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Islamic State: Up to $800m of funds 'destroyed by strikes'


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Islamic State: Up to $800m of funds 'destroyed by strikes'

WASHINGTON: -- Up to $800m (£550m) in cash held by so-called Islamic State (IS) has been destroyed in air strikes, a US military official says.

Maj Gen Peter Gersten, who is based in Baghdad, said the US had repeatedly targeted stores of the group's funds.

The blow to the group's financing has contributed to a 90% jump in defections and a drop in new arrivals, he said.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-36145301

-- BBC 2016-04-27

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Putin said most of their troops were mercenaries, and were willing to fight for who paid more. That's why they went after the so called good guys.

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Just before we all go out to celebrate, I am dubious about such stories. If ISIS is only 25,000 strong (presumably between Syria and Iraq), as the newspaper report seems to state, why can't they be easily rubbed out by far superior forces? Yes, I have heard about the superior weaponry as compared with the Iraqi army but tanks and gun emplacements can be easily targeted by US air strikes.

Destroying dollar bills is only a sideshow. Even assuming the unverifiable $800 million was destroyed, they are still left with about $48,000 per man out of their budget of $1.2billion.

The key to destroying ISIS is to first deprive them of their resources, in this case their ability to make money. That includes destroying their ability to sell or even use oil and to cut their trade links. Second, to take the battle to them. Remember, this is not just any old terrorist organisation - this is a terror organisation with territory.

We have to remember that ISIS was not successful just on their own. They were helped by the Syrian terror government, the way the US and its allies behaved in Iraq, including allowing Iraq to be run by a Shia government that was very sectarian for a long time. Not to mention the original invasion of Iraq to find those mythical weapons of mass destruction.

Now the Obama administration is trying to destroy ISIS with some rhetoric, bombing their alleged cash stash, a quasi alliance with the dictator Assad and 500 special forces as trainers/mentors. Hmmmmm.......

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