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DIVIDED AMERICA: Gun views fractious even as fewer bear arms


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Yes. Can our fellow posters identify the 5 socialists / communists?

So did Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King all still favor gun ownership after they were assassinated? I guess it was hard to ask. Also, Barack Obama has never, not once, ever even remotely even imply that Americans shouldn't own guns. He did however state that some Americans should not own guns (mentally ill, on the no fly list etc.) and some guns should not be sold as they were designed for battle field killing, not for hunting or home protection.

I'm not an U. S. citizen, but as far as I understand the 2nd amendment, it has absolutely nothing to do with guaranteeing its people the right to solely owning and bearing guns for hunting, home protection or other private leisures.

Back on topic of your post: Do you really think, that the executors of these murders were "lone wolves" and not part of large scale conspiracies? Do you think that rigorously enforced gun controls over the private sector would have prevented these heinous murders? Couldn't these people have been killed with guns for hunting or home protection? Is this your argument?

I think, finally and consequently, you must be for a complete ban of privately owned guns. Even if these people mentioned by you were murdered by very powerful forces within their own states! Lone wolves, my post-208463-0-48696100-1452024112_thumb..

As much as I detest the NYT, here is an article about: Orlando Gunman Was on Terror Watchlist, F.B.I. Director Says

And here, unfortunately not yet to be read in the main stream media (afaik): Obama’s DHS Secretly Scrubbed 1,000 Muslim Terrorist-Tied Names From U.S. Terror Watch Lists

I'm just trying to explain, why "gun safety" is not increased with the prohibition of privately owned guns.

Just remember Paris, France and most of Europe is a huge gun-free zone. It also didn't "protect" the victims.

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When a story begins with a lie or grossly unsupported premise only BS can follow. No, there was not a time not long ago when most Americans supported banning handguns. Weapons have always been a reliable tool in the lives of Americans. But weapons have not always been a pivot around which social pathology has acted out violence in America. What changed? Guns? No.

What changed was the direct and specific social engineering of America. Increasing isolation, medication, encouraging victimization, rewarding pathology, fractured anti and counter culture mores and ethics. In fact, Progressivism is what happened in America. The rise of all manner of violence coincides nicely with the Progressives decided pogrom to re engineer America in their leftist image!

An <deleted> idiot can see the why they want the guns. In fact, there is no example in contemporary history of the left not coming for guns. Swords into ploughshares rarely turns out well for farmers. Considering the abuses of humanity that are fairly predictable under leftist despotism its remarkable Americans even allow the appearance of debate when its really a slow motion grab.

(The left divides everyone, everywhere; always has. This is its essential nature. Its core premise is not the supremacy of its agenda rather attacking an existing agenda; it is by its very nature always an insurgent ideology. In this manner it is viral, replicating in a host until it conquers or critically injures the immune system, then expends its vitality, like Venezuela. When exhausted, it exports its ideology in another vector, another reservoir and it starts again. Yea, a virulence. This is what is dividing America, not guns).

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Ya know, I think the OP is entirely BS and wishful thinking. There has been a shortage of guns and ammo in the US since 9/11 which got markedly worse when Obama was first elected due to talk of gun control. Today the manufacturers have almost caught up with guns but not ammunition. People have been stockpiling.

Look at the sales of the manufacturers who can't keep up. Look at the women who have begun to carry.

I think it's another biased MSM attempt at influencing people's thinking but not based in reality. Given some time I think I could show that there are ten million AR-15's in private hands. It's the best selling rifle in the country for a bunch of reasons including hunting. An AR-15 is lightweight with little noise or recoil. Ammo is small and lightweight to carry. It is very accurate out to moderately long ranges - about 400 yards/mtrs. What's not to like?

I use mine for hunting everything up to and including deer. Bigger game should have a more powerful rifle which an AR isn't.

AR-15? An (improperly labeled) "assault rifle?" My AR-15 is a defensive rather than assault rifle and if I'm assaulted I want the best defense I can put my hands on.


