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Police children involved in handicapped man's death "will be prosecuted like everyone else"


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a "fair treatment" in Thailand: a small fine and a suspended sentence....

Yeah harsh treatment..... a fine, a visit to the temple, payment for the cremation of the man and a public apology.....thats accepted with a smile......while the rest of the world frowns!!!!

Justice is a show....

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...egging on!...I think they mean Instigator...aid and abetted...therefor treated as if she too is a principal offender along with the others..the seriousness of her involvement and the degree of involvememt of each of them will be determined by the court.

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Let's just hope the government/justice system does make an example of these guys/gals to show that they are doing the right thing and show us there is some attempt at justice being served in Thailand. Let's also hope that the news media and Thai Visa follow the case so we all see what happens. All too often we never get the results months down the road as it seems it is not news anymore.

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""Claims that the men acted in self defence will also be examined, he said.""

And there it is; the "Get out of Jail free" card! :-(

Yep , you got it.

We spend a lot of time applying civilised principles and norms to a society we forget is developing .

Lets remember parts of the world where rape victims are blamed and shunned.

Where woman get stoned to death.

Thailand is a basket case.

Coups and elite vs masses.

Violence increasing over frustrations and economic woes.

Barbaric attacks.

Statements like this.

Self defence.

It's really a speechless retort.

The handicapped community and families in Thailand I feel pity for if Police can sweep this one under a table.

Keeping it alive on this thread alone would make the authorities annoyed.

Hard to pardon killers with farang world watching.

Then again life is cheap.

Westerners though care little about indigenous people killing one another.

But the violence threads never seem to stop.

Not for their frequency but the police statements.

Scary really , and makes you wonder about the suicides deemed by authorities quick on the scene where westerners jumping off verandahs in Pattaya are concerned.?

I mean how high up is this corruption?

Self defence?

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Claims that the men acted in self defence will also be examined, he said. Well, Well. ! On the grounds that six strong young men with pangas (and don't forget "THEY WERE DRUNK") attack a cripple man in public without any weaponry can only be seen in Thailand as a vicious abusing of the law. These turks are guilty and should not get less than 15 years in jail. These barbaric attacks on locals and foreigners is damaging the image of Thailand and THE GOVERNMENT should take notice of it. Find another way how these turks can show the people of Thailand that they have grown up from been a teenager to become adult men. It is not necessary to show it in violence. For some of them it is the only way to show the world, that he is not a teenager any more but an adult, Allow your child to make mistakes as long as safety and long-term future are not at risk. Talk to your teenager about the consequences of his or her choices in an empathic and understanding way. Unfortunately this last sentence in my writing is totally ignored by most Thai parents and they should be hold liable for the actions of their children.

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i know it from the begining thats these well connected thai criminals will not spend one day in jail.

Obviously it will go from a "violent murder" to a "self defence " case.

Beware, life is dirt cheap here.

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The police parents taught their children right from wrong, INCORRECT.

The police parents taught their children they could do no wrong in the eyes of the law.

Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity....and certainly police parents seem To as you say to act the Mr Big around the area and it's quite clear there beyond the law..mostly..unless social media gets to,see something!! then it's dragged out till they can be moved to inactive posts for awhile

That just means you don't know many Thai people.

What an ignorant statement that is. I know lot's of well-balanced families here with very well behaved and respectful kids.

Both people I have worked with but also in the village I live in. The kids are wonderful. I am one of the few westerners here. The kids are in and out of each others houses all the time, including ours.

You need to spend less time in the gutter. Of course, the drug addicted kids of single-parent prostitutes will not have had good parenting.

Interesting. Good thing you have such a sweeping knowledge of Thai people to enlighten us with. So. According to you, the miscreants who are the topic here are drug-addicted kids not from "well-balanced families", and the cops who are their parents are married to prostitutes? My, that's a lot of insight!


Your comprehension skills are lacking.

Read the post I am replying to.

