helps!whistling.gif

So you're saying that it's part of Thai culture to abuse maids? It's okay and if you don't like it go home?

Just wanted to clear that up.

Exactly. Pathetic.

People on this site telling normal people to shut up and get a life etc.

Even as a spoof it sets a bad example as do 90% of the soaps.

The people that think this is ok are the idiots, not those complaining!

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Was it Thai visa righteous brigade who complained ?

From what I can see (mostly from the sidelines) is that these so-called righteous Farang are more interested in Thailand changing a bit for both Thais and Fang's safety and well-being. This add only goes to show how ingrained in the society this multi layer behavior norm is. And the lower levels of this society are susceptible of pushing the same buttons when they feel their in a position of power as well.

I haven't been all over the world so maybe this is the norm in 2nd/3rd world countries, I don't know.

But back to the bashing. There is just as much Farang bashing as Thai bashing.

It appears most of the Thai bashing is out of discuss and wishing Thailand was more advanced

It appears the Farang bashing is a little systematic.

I don't bash Thais per say as I try to say little if I've nothing good to say.

I feel I should bash Farang at times, when they act in a childish, righteous, braggart manor, but again, I'm not here to fight.

I also try to make sure I don't defend the side of a criminal element that is in the wrong.

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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

You obviously haven't witnessed how some Hiso treat their staff. This advert is a disgrace and I hope it has been banned.

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whether the maid was hit is not the point. the point is the implication that within thai culture abuse of domestic help is acceptable.

As far as I can tell, it IS acceptable in Thai culture.

It is not acceptable in any culture but the poor maids need the jobs so have to tolerate the vile pathetic behaviour of the hiso brigade who treat their staff worse than the dog. I think it fair to say that we would all like to see an advert where the maid wins the lottery and gives the hiso bitch a good slap.

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Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

You can see her hand never touched the girl.

Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


It is the principle not the action that people take exception to

You mean 'Farang' take exception to?

The Thai sense of humour is an acquired taste!

Thai advertising, in general, is way out there. The Isuzu D’max advert they used to play at the cinema always used to get me. Young Thai guy ripping the arse out of it on a gravel track, not a paint chip in sight, and they wonder why everyone is driving like a lunatic?

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Having witnessed the disgraceful way the Singaporeans treat Filipina house maids in person, I was shocked when I came here to LoS to find that same thing is percieved to be perfectly OK as well and flaunted on the Television nightly.

For those that have posted stuff like its not real its an advert, or get a life...the brutal truth is that these maids do not have a life.

The Thai soaps are a constant stream of physical and verbal abuse on a level that defies ordinary life anywhere else but S.E. Asia.

Read this about a right pair of sickos and then tell me that treating other people like caged animals is even slightly amusing or to be treated in an offhand manner..... Tesco should have been fined - they would have been in the UK.


Second the Singaporeans comment. Those people are some of the most entitled people I've met in Asia. They speak English so maybe they think they're all that, but I found them to be quite distasteful.

Edited by mesterm
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Many farangs are outraged that anyone in the world lives without the PC values and inhibitions they learned in their home countries.

There is a place where people live and think exactly like you would like them to live and think.

I can draw them a map to the airport if it helps!whistling.gif

So you're saying that it's part of Thai culture to abuse maids? It's okay and if you don't like it go home?

Just wanted to clear that up.

I am saying that maid abuse is a reality here.

"If you don't like it go home" is a phrase used way to often here on TV.

I avoid using that phrase even when I think it.

I'm just saying that there are places more to your liking, so why not just go away?

Clear enough?

It is a reality. That doesn't mean we have to celebrate it.

If I don't like adverts that depict abuse of maids as normal I should go away?

Seems a bit drastic, doesn't it? I could just speak out about it and stay.

Maybe he wants us all to leave so he can have more cheap beer and women for himself.

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On a more serious note:

As an avid Treky, I feel I ought to point out the Prime Directive:

The Prime Directive prohibits Starfleet personnel from interfering with the internal development of alien civilizations. This conceptual law applies particularly to civilizations which are below a certain threshold of technological, scientific and cultural development; preventing star ship crews from using their superior technology to impose their own values or ideals on them.

Basically speaking, any given civilization should be allowed to develop at its own rate, without interference from outside parties, parties with the belief that their way is the better way!

Thailand was doing just fine before they became westernised. Just ask some of the long term expats.

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She didn't even slap her. Her hand was actually about 6 inches from her face. Farangs with nothing better to do. I think they may be getting upset with all the news about Thais being outraged about this and that and don't want to be outdone.

Get a life people, It's a commercial.

I've seen much worse in commercials and programs in various other countries.

Then just go back and put your head in the sand and leave more sensible thinking people to help improve society, and that include teaching children the difference between right and wrong. Oh and just before you put your head in the sand take a Red Bull drink it might remind you of something.

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Next !!!Why would anybody get upset?

You can see her hand never touched the girl.

Too many farangs with nothing to do but complain.


Yep Farrangs exporting there offence and outrage to Thailand. My god I hope this doesnt become common place. Thought id left this nonsence back in the UK. Next non story.
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Many farangs are outraged that anyone in the world lives without the PC values and inhibitions they learned in their home countries.

There is a place where people live and think exactly like you would like them to live and think.

I can draw them a map to the airport if it helps!whistling.gif

So you're saying that it's part of Thai culture to abuse maids? It's okay and if you don't like it go home?

Just wanted to clear that up.

Exactly. Pathetic.

People on this site telling normal people to shut up and get a life etc.

Even as a spoof it sets a bad example as do 90% of the soaps.

The people that think this is ok are the idiots, not those complaining!

No one said the people complaining are idiots,not at all, just a herd of old farts stuck up by the politicaly correctcoffee1.gif

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"The Thai-language advert, which is meant to be light-hearted and targeted at a Thai audience, shows the maid dropping a plate of crisps into the lap of her boss who then gets up and slaps the maid across the face.

But in the next scene when the boss is told by the maid that Tesco Lotus has a promotion offering huge discounts, she says to the maid “Mai pen rai,” or It’s okay.”

What sort of dumb #@%*, dip sh$t, <deleted> wit moron thinks this a good idea?

It's not humorous, it's just violence.


It depicts the ugly relationship between hiso and loso.

The ass that thought this up ought to be slapped around a bit, and so his bosses who allowed this to be aired.

shame on you Tesco Lotus.

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LOL.disgraceful advert.

Takes farangs to point it outthats even more disgraceful.

Odd,North America television in general, not to mention adverts, is disgraceful, not for violence to women, but for creeping serious brain atrophy.

Farangs there can't get enough of it

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