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There were only 3 commies (they were in reality nothing but dictators) in your picture, no socialist, one fascist and an oppressive English king, at least the part on non-ownership. Obama, which was the purpose of the right wing propaganda, has never opposed gun ownership nor tried to confiscate. I don't like him for real reasons, something the right wing has never understood exists. I would venture a guess that criminals did not respond to the poll you site. I owned many guns, from .22's to long range elk or other use (put a name on it) rifles and many semi-automatic military type weapons, never enough. I enjoyed reloading and shooting all of them. I'm no right wingnut Republican. I'm far left, radical militant. The US has a mental health problem dating back to the Regan regime. In fact I think the US has lost its collective brain. The fumbling bureau of idiots spends all its time entrapping people to make it look like there is a terrorist behind every bush and they are doing their job. They miss the ones that they should have caught, time and time again. Americans have the right, yes right, to legally own weapons and it doesn't matter whether it is for hunting or protection or just because one likes to own them. One can even legally own a fully automatic "real" assault rifle (not the ones the misinformed call assault rifles), even a machine gun. You better have a damn clean record and a lot of money both to purchase and for license. Wish I had that kind of money. That license and hunting license (supports wildlife) I fully support.

The "oppressive" English king was insane.

Literally, however he didn't give the orders.

He was just a figurehead.

Too many hotheads on both sides.

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One of these people is scared of an AR-15, the other is a 7 year old girl.


So are we now to accept that a seven year old is part of the "well trained Militia" the second amendment talks of?

I also remember in the last year the video of the 8-10 year old girl that blew the brains out of her instructor whilst firing an automatic weapon. What is the point of your post?

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They always point to the second amendment, the one that gives us militia and muskets. I'd like to see the new liberal Supreme Court put a stop to guns. Interpret the constitution differently. Make guns a safety threat that supercedes all the right to own bullshit.

The threat to America isn't radical Islam, it's radical Republicans.

Enough with the guns. Vote the wingnuts out.

Are you sure that everyone would agree to a one-party mobocracy backed by a politically-biased Supreme Court?

Do you know what the purpose of the U.S. Constitution was and still is?

If the Constitution is outdated, why is an oath to uphold it a requirement for many government positions?

Lose the "musket" nonsense. It was human-stopping, lethal force then and still is and for the same reasons. It was used by murderers then as it is being used by them now.

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Ya know, I think the OP is entirely BS and wishful thinking. There has been a shortage of guns and ammo in the US since 9/11 which got markedly worse when Obama was first elected due to talk of gun control. Today the manufacturers have almost caught up with guns but not ammunition. People have been stockpiling.

Look at the sales of the manufacturers who can't keep up. Look at the women who have begun to carry.

I think it's another biased MSM attempt at influencing people's thinking but not based in reality. Given some time I think I could show that there are ten million AR-15's in private hands. It's the best selling rifle in the country for a bunch of reasons including hunting. An AR-15 is lightweight with little noise or recoil. Ammo is small and lightweight to carry. It is very accurate out to moderately long ranges - about 400 yards/mtrs. What's not to like?

I use mine for hunting everything up to and including deer. Bigger game should have a more powerful rifle which an AR isn't.

AR-15? An (improperly labeled) "assault rifle?" My AR-15 is a defensive rather than assault rifle and if I'm assaulted I want the best defense I can put my hands on.


An AR-15 for (I take it home) defense? You'd better warn your nearby neighbors that you plan on using it so they can do some bullet-proofing.

Some time ago, when researching buying an assault-style rifle, I had a gun shop salesman remind me of their potentially dangerous penetration capability. My son and his buddies ran a penetration test on a standard bullet-resistant 5 1/2" acrylic/lexan sandwich with various firearms and an SKS assault rifle (Chinese, semiautomatic copy in this case) round was the only one that penetrated, albeit not in a straight path.

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Ya know, I think the OP is entirely BS and wishful thinking. There has been a shortage of guns and ammo in the US since 9/11 which got markedly worse when Obama was first elected due to talk of gun control. Today the manufacturers have almost caught up with guns but not ammunition. People have been stockpiling.

Look at the sales of the manufacturers who can't keep up. Look at the women who have begun to carry.

I think it's another biased MSM attempt at influencing people's thinking but not based in reality. Given some time I think I could show that there are ten million AR-15's in private hands. It's the best selling rifle in the country for a bunch of reasons including hunting. An AR-15 is lightweight with little noise or recoil. Ammo is small and lightweight to carry. It is very accurate out to moderately long ranges - about 400 yards/mtrs. What's not to like?