Interesting reply to my first post...First of all I don't know any drug taking people never mind prostitutes and never been in any gutter but I understand what your inferrring..however you've picked the wrong guy as I don't and never have mixed in the sort of lifestyle your indicating. Also I too have have lived in the villages and been the only Falang for miles and I too have gone into the homes to help kids with there English to try and improve there lot...I stand by what I say that very little input is given to most of the youngsters and certainly not to help them better there lives... It's a basic input based on what they had as youngsters but still no effort to teach or to reach outside there narrow lifestyle. Also so many kids are left to there own devices or left with relations or friends while parents are else where.. Also I never said at any time that the kids aren't wonderful..I agree for the most part they are...however they are not given the right tools from a early age to deal with what comes later when they get older..!!! Fact ! Look at the predominant Thai male in late teens or early 20's...I rest my case...Education is the key and sadly lacking for most....A Thai male at 21 is very very immature and very childish and probably equal to a 12/14 in the western world! But they have all the benefits of that age ,i.e. Drink driving etc....if they were taught better lots of problems wouldn't happen...and yes I know some Thai males aren't like this..but that's a very small minority !!! Hope that clears some points up for you !!

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I read in a report of another crime that the police were considering prosecuting the parents of the criminals.

I wonder if they will also consider prosecuting the parents of the 18 and 19 year-olds in this case?

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I read in a report of another crime that the police were considering prosecuting the parents of the criminals.

I wonder if they will also consider prosecuting the parents of the 18 and 19 year-olds in this case?

Oh if only. (And in the west, too!)

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The police parents taught their children right from wrong, INCORRECT.

The police parents taught their children they could do no wrong in the eyes of the law.

Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity....and certainly police parents seem To as you say to act the Mr Big around the area and it's quite clear there beyond the law..mostly..unless social media gets to,see something!! then it's dragged out till they can be moved to inactive posts for awhile

That just means you don't know many Thai people.

What an ignorant statement that is. I know lot's of well-balanced families here with very well behaved and respectful kids.

Both people I have worked with but also in the village I live in. The kids are wonderful. I am one of the few westerners here. The kids are in and out of each others houses all the time, including ours.

You need to spend less time in the gutter. Of course, the drug addicted kids of single-parent prostitutes will not have had good parenting.

Interesting. Good thing you have such a sweeping knowledge of Thai people to enlighten us with. So. According to you, the miscreants who are the topic here are drug-addicted kids not from "well-balanced families", and the cops who are their parents are married to prostitutes? My, that's a lot of insight!


Your comprehension skills are lacking.

Read the post I am replying to.

Interesting reply to my first post...First of all I don't know any drug taking people never mind prostitutes and never been in any gutter but I understand what your inferrring..however you've picked the wrong guy as I don't and never have mixed in the sort of lifestyle your indicating. Also I too have have lived in the villages and been the only Falang for miles and I too have gone into the homes to help kids with there English to try and improve there lot...I stand by what I say that very little input is given to most of the youngsters and certainly not to help them better there lives... It's a basic input based on what they had as youngsters but still no effort to teach or to reach outside there narrow lifestyle. Also so many kids are left to there own devices or left with relations or friends while parents are else where.. Also I never said at any time that the kids aren't wonderful..I agree for the most part they are...however they are not given the right tools from a early age to deal with what comes later when they get older..!!! Fact ! Look at the predominant Thai male in late teens or early 20's...I rest my case...Education is the key and sadly lacking for most....A Thai male at 21 is very very immature and very childish and probably equal to a 12/14 in the western world! But they have all the benefits of that age ,i.e. Drink driving etc....if they were taught better lots of problems wouldn't happen...and yes I know some Thai males aren't like this..but that's a very small minority !!! Hope that clears some points up for you !!

So let me get this right. You have lived in a village and have been the only farang for miles - yet you witnessed no drug taking nor met any prostitutes? These must be very unique Thai villages you live in. One can only presume you know a lot of cashiers.

Obviously, you are referring to poverty stricken rural villages which is why you make those broad brush strokes that all Thai parents are bad. Lots of alcohol/drug abuse, lots of single parents and of course, lots of prostitutes that leave their kids with the grandparents whilst they work as 'cashiers' in Pattaya.

This is the bottom of the social ladder in Thailand. The poorest and least educated people in the country. How do you get to presuming you are an expert in Thai parenting across society when you are stuck at the bottom of it?

It's the equivalent to going to a council estate in Walsall, UK and judging all British people by their behavior. Or going to some redneck trailer park and judging all Americans.

