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Motorbikers to stage a 'show of force' against traffic ban


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So what's the point of bikers paying road tax if they are banned from many of the main arteries connecting Bangkok?

This is just another money grabbing excercise by the biggest mafia in Thailand

Trade that bike in for a pickup truck or bicycle...

you cant snatch bags from a pick up truck and a bicycle just isn't macho enough.

For rich Thai it's very macho to have a bicycle, they buy the most expensive ones and full gear. There are big groups of them now in BKK and they are tired of cycling circles in their moobaans. They feel more safe in groups on the roads so that's what they do now when we have a cool day. They don't take frontroads though but mainroads and they also are too good to stop for red lights.

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Am i the only one who thinks the law makers have it all arse backwards?

Surely they should be thinking how to keep the cars out of the city and unclog the roads, Would be a much better idea to promote 2 wheeled transport in the city such as scooters, bicycles, or even ebikes,

Introduce a heavy congestion charge for cars in the city for example, take 50% of the taxis of the roads and no body would notice, curb the criminal driving antics of vans and busses,

These measures alone would significantly reduce the road death toll and pollution.

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So what's the point of bikers paying road tax if they are banned from many of the main arteries connecting Bangkok?

This is just another money grabbing excercise by the biggest mafia in Thailand

How much road tax do they pay per year? Oh yeah that's right 100 measly Baht. And that's for a 125cc motorcycle actually. And about 323 for 3rd party insurance.

How much do I pay to keep my 3L 4x4 top end pickup on the road, yes that's right 6800 Baht per year. Plus another 15000 per year for 1st class insurance.

If that's the case, motorcycles should only get access to 1/68 of the road space of cars!

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So what's the point of bikers paying road tax if they are banned from many of the main arteries connecting Bangkok?

This is just another money grabbing excercise by the biggest mafia in Thailand

Trade that bike in for a pickup truck or bicycle...

And add to the traffic congestion in Bkk. Brilliant idea!

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'The protesting motorcyclists will all tie a piece of black cloth on the left mirror ...' So keeping the right hand one clear for the important task of blackhead squeezing. Wonder what they will do if the BiB ever get around to properly doing their job: forcing them to ride on the road, obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossings clear, avoid blocking junctions ...

Obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossing clear, avoid blocking junctions......

Are you even a motorist in Bangkok? Most of what you said are actually committed by cars, pickups and not bikes. Bikes don't block junctions as they can weave their way around traffic.

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So what's the point of bikers paying road tax if they are banned from many of the main arteries connecting Bangkok?

This is just another money grabbing excercise by the biggest mafia in Thailand

How much road tax do they pay per year? Oh yeah that's right 100 measly Baht. And that's for a 125cc motorcycle actually. And about 323 for 3rd party insurance.

How much do I pay to keep my 3L 4x4 top end pickup on the road, yes that's right 6800 Baht per year. Plus another 15000 per year for 1st class insurance.

If that's the case, motorcycles should only get access to 1/68 of the road space of cars!

Why on earth do you need a 3L 4x4 vehicle in (presumably) Bangkok? The most offroading you are likely to do is to park your monstrosity on the kerb.

I do also pay 15,000 baht per year for each of my big bikes. But what does that have to do with the right to use public roads? I use less fuel than you and pollute the air less than you and take up less space and spend less time on the roads. It's therefore only right that you should pay more for road tax.

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'The protesting motorcyclists will all tie a piece of black cloth on the left mirror ...' So keeping the right hand one clear for the important task of blackhead squeezing. Wonder what they will do if the BiB ever get around to properly doing their job: forcing them to ride on the road, obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossings clear, avoid blocking junctions ...

Obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossing clear, avoid blocking junctions......

Are you even a motorist in Bangkok? Most of what you said are actually committed by cars, pickups and not bikes. Bikes don't block junctions as they can weave their way around traffic.

Yes, the hard knocks against my side mirrors can attest to these hit and flee vermins...

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'The protesting motorcyclists will all tie a piece of black cloth on the left mirror ...' So keeping the right hand one clear for the important task of blackhead squeezing. Wonder what they will do if the BiB ever get around to properly doing their job: forcing them to ride on the road, obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossings clear, avoid blocking junctions ...