I use mine for hunting everything up to and including deer. Bigger game should have a more powerful rifle which an AR isn't.

AR-15? An (improperly labeled) "assault rifle?" My AR-15 is a defensive rather than assault rifle and if I'm assaulted I want the best defense I can put my hands on.


Yes, well ... you'd better warn your nearby neighbors that you plan on using an AR-15 for home defense.

Some time ago, when researching buying an assault-style rifle, I had a gun shop salesman remind me of their potentially dangerous penetration capability. -snip-

I didn't mention home defense. I'd choose my Winchester Defender with 00 buckshot for that. Devastating at close range but not a lot of wall penetration to the outside. That short barreled shotgun with 2 3/4" shells will put 9 lead pellets in something, all at once. Each pellet is about the size and speed of a 9mm handgun round and that's devastating. 9X.

Remember though that the military sweeps buildings with fully auto M16's which CAN use the same ammo as an AR so...

If I had to protect my town or neighborhood out would come the AR because the shotgun also has limited range and round capacity.


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Ya know, I think the OP is entirely BS and wishful thinking. There has been a shortage of guns and ammo in the US since 9/11 which got markedly worse when Obama was first elected due to talk of gun control. Today the manufacturers have almost caught up with guns but not ammunition. People have been stockpiling.

Look at the sales of the manufacturers who can't keep up. Look at the women who have begun to carry.

I think it's another biased MSM attempt at influencing people's thinking but not based in reality. Given some time I think I could show that there are ten million AR-15's in private hands. It's the best selling rifle in the country for a bunch of reasons including hunting. An AR-15 is lightweight with little noise or recoil. Ammo is small and lightweight to carry. It is very accurate out to moderately long ranges - about 400 yards/mtrs. What's not to like?

I use mine for hunting everything up to and including deer. Bigger game should have a more powerful rifle which an AR isn't.

AR-15? An (improperly labeled) "assault rifle?" My AR-15 is a defensive rather than assault rifle and if I'm assaulted I want the best defense I can put my hands on.


Yes, well ... you'd better warn your nearby neighbors that you plan on using an AR-15 for home defense.

Some time ago, when researching buying an assault-style rifle, I had a gun shop salesman remind me of their potentially dangerous penetration capability. -snip-

I didn't mention home defense. I'd choose my Winchester Defender with 00 buckshot for that. Devastating at close range but not a lot of wall penetration to the outside. That short barreled shotgun with 2 3/4" shells will put 9 lead pellets in something, all at once. Each pellet is about the size and speed of a 9mm handgun round and that's devastating. 9X.

Remember though that the military sweeps buildings with fully auto M16's which CAN use the same ammo as an AR so...

If I had to protect my town or neighborhood out would come the AR because the shotgun also has limited range and round capacity.


Whew, that's good to hear. I met a meek-looking accountant one time who admitted to routinely carried a semiautomatic (probably, but who knows, maybe a full auto) rifle in the trunk of his BMW - just in case he had to do a little ad hoc roadside shooting, I suppose. One never knows what lurks in innocent-looking BMWs. Had a co-worker who, first day and first minute on the job, immediately proceeded to a vacant office and started reading a tech-manual. I asked home what he was doing he said, "I'm going to convert my M1 carbine to full-auto". His nickname was, understandably, "Hardcore".

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Right now, in the US, there are over 3,000 assault weapons for sale. No background check, no nothing, just fork over the cash to the seller, and you've got a military-grade automatic weapon with as much ammo as you could ever want. No questions asked.

.....as easy as buying a flower pot at a yard sale.

NRA, in their severe stupidness, think that only good guys will have guns. Uh huh. They might have another think coming when some of their sons and daughters get mowed down in upcoming massacres.

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Can someone please explain who exactly Americans are arming themselves to "defend against?"

Because if it is people with jet fighters, attack helicopters, killer drones, battleships, tanks, heavy artillery, trained professional soldiers .. and .. wait for the punchline ... CONTROL of basic infrastructure.... water, electricity, telephone, internet ... then I have a news flash. "Game Over"

You and your GI Joe fantasy Rambo AR 15 heroics are ... fantasy. Now I know you guys love to bond in a near homo erotic collective cognitive dissonance celebration of the imaginary battles you will win side by side, shoulder to shoulder ... but here is how easy it really is. They control the electricity, water, gas, telephone and internet. All I see at that point is a bunch of crazies running around mugging people to get the basics. (That makes you a "bad guy with a gun")

There is no need for the US Government to "take over" the USA .. that is absolutely redundant. They already have it all !!