Like I said - you need to spend less time in the gutter. I know plenty of Thai people that are fantastic parents. In fact, I would go as far as to say amongst the hundreds of Thai parents I know, the worst behavior I have seen is them pushing the kids a bit too hard at school.

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The police parents taught their children right from wrong, INCORRECT.

The police parents taught their children they could do no wrong in the eyes of the law.

Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity....and certainly police parents seem To as you say to act the Mr Big around the area and it's quite clear there beyond the law..mostly..unless social media gets to,see something!! then it's dragged out till they can be moved to inactive posts for awhile

That just means you don't know many Thai people.

What an ignorant statement that is. I know lot's of well-balanced families here with very well behaved and respectful kids.

Both people I have worked with but also in the village I live in. The kids are wonderful. I am one of the few westerners here. The kids are in and out of each others houses all the time, including ours.

You need to spend less time in the gutter. Of course, the drug addicted kids of single-parent prostitutes will not have had good parenting.

Interesting. Good thing you have such a sweeping knowledge of Thai people to enlighten us with. So. According to you, the miscreants who are the topic here are drug-addicted kids not from "well-balanced families", and the cops who are their parents are married to prostitutes? My, that's a lot of insight!


Your comprehension skills are lacking.

Read the post I am replying to.

Interesting reply to my first post...First of all I don't know any drug taking people never mind prostitutes and never been in any gutter but I understand what your inferrring..however you've picked the wrong guy as I don't and never have mixed in the sort of lifestyle your indicating. Also I too have have lived in the villages and been the only Falang for miles and I too have gone into the homes to help kids with there English to try and improve there lot...I stand by what I say that very little input is given to most of the youngsters and certainly not to help them better there lives... It's a basic input based on what they had as youngsters but still no effort to teach or to reach outside there narrow lifestyle. Also so many kids are left to there own devices or left with relations or friends while parents are else where.. Also I never said at any time that the kids aren't wonderful..I agree for the most part they are...however they are not given the right tools from a early age to deal with what comes later when they get older..!!! Fact ! Look at the predominant Thai male in late teens or early 20's...I rest my case...Education is the key and sadly lacking for most....A Thai male at 21 is very very immature and very childish and probably equal to a 12/14 in the western world! But they have all the benefits of that age ,i.e. Drink driving etc....if they were taught better lots of problems wouldn't happen...and yes I know some Thai males aren't like this..but that's a very small minority !!! Hope that clears some points up for you !!

So let me get this right. You have lived in a village and have been the only farang for miles - yet you witnessed no drug taking nor met any prostitutes? These must be very unique Thai villages you live in. One can only presume you know a lot of cashiers.

Obviously, you are referring to poverty stricken rural villages which is why you make those broad brush strokes that all Thai parents are bad. Lots of alcohol/drug abuse, lots of single parents and of course, lots of prostitutes that leave their kids with the grandparents whilst they work as 'cashiers' in Pattaya.

This is the bottom of the social ladder in Thailand. The poorest and least educated people in the country. How do you get to presuming you are an expert in Thai parenting across society when you are stuck at the bottom of it?

It's the equivalent to going to a council estate in Walsall, UK and judging all British people by their behavior. Or going to some redneck trailer park and judging all Americans.

Like I said - you need to spend less time in the gutter. I know plenty of Thai people that are fantastic parents. In fact, I would go as far as to say amongst the hundreds of Thai parents I know, the worst behavior I have seen is them pushing the kids a bit too hard at school.