Obey the lights, keep pedestrian crossing clear, avoid blocking junctions......

Are you even a motorist in Bangkok? Most of what you said are actually committed by cars, pickups and not bikes. Bikes don't block junctions as they can weave their way around traffic.

Yes, the hard knocks against my side mirrors can attest to these hit and flee vermins...

Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

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I detect a massive ammount of jealousy of bikes. Usually this comes about because of the fact that most pretty women prefer a biker to an old fart in an air conditioned box trundling along in a hat. Bikers have every right to protest. Not using tunnels and flyovers often means waiting at red lights with cars for several minutes. It is hot, have a heart. We have our babes to think about.

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I detect a massive ammount of jealousy of bikes. Usually this comes about because of the fact that most pretty women prefer a biker to an old fart in an air conditioned box trundling along in a hat. Bikers have every right to protest. Not using tunnels and flyovers often means waiting at red lights with cars for several minutes. It is hot, have a heart. We have our babes to think about.

By babes you mean the few hours old foetuses in those pretty women?

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Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

Same here, but what annoys me most is when cars try and force me off the road when they change lanes. Then I purposely make sure I hit the mirror so hard that the entire thing breaks off.

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Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

Same here, but what annoys me most is when cars try and force me off the road when they change lanes. Then I purposely make sure I hit the mirror so hard that the entire thing breaks off.

That's why some frustrated motorists carry 11mm...

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Motorcyclists have always been and always will be treated like 2nd class citizens in Thailand.

Which is very lucky. Should they drive like they do in a developed country, they would be locked up citizens...

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That's why some frustrated motorists carry 11mm...

I only do it to people who deserve it :-) Like the idiot foreign Fortuner driver on the Bangna Trad road near Mega Bangna. He purposely tried to force me off the road when he wanted to turn into Mega Bangna, while I was going straight. I made sure that I took his mirror off and gave a good hard kick to his door before continuing on my merry way.

I have accidently bumped a mirror once and I stopped to apologise and checked for damage. There was none and both of us were happy and back on our way.

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Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

Same here, but what annoys me most is when cars try and force me off the road when they change lanes. Then I purposely make sure I hit the mirror so hard that the entire thing breaks off.

That's why some frustrated motorists carry 11mm...

Most are frustrated because of sitting in a tin box often hours long going nowhere.

Edited by tingtongfarang
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Am i the only one who thinks the law makers have it all arse backwards?

Surely they should be thinking how to keep the cars out of the city and unclog the roads, Would be a much better idea to promote 2 wheeled transport in the city such as scooters, bicycles, or even ebikes,

Introduce a heavy congestion charge for cars in the city for example, take 50% of the taxis of the roads and no body would notice, curb the criminal driving antics of vans and busses,

These measures alone would significantly reduce the road death toll and pollution.

Yes or allow only vehicles in the city with 2 or more passengers in it, mostly it's only the driver. And get rid of cars parked on the roads, especially taxi's or minibuses. Also songtaews hold up all the traffic, same as pushcarts.

They just do nothing at all to keep the traffic flowing and now blame it on the motocycles.

Today i saw many motocycles without licenseplate, guess we'll see more everyday if they start using camera's on them.

The police make themselves the joke of the city with these silly rules.

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If the motorcycles were forced to act halfway like all the loudmouths think they should, just watch how much worse traffic would be in Bangkok.

As a side note,rode my bicycle over Yammorat intersection as usual today around 6pm. Lots of motoecycles as well.

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Chances are that I'm one of these vermins. I take delight in hitting the side mirrors of motorists who don't stay in a single file and straddle the lines instead. I've even been known to push the side mirror all the way forward and the mirror pops out with a satisfying sound when released.

Same here, but what annoys me most is when cars try and force me off the road when they change lanes. Then I purposely make sure I hit the mirror so hard that the entire thing breaks off.

Hate those <deleted> too

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All motocy's should stay totally left for week, and horn loud to ANYBODY trying to push them of the road. Then this nonsense will be over fast.

On chaengwattana is only one bridge now where motocy's can't cross. All others are still open for them. Not that anybody cares though.

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