So your crazy rational is you need those guns to defend us against "them"

No thank you .. we need "them" to protect us from you ... because you are the nut jobs who hear voices and suffer from paranoid delusions of grandeur.

Now go back to your man cave and oil your gun... or whatever you call stroking the only barrel in the house that actually shoots.

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Right now, in the US, there are over 3,000 assault weapons for sale. No background check, no nothing, just fork over the cash to the seller, and you've got a military-grade automatic weapon with as much ammo as you could ever want. No questions asked.

.....as easy as buying a flower pot at a yard sale.

NRA, in their severe stupidness, think that only good guys will have guns. Uh huh. They might have another think coming when some of their sons and daughters get mowed down in upcoming massacres.

A link to your source for the "over 3000 assault weapons for sale", please?

Do you suppose there might be an ulterior motive as to why these Islamic terrorist murderers are employing a single, semiautomatic rifles/carbine instead of multiple, high-capacity,semiautomatic pistols which are much more concealable and flexible, provide more backup for jams, can be reloaded just as quickly and can, arguably. cause just as much mayhem at close quarters?

In any event, I haven't heard any concern about the Glock he reportedly was carrying. I'm sure it was also a semi and quite lethal in the Orlando scenario.

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Can someone please explain who exactly Americans are arming themselves to "defend against?"

Because if it is people with jet fighters, attack helicopters, killer drones, battleships, tanks, heavy artillery, trained professional soldiers .. and .. wait for the punchline ... CONTROL of basic infrastructure.... water, electricity, telephone, internet ... then I have a news flash. "Game Over"

You and your GI Joe fantasy Rambo AR 15 heroics are ... fantasy. Now I know you guys love to bond in a near homo erotic collective cognitive dissonance celebration of the imaginary battles you will win side by side, shoulder to shoulder ... but here is how easy it really is. They control the electricity, water, gas, telephone and internet. All I see at that point is a bunch of crazies running around mugging people to get the basics. (That makes you a "bad guy with a gun")

There is no need for the US Government to "take over" the USA .. that is absolutely redundant. They already have it all !!

So your crazy rational is you need those guns to defend us against "them"

No thank you .. we need "them" to protect us from you ... because you are the nut jobs who hear voices and suffer from paranoid delusions of grandeur.

Now go back to your man cave and oil your gun... or whatever you call stroking the only barrel in the house that actually shoots.

Just for starters, I guess you don't live anywhere near the so-called Mexican border in the U.S.:


Arizona Park a 'No-go' Zone for American Citizens - PJ Media June 25, 2010

Do you think the situation has gotten any better in the last six years under the Obama 'open border' migration policies? Notice I stated "migration", not "immigration" (a legal process). Invasion might be a much better description, of course.

Estimate how many first-generation (anchor baby) Americans By Birth Only that owe no allegiance to the U.S. values, laws or morals because the were brought up in unassimilated households having anti-American values, such as the Orlando Islamic terrorist, for example.

Edited by MaxYakov
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John Oliver revealed some telling facts in his last show.

On just one law, the (pro-gun) congressman that reported it said that NRA calls against his bill outnumbered those in favour by 200 to 1.

Say what you like about the NRA, but they are an effective advocacy group.

Until people get off their behinds and call their congressman or woman) rather than just giving their opinions in polls, nothing will change.

Edited by Chicog
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I think the gun debate brings a focus on the difference between the American mind set .. and much of the rest of the world.

It seems that in some of the most civilized and happiest countries ... gun ownership is restrictive and measured.

America is not ... contrary to the legend .. a happy place to live .. fat, dumb, complacent, spoiled, narrow minded .. yes ... "American Comfortable' ... but honestly ... no .. the average American would not describe themselves as happy, and would be very hard pressed to point to one thing the government does to IMPROVE their lives .. with all the taxes they pay !!!