Wow..once again you have excelled yourself..I wrongly guessed to could read and digest what I wrote but sadly I gave you to much credit...Interesting you accuse me of making sweeping statements and proceed to do the same yourself...So your saying that all Thai parents that leave there children travel to work as prostitutes or 'cashiers' Mmm so actually where I stay there are many many factories with the younger end of Thais working and earning a living and supporting there families back in there villages miles from where they work. I didn't anywhere say that Thai parents are bad...What I said is,and stand by it,that most Thai parents don't prepare and give sufficient input to there kids !! And the statement that the you judge people in poor villages as the poorest end of the scale says even more about your actual perception of the situation...Yes I actually stay in those so called poor rural villages where the 'bottom of the social ladder' live (quote) and the people there are great and I have never looked on them as low class or in disparaging terms that you use !! Yes the males drink to much but they live a simple life and without the violence that these upstanding!!! higher class of people including policemen and there sons !!! And yes I have never come across drugs there either..I'm sure it is going on but I've never seen it...So I think you should wind your neck in and read what I put and understand what I'm saying as clearly you don't ! And as for pushing kids at school...yes I will agree with you but the can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear !! The content and input of the Thai education system for the majority is more than sadly lacking....Now I'm not continuing with this conversation with you and happy to agree to disagree but I hope your reading skills will improve and you then might understand fully what I'm saying....In closing once again I have never spent time in the gutter as you describe it but I must say you seem to have a good comprehension about what happens there !! Wonder how that is ???!!!!! And what bracket do you put the red bull guy in !! Or the HiSo woman who crashed into the couple !!! And so on and so on!! Guess there upstanding high life that have learnt from there rich parents and the perfect example there parents have set ! Interesting how in your idylic life style you should know the difference or not in cashiers and prostitutes!! LOL I rest my case....

Edited by Nigeone
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The police parents taught their children right from wrong, INCORRECT.

The police parents taught their children they could do no wrong in the eyes of the law.

Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity....and certainly police parents seem To as you say to act the Mr Big around the area and it's quite clear there beyond the law..mostly..unless social media gets to,see something!! then it's dragged out till they can be moved to inactive posts for awhile

That just means you don't know many Thai people.

What an ignorant statement that is. I know lot's of well-balanced families here with very well behaved and respectful kids.

Both people I have worked with but also in the village I live in. The kids are wonderful. I am one of the few westerners here. The kids are in and out of each others houses all the time, including ours.

You need to spend less time in the gutter. Of course, the drug addicted kids of single-parent prostitutes will not have had good parenting.

Interesting. Good thing you have such a sweeping knowledge of Thai people to enlighten us with. So. According to you, the miscreants who are the topic here are drug-addicted kids not from "well-balanced families", and the cops who are their parents are married to prostitutes? My, that's a lot of insight!


Your comprehension skills are lacking.

Read the post I am replying to.

Interesting reply to my first post...First of all I don't know any drug taking people never mind prostitutes and never been in any gutter but I understand what your inferrring..however you've picked the wrong guy as I don't and never have mixed in the sort of lifestyle your indicating. Also I too have have lived in the villages and been the only Falang for miles and I too have gone into the homes to help kids with there English to try and improve there lot...I stand by what I say that very little input is given to most of the youngsters and certainly not to help them better there lives... It's a basic input based on what they had as youngsters but still no effort to teach or to reach outside there narrow lifestyle. Also so many kids are left to there own devices or left with relations or friends while parents are else where.. Also I never said at any time that the kids aren't wonderful..I agree for the most part they are...however they are not given the right tools from a early age to deal with what comes later when they get older..!!! Fact ! Look at the predominant Thai male in late teens or early 20's...I rest my case...Education is the key and sadly lacking for most....A Thai male at 21 is very very immature and very childish and probably equal to a 12/14 in the western world! But they have all the benefits of that age ,i.e. Drink driving etc....if they were taught better lots of problems wouldn't happen...and yes I know some Thai males aren't like this..but that's a very small minority !!! Hope that clears some points up for you !!

So let me get this right. You have lived in a village and have been the only farang for miles - yet you witnessed no drug taking nor met any prostitutes? These must be very unique Thai villages you live in. One can only presume you know a lot of cashiers.

Obviously, you are referring to poverty stricken rural villages which is why you make those broad brush strokes that all Thai parents are bad. Lots of alcohol/drug abuse, lots of single parents and of course, lots of prostitutes that leave their kids with the grandparents whilst they work as 'cashiers' in Pattaya.

This is the bottom of the social ladder in Thailand. The poorest and least educated people in the country. How do you get to presuming you are an expert in Thai parenting across society when you are stuck at the bottom of it?

It's the equivalent to going to a council estate in Walsall, UK and judging all British people by their behavior. Or going to some redneck trailer park and judging all Americans.

Like I said - you need to spend less time in the gutter. I know plenty of Thai people that are fantastic parents. In fact, I would go as far as to say amongst the hundreds of Thai parents I know, the worst behavior I have seen is them pushing the kids a bit too hard at school.

