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Embassies In Bangkok Receives Attacking Threat


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Lifelover and others...I'm really on dangerous grounds, don't like religious forums (betrays my ignorance of religions)....However,

Good posts, a plethora of issues and contributing factors that cause us all to examine whether terrorism (murder) is the result of a religious agenda or the result of some form of covert "imperialism"...some may say "nationalism".

It is OK for Muslims to kill innocent men, women and children in the name of religion?

Is it OK for governments to do the same (covertly or overtly) under the name of "national" security?

Is the perceived threat to a religion more important than the perceived threat to a nation?

The founders of the US felt it very important that there be a separation of Church and State.

The fact that there are many Muslim countries and NOT a single Muslim country is largely due to greed (money) and the amount of control enjoyed by the ruling factions...Don't think that this is solely a trait largely attributed to "imperialism, capitalism, colonialism, or any other particular 'isms"

Until we have a global solution I would ask this QUESTION...

How many Christians, Buddhist, or Hindus have recently flown planes into public building that killed thousands? How many have climbed on board a bus with women and children and blown themselves up? How many have place bombs aboard a train and killed hundreds of innocents? How many have place bombs outside Embassies (worldwide) and killed hundreds? How many have burned schools and killed soldiers, policeman and Monks in Thailand? AND have done so with premeditated malice and intent!!!

For the most part Muslims factions have claimed responsibility for the murders...Be it a small percentage of Muslims...I don't know, but I believe that as many of the forum posters have stated...If the Muslim community REALLY believes that this terrorism is MURDER and that it is being committed by Muslims in the name of Islam/Mohammad than THEY, as believing members of the faith, are responsible for stopping it !!!!!!!!!!! Either be the solution or the problem. :o

The CIA, the Irish Republican Army, Basque Separatists, Black Panthers, The PLO, the FBI, the KGB, the Catholic Church, the Hari Krishnas, British Inteligence,

and Al Queda just to name a few have all committed hundreds of thousands of atrocities around the world. Where have you been living your whole life?

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How many Christians, Buddhist, or Hindus have recently flown planes into public building that killed thousands? How many have climbed on board a bus with women and children and blown themselves up? How many have place bombs aboard a train and killed hundreds of innocents? How many have place bombs outside Embassies (worldwide) and killed hundreds? How many have burned schools and killed soldiers, policeman and Monks in Thailand? AND have done so with premeditated malice and intent!!!

For the most part Muslims factions have claimed responsibility for the murders...Be it a small percentage of Muslims...I don't know, but I believe that as many of the forum posters have stated...If the Muslim community REALLY believes that this terrorism is MURDER and that it is being committed by Muslims in the name of Islam/Mohammad than THEY, as believing members of the faith, are responsible for stopping it !!!!!!!!!!! Either be the solution or the problem. :o

Actually, there are quite a few Hindus and Christians that have wielded terror. See the chaos around the creation of Indian state etc. Not just Muslims. Christians? IRA.

Asian suicide bombers... japanese kamakazi pilots?

Open your mind, and happy reading.

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Whatever your views on the Muslim community please remember that it is a VERY small minority who actively support terrorism.

I don't for a second believe anyone in the west understands how they realy think, just as they do not understand us.The difference is they have not continuously meddled in our culture/country, until now.

Terrorism may seem extreme and it is, but what about their point of view ? is the USA a terrorist ? not by the defination of the word no.

Is it oppressive and aggressive to others ? definately. So whats the difference ? one uses bombs and bullets the other uses it's economy, politicical pressure, trade embargoes support of coos, asassinations,occupation, bullets and also occasionally bombs but all at a secret low profile level.

It sounds like terrorism to me and i'm sure they see it that way but of course I don't expect many to agree.

I also don't believe the reaction of the hard line muslims is correct either but it's not a big surprise that something is happening on a big scale.

You reap what you sow, and kharma comes to mind

Until the last couple of decades things have not been so high profile. This modern age brings information and with the net it's a huge amount. Anything you want to know you can find and it seems there are a lot more people dieing lately. This is simply just not true, it's just more publicised and reported. Outrage is massive when tradgedy hit's your own family/culture.

The world has always been a very violent place and governments have, and will continue to make problems for others and themselves. The current incidents are horrifying yes. It is however no different to other countries/cultures experience in the past.

Hate begets hate, but love begets love. Have a thought for all the good people out there and you will come to realise they are the large majority of the world. Take comfort in that and promote it as much as possible. Love will prevail.

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  • 2 months later...

The Koran says that muslims should respect people of the faith. It also says that others should be covered in boiling water until their flesh melts. A very nasty religion, but if you argue with anyone who talks islam then it's 'jihad' all round.

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The Koran says that muslims should respect people of the faith. It also says that others should be covered in boiling water until their flesh melts. A very nasty religion, but if you argue with anyone who talks islam then it's 'jihad' all round.

Muslims = Noted Moderates :o

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Its my ex wifes birthday soon anyone know where I can buy a Fatwah for this delightful woman?

I will say something for the Muslims they have given us "nothing".

Can you imagine in ancient Rome all those poor little schoolchildren doing long division and multiplication with Roman numerals.

Since the arab scholars gave us zero I think we should buy them a drink.

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I find the Muslim bashing threads as tiresome as the American bashing threads.

Dickie, where in the Koran does it say "that others should be covered in boiling water until their flesh melts"

If you are entering into an argument, please dont fight with an unloaded weapon.

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"It is highly probable that but for the Arabs modern European civilisation would never have arisen at all; it is absolutely certain that but for them, it would not have assumed that character which has enabled it to transcend all previous phases of evolution."

R. Briffault: The Making of Humanity.

"The Miracle of Arabic science, using the word miracle as a symbol of our inability to explain achievements which were almost incredible... unparalleled in the history of the world."

George Sarton.

It was during the period of high Muslim apogee: 8th-13th centuries that most decisive scientific inventions were made, and the foundations of modern civilisation were laid, scientists and scientific discoveries in their thousands, artistic creativity, great architecture, huge libraries, hospitals, universities, mapping of the world, the discovery of the sky and its secrets, and much more.

It was the time when the names of Al-Biruni, Al-Khwarizmi, Al-Idrissi, Al-Kindi, Ibn Sina, Al-Razi, Ibn Khaldun, Al-Khazin, Ibn al-Haytham, Al-Farabi, Al-Ghazali, Al-Jazari and hundreds more scientists came into being.

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The Maryland Toleration Act


(more than 1000 years later after the Koran, and they got it from the bible....)

That whatsoever person or persons within this Province and the Islands thereunto helonging shall from henceforth blaspheme God, that is Curse him, or deny our Saviour Jesus Christ to be the son of God, or shall deny the holy Trinity the father son and holy Ghost, or the Godhead of any of the said three persons of the Trinity or the Unity of the Godhead, or shall use or utter any reproachfull speeches, words or language concerning the said Holy Trinity, or any of the said three persons thereof, shall be punished with death and confiscation or forfeiture of all his or her lands and goods to the Lord Proprietary and his heires.


whatsoever person or persons shall from henceforth use or utter any reproachfull words or speeches concerning the blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of our Saviour or the holy apostles or evangelists or any of them shall in such case for the first offence forfeit to the said Lord Proprietary and his heirs Lords and proprietaries of this province ....................

in case such offender or offenders shall not then have goods and chattells within this Province sufficient for that purpose then to be publically and severely whipped and imprisoned as before is expressed.

and so on......

Only the Muslims? Christians are not much better, I would say...

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