The gun debate just brings to the surface the stubborn and stupid underbelly of the USA (Two words -- 'Donald Trump') ... because it should be obvious any country invested in the health, safety, welfare and happiness of its citizens would say "no guns = no shooting" .. let's head in that direction.

I could write the responses that will follow .. simplified and silly excuses from paranoid and fear filled folks who secretly love to be bullies .. It is really that simple .. they get off on being Captain America ...

Well, I think the world has seen what good that mind set has produced. Rivers of blood, to sail the "Democracy Ship" on when all along .. it was not about the money ... it was about the MONEY

The gun debate would end tomorrow if thousands of Black and Latinos went out and bought the AR 15 .. the NRA would be weeping and begging to restrict sales and distribution.

Why? Because "Make America Great Again" REALLY means "Make America WHITE Again"

are you stupid?

I don't know where you grew up, but everyone I knew was pretty happy.

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I think the gun debate brings a focus on the difference between the American mind set .. and much of the rest of the world.

It seems that in some of the most civilized and happiest countries ... gun ownership is restrictive and measured.

America is not ... contrary to the legend .. a happy place to live .. fat, dumb, complacent, spoiled, narrow minded .. yes ... "American Comfortable' ... but honestly ... no .. the average American would not describe themselves as happy, and would be very hard pressed to point to one thing the government does to IMPROVE their lives .. with all the taxes they pay !!!

The gun debate just brings to the surface the stubborn and stupid underbelly of the USA (Two words -- 'Donald Trump') ... because it should be obvious any country invested in the health, safety, welfare and happiness of its citizens would say "no guns = no shooting" .. let's head in that direction.

I could write the responses that will follow .. simplified and silly excuses from paranoid and fear filled folks who secretly love to be bullies .. It is really that simple .. they get off on being Captain America ...

Well, I think the world has seen what good that mind set has produced. Rivers of blood, to sail the "Democracy Ship" on when all along .. it was not about the money ... it was about the MONEY

The gun debate would end tomorrow if thousands of Black and Latinos went out and bought the AR 15 .. the NRA would be weeping and begging to restrict sales and distribution.

Why? Because "Make America Great Again" REALLY means "Make America WHITE Again"

My goodness man are you a propagandists for North Korea. Everything you have said about the USA is total rubbish. The USA was and is a happy place to live. I lived there for forty nine years until I retired. On second thought you must be a member of Black Lives Matter as you are parroting the garbage they spew out.

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Can someone please explain who exactly Americans are arming themselves to "defend against?"

Because if it is people with jet fighters, attack helicopters, killer drones, battleships, tanks, heavy artillery, trained professional soldiers .. and .. wait for the punchline ... CONTROL of basic infrastructure.... water, electricity, telephone, internet ... then I have a news flash. "Game Over"

You and your GI Joe fantasy Rambo AR 15 heroics are ... fantasy. Now I know you guys love to bond in a near homo erotic collective cognitive dissonance celebration of the imaginary battles you will win side by side, shoulder to shoulder ... but here is how easy it really is. They control the electricity, water, gas, telephone and internet. All I see at that point is a bunch of crazies running around mugging people to get the basics. (That makes you a "bad guy with a gun")

There is no need for the US Government to "take over" the USA .. that is absolutely redundant. They already have it all !!

So your crazy rational is you need those guns to defend us against "them"

No thank you .. we need "them" to protect us from you ... because you are the nut jobs who hear voices and suffer from paranoid delusions of grandeur.

Now go back to your man cave and oil your gun... or whatever you call stroking the only barrel in the house that actually shoots.

Just for starters, I guess you don't live anywhere near the so-called Mexican border in the U.S.:


Arizona Park a 'No-go' Zone for American Citizens - PJ Media June 25, 2010

Do you think the situation has gotten any better in the last six years under the Obama 'open border' migration policies? Notice I stated "migration", not "immigration" (a legal process). Invasion might be a much better description, of course.

Estimate how many first-generation (anchor baby) Americans By Birth Only that owe no allegiance to the U.S. values, laws or morals because the were brought up in unassimilated households having anti-American values, such as the Orlando Islamic terrorist, for example.

Dear Einstein,

This is "Thai Visa"

My handle is Bangkok Equity.

Do you think I live near Mexico?