Wow..once again you have excelled yourself..I wrongly guessed to could read and digest what I wrote but sadly I gave you to much credit...Interesting you accuse me of making sweeping statements and proceed to do the same yourself...So your saying that all Thai parents that leave there children travel to work as prostitutes or 'cashiers' Mmm so actually where I stay there are many many factories with the younger end of Thais working and earning a living and supporting there families back in there villages miles from where they work. I didn't anywhere say that Thai parents are bad...What I said is,and stand by it,that most Thai parents don't prepare and give sufficient input to there kids !! And the statement that the you judge people in poor villages as the poorest end of the scale says even more about your actual perception of the situation...Yes I actually stay in those so called poor rural villages where the 'bottom of the social ladder' live (quote) and the people there are great and I have never looked on them as low class or in disparaging terms that you use !! Yes the males drink to much but they live a simple life and without the violence that these upstanding!!! higher class of people including policemen and there sons !!! And yes I have never come across drugs there either..I'm sure it is going on but I've never seen it...So I think you should wind your neck in and read what I put and understand what I'm saying as clearly you don't ! And as for pushing kids at school...yes I will agree with you but the can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear !! The content and input of the Thai education system for the majority is more than sadly lacking....Now I'm not continuing with this conversation with you and happy to agree to disagree but I hope your reading skills will improve and you then might understand fully what I'm saying....In closing once again I have never spent time in the gutter as you describe it but I must say you seem to have a good comprehension about what happens there !! Wonder how that is ???!!!!! And what bracket do you put the red bull guy in !! Or the HiSo woman who crashed into the couple !!! And so on and so on!! Guess there upstanding high life that have learnt from there rich parents and the perfect example there parents have set ! Interesting how in your idylic life style you should know the difference or not in cashiers and prostitutes!! LOL I rest my case....

It's you making the sweeping and derogatory statements "Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child"

And I will repeat that this is merely an opinion based in ignorance.

When I say "lots of", I do not mean "all". Neither would anyone think I did. It's you that makes wide and disparaging sweeping statements about the locals.

As for me looking down on people, your comment that "the people are great here" - is rather hollow considering the contempt you hold them in.

I do understand that these police 'children' are rotten - and likely parenting has been below par. But the disabled guy they killed was also a parent, a hard working parent and I have would wager he was likely a decent parent that DID give worthwhile input to his children. Certainly, his work ethic was admirable.

Yet you would write him off with all other Thai parents as never providing worthwhile input whilst simultaneously telling us "these locals are jolly good fellows".

Edited by Dagnabbit
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Once again you fail to understand what I'm saying..Once again I will briefly try to explain. There is no link between parents being really nice people and giving worthwhile input to there kids. In fact to be perfectly honest it's the Thai education system over countless years that's at fault... Certainly not the Thai parents..however if there not given the tools and for the most part there not they only go on how they were brought up. Thai people generally are!! lovely people....Do most Thai parents give enough input to there children...In my opinion no they don't for the reasons above..Hope that clarity's it for you !! Enjoy your day !

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Once again you fail to understand what I'm saying..Once again I will briefly try to explain. There is no link between parents being really nice people and giving worthwhile input to there kids. In fact to be perfectly honest it's the Thai education system over countless years that's at fault... Certainly not the Thai parents..however if there not given the tools and for the most part there not they only go on how they were brought up. Thai people generally are!! lovely people....Do most Thai parents give enough input to there children...In my opinion no they don't for the reasons above..Hope that clarity's it for you !! Enjoy your day !

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Your comments are xenophobic, borne through ignorance.

"Actually I have never seen a Thai parent giving any worth while input to a Thai child...i.e. Anyone between the ages of zero to infinity...."

All this statement shows is that you don't know many Thai parents. I know hundreds. People that have worked for me, people that I live amongst. I also know plenty of accomplished Thais who credit their parents with helping them get where they were. I've had graduates working for me whose parents pushed them to be the first generation to go to University.

I cannot agree with your conclusion that they are all useless as parents.

Again - look at the lesson of the victim here, his work ethic. You don't think that qualifies as "worthwhile input".

Any time you make wide sweeping statements about a segment of the worlds population, you are simply telegraphing your own ignorance.

Edited by Dagnabbit
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