Better question ... if you do .. what are you doing in this site???

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Right now, in the US, there are over 3,000 assault weapons for sale. No background check, no nothing, just fork over the cash to the seller, and you've got a military-grade automatic weapon with as much ammo as you could ever want. No questions asked.

.....as easy as buying a flower pot at a yard sale.

NRA, in their severe stupidness, think that only good guys will have guns. Uh huh. They might have another think coming when some of their sons and daughters get mowed down in upcoming massacres.

A link to your source for the "over 3000 assault weapons for sale", please?

When I posted that mention two days ago, I included a link. Now I don't have it specifically, but it was from the US's NPR. There were some researchers recently who actually checked to see how many assault weapons were for sale online throughout the US. They counted and put together a graph showing state-by-state easy availability of guns (Ohio is #1). Assault weapons were illegal to buy/sell between 1994 and 2004, but the NRA worked hard to make them available again, and they were highly successful! We can thank the NRA and their gun-hugging fans for contributing to Sandy Hook and Orlando massacres. And, don't be complacent, there will be many more massacres in coming months/years. But most gun deaths happen one on one. Many are mistakes, sometimes toddlers shooting parents. Sometimes little kids shooting their friends. NRA doesn't want to stifle that. Far more important, for the NRA and their fans, is the complete availability of guns for everyone.

No changes in laws made.

As usual.

The NRA's USA gun shop ... open for bizness!

Thanks for posting that video. Yet it's not just gun shows where the NRA has made it easy for anyone to buy - the NRA has also made it even easier to buy from private sellers, whether over the internet or not. Heck, there's no law in the US which says, if I have automatic weapons, you can't put a note up in a laundrymat bulletin board and sell it to the first person who forks over the cash. Yard sales, no problem. There are internet sites where it's easy as pie for sellers and buyers to transact, no questions asked.

On the plus side, for those of us who lament overpopulation, gun huggers are contributing to lessening people numbers.

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"I just got back from Caracas, Venezuela, a city so dangerous that every time I left my hotel, the staff would warn me against even going outside.

It’s an incredibly difficult reality to reconcile. People hate the fact that they may get robbed or killed just steps from their front door when they leave the house every morning.

A few years ago, in response to national outcry, the government of Venezuela took steps to fix this problem. There was too much death, too much crime. So they imposed strict gun control laws to stop the murderers and thieves.

The end result? Violent crime actually increased. And Caracas is now one of the most dangerous cities in the world.

Edited by NeverSure
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Right now, in the US, there are over 3,000 assault weapons for sale. No background check, no nothing, just fork over the cash to the seller, and you've got a military-grade automatic weapon with as much ammo as you could ever want. No questions asked.

.....as easy as buying a flower pot at a yard sale.

NRA, in their severe stupidness, think that only good guys will have guns. Uh huh. They might have another think coming when some of their sons and daughters get mowed down in upcoming massacres.

A link to your source for the "over 3000 assault weapons for sale", please?

When I posted that mention two days ago, I included a link. Now I don't have it specifically, but it was from the US's NPR. There were some researchers recently who actually checked to see how many assault weapons were for sale online throughout the US. They counted and put together a graph showing state-by-state easy availability of guns (Ohio is #1). Assault weapons were illegal to buy/sell between 1994 and 2004, but the NRA worked hard to make them available again, and they were highly successful! We can thank the NRA and their gun-hugging fans for contributing to Sandy Hook and Orlando massacres. And, don't be complacent, there will be many more massacres in coming months/years. But most gun deaths happen one on one. Many are mistakes, sometimes toddlers shooting parents. Sometimes little kids shooting their friends. NRA doesn't want to stifle that. Far more important, for the NRA and their fans, is the complete availability of guns for everyone.

Thanks for posting that video. Yet it's not just gun shows where the NRA has made it easy for anyone to buy - the NRA has also made it even easier to buy from private sellers, whether over the internet or not. Heck, there's no law in the US which says, if I have automatic weapons, you can't put a note up in a laundrymat bulletin board and sell it to the first person who forks over the cash. Yard sales, no problem. There are internet sites where it's easy as pie for sellers and buyers to transact, no questions asked.

On the plus side, for those of us who lament overpopulation, gun huggers are contributing to lessening people numbers.

You are entitled to your ignorance if you choose to keep it. You can't buy a gun online unless it goes through a local licensed gun dealer in your state. When you buy it you designate which dealer to send it to. The dealer receives the gun and then you go in and ID yourself. The dealer is required by law to run a background check and then there is a 3 day wait before you can have possession.

It is illegal for anyone to sell a gun across state lines in any fashion. You can't even buy from a dealer in another state. Again he would have to send it to a dealer in your state and the above described process takes place.

Private citizens are strictly prohibited from selling guns across state lines - in other words to someone who lives in another state. They must go to a dealer who will send it to a dealer in the buyer's state and... same as above.

These are federal laws and dealers are federally licensed.

You can't buy an assault rifle in the US from anyone but a dealer under any circumstances and even then you have to first get a special license from the feds to own it. The only such guns available are "pre ban" guns - those in private hands before the 1994 ban. While the ownership ban expired, the manufacturing for the general public or importing ban didn't and they are scarce and expensive.

I know only one American who owns a true assault rifle and that's me. I paid US$30,000 for it and about $5,000 for licenses and insurance. If you can afford it, it can eat about $200 worth of ammo per minute. It's an M16.

Bottom line is that YOU are full of shit.


Yea, anc in most US states it's illegal to take a toke on a doobie. Does that mean no one smokes pot?

A redneck has a semi-auto gun and ammo he wants to sell. He needs cash quick. A guy shows up at his door, after reading an ad. The buyer hands over the cash, takes the gun and ammo. Probably happens thousands of times a year in the US. If I'm full of shit, then you're swimming in it while drinking shit cola, if you think gun lovers are going to play by the rules.

Bottom line, gun lovers and the NRA are contributing mightily to a gun-saturated US. Part of the result of that is the grave harm caused by so many easily-available guns. 1 + 1 = 2, last time I checked. The Sandy Hook and Orlando massacres are brought to you, in part, by the NRA.

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They always point to the second amendment, the one that gives us militia and muskets. I'd like to see the new liberal Supreme Court put a stop to guns. Interpret the constitution differently. Make guns a safety threat that supercedes all the right to own bullshit.

The threat to America isn't radical Islam, it's radical Republicans.

Enough with the guns. Vote the wingnuts out.

Actually, no.

Muskets and militia gave us freedom from British tyranny.

The Second Amendment was an afterthought to ensure that the Federal government didn't become a new tyranny.

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There were only 3 commies (they were in reality nothing but dictators) in your picture, no socialist, one fascist and an oppressive English king, at least the part on non-ownership. Obama, which was the purpose of the right wing propaganda, has never opposed gun ownership nor tried to confiscate. I don't like him for real reasons, something the right wing has never understood exists. I would venture a guess that criminals did not respond to the poll you site. I owned many guns, from .22's to long range elk or other use (put a name on it) rifles and many semi-automatic military type weapons, never enough. I enjoyed reloading and shooting all of them. I'm no right wingnut Republican. I'm far left, radical militant. The US has a mental health problem dating back to the Regan regime. In fact I think the US has lost its collective brain. The fumbling bureau of idiots spends all its time entrapping people to make it look like there is a terrorist behind every bush and they are doing their job. They miss the ones that they should have caught, time and time again. Americans have the right, yes right, to legally own weapons and it doesn't matter whether it is for hunting or protection or just because one likes to own them. One can even legally own a fully automatic "real" assault rifle (not the ones the misinformed call assault rifles), even a machine gun. You better have a damn clean record and a lot of money both to purchase and for license. Wish I had that kind of money. That license and hunting license (supports wildlife) I fully support.

Fair post, thank you, sgtsabai.

Re Hitler: Please look up what the "S" in "NSDAP" stands for. Additional hint: "AP" stands for "workers' party", a quite straight forward commie term.

It is true that under the NSDAP most people could keep and run their own business as long as they had the approval of the state (license). To be fair, children then could still sell their self-made orange juice or used books in their yard or on the street without being heckled by state servants. You know, IP and public health protection hadn't yet been that much sophisticated... Anyway, an integral part of fascism is state control over any private business activity by finally deciding if at all and with whom the business is allowed to be done. Does this ring any bells about the state of the "free" West? And political correctness was already then very popular - You could easily go to prison or be fined if you said something - or were accused of having said something, even out of context - that was not state approved.

Did I already mention gun control? Ok, water under the bridge.

Re President Obama: I think he is going to be remembered as someone who socialised quite some aspects for the U. S. populace, even if he did this under the progressive banner.

By the way, Hitler also introduced socialised health care for the German people, after all, he was a staunch progressive socialist. He was anything but a capitalist or conservative.


Gun control makes oppression easier for any regime, no matter from which "political corner" it stems.

The freedom to protect and defend oneself by any means, means not to have to ask the state for approval, as it can't protect you anyway. It only protects its own institutions and some VIPs (very important politicians)... The best you can hope for is a proper investigation after a committed crime against you. That's it, no protection by the state for you.

Well stated, but I would disagree. Especially with your comment, "Gun control makes oppression easier for any regime, no matter from which 'political corner' it stems." This is one of the principal arguments consistently foisted on a gullible public by the gun humpers. No, gun ownership will not ever provide even the slightest hiccup of concern within a modern-day regime bent on oppression. And I offer one word in defense of my position..."drone". How well is an AR-15 or any other gun going to stand up to an armed drone eyeing you from 5,000 feet? I would point to the Taliban, ISIS, and al-Queda. They can go you one better...maybe two. They have fully automatic weapons, including vehicle mounted weapons, and RPG's. How well have they fared against an armed drone? Or an attack helicopter? Or an F-18? And that's in heavily mountainous terrain. How well do you think you'll do in American topography? Claiming that you need your lever action 30-30 or even an AR-15 to defend yourself against a committed force of Airborne troops is ludicrous. Why not just admit it..you want to own an AR-15, or similar assault type weapon, because it's a hell of a lot of fun to take to the firing range, squeeze off a magazine, yell "YEEHAW" while thrusting your fist in the air, and get horny at the smoke and fumes emanating from the barrel. Owners of those types of weapons impress the hell out of themselves and their buddies while guzzling Bud's and outlining exactly how they'll take down a full battalion of infantry. Fun for you? OK, I have no problem with that. That's your thing, then knock yourself out. But to offer the lame reasoning that you need weapons like that to defend against a fully outfitted army the likes of the US military is just simple bullsh*t and you know it.

Nothing to do with fun.

I don't particularly enjoy owning guns or firing them. (Certainly not cleaning them!)


My grandfather and other Armenians survived in Van against the forces of the Turkish Empire because they had smuggled in and hidden guns.

Armenian towns that had not done so, were deported, and most died in horrible circumstances.

Guns save the innocent.

Can't help against drones? BS! The guys piloting those things are made of flesh and blood, and they drive to work every day.

Martial law was threatened in the US in Fall 2008...

(from 9:00)

...and again in Spring 2009, and both times the military apparently refused to go along. Perhaps they didn't fancy getting shot to pieces?

In Spring 2009 I was shocked to see American WOMEN posting threats on the internet using their REAL NAMES. The Pentagon/Homeland Security armchair warriors blanched, and shrank away.

Here's a more recent confrontation wherein Federal shooters turned tail and skedaddled...

Freedom is indeed born from the barrel of a gun!

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Absolute nonsense. Different than rubbish. Off the NRA website?

The threat to America isn't radical Islam, it's radical Republicans. Let's see how declining to pass this gun bill will impact the Republicans in November.

Democrats will be taking Congress too.

It's true that right wing extremists are responsible for more terrorist attacks in the USA than Muslims since 9-11-2001.

And all those gun lovers are shooting 117,500 people every year.

Every year, before noon on January 1, more people are shot in the USA than Muslim terrorists have killed in the last TEN years.

Lets get our priorities right.

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It's true that right wing extremists are responsible for more terrorist attacks in the USA than Muslims since 9-11-2001.

And all those gun lovers are shooting 117,500 people every year.

Every year, before noon on January 1, more people are shot in the USA than Muslim terrorists have killed in the last TEN years.

Lets get our priorities right.

You really should post links if you want to be taken seriously because that's and bunch of bullshit.


PS During your badly needed research, remember that a homicide is the killing of a human. A list of homicides includes suicides. Try to find murder statistics. THEN try to find "terrorist" statistics.

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