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1965, a Mod, on my Lambretta, all the trendy gear on, fab bird at a bus stop, gave her the big cool smile, traffic stopped and l ploughed into the back of a car...facepalm.gif

You dork trans !

I know I know, but it was great looking bird.....wub.png

Did your mullet survive?

Yes his mullet survived but he got gravel rash on little trans......who was unfortunately standing errect at the time of impact ;)

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1965, a Mod, on my Lambretta, all the trendy gear on, fab bird at a bus stop, gave her the big cool smile, traffic stopped and l ploughed into the back of a car...facepalm.gif

You dork trans !

I know I know, but it was great looking bird.....wub.png

Did your mullet survive?

I never carried a fish.......blink.png

its a haircut 5555
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Hmmmmm, never had a fish on my head, toooooooo stinky...laugh.png

I did have other stuff on my head but we will not go into that now...............whistling.gif

Had a flash bike, never pulled a bird with one. Here I am hansom on a 110 wave.

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3. Just remembered a third time. The Honda 750, now tuned to stage 2 and 836cc new carbs, air filter, Yoshi exhaust, just been run in and duly serviced. I can now wind her up.

Well maybe 110+ was pushing it, for a country lane at least, and what was that idiot farmer doing on a bicycle, down the road, fairing smashed, indicators, all the usual stuff, the farmers bike according to police" broke in two" and the farmer a broken collar bone. as I bounce down the tarmac, glad I was wearing the leathers, which were trashed, not so glade I opted for the open face helmet, over the full, and as I slide to a halt spit out 4 lower front teeth which snapped as my face hit the tarmac.

Damm, why did I change insurance a month before from full to third party?

Ambulance arrives and off to the hospital, feeling sorry for myself/ An hour or so later mum and brother turn up, mum is looking varied worried.

It would have been nice to hear " Are you all right' or even better " what is the state of the bike" but No, the first words on the hospital ward from her" were you wearing clean underwear"

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3. Just remembered a third time. The Honda 750, now tuned to stage 2 and 836cc new carbs, air filter, Yoshi exhaust, just been run in and duly serviced. I can now wind her up.

Well maybe 110+ was pushing it, for a country lane at least, and what was that idiot farmer doing on a bicycle, down the road, fairing smashed, indicators, all the usual stuff, the farmers bike according to police" broke in two" and the farmer a broken collar bone. as I bounce down the tarmac, glad I was wearing the leathers, which were trashed, not so glade I opted for the open face helmet, over the full, and as I slide to a halt spit out 4 lower front teeth which snapped as my face hit the tarmac.

Damm, why did I change insurance a month before from full to third party?

Ambulance arrives and off to the hospital, feeling sorry for myself/ An hour or so later mum and brother turn up, mum is looking varied worried.

It would have been nice to hear " Are you all right' or even better " what is the state of the bike" but No, the first words on the hospital ward from her" were you wearing clean underwear"

First serious motorbike was a mates 750 Honda, let me have a go when I thought about moving up. He was a bit of a wild card, the bike was bent in every aspect. Handle bars were way off.

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Way back my older brother and I convinced our younger brother to do an Evil Knievel over the irrigation channel on the farm. We took him to a spot just right for a jump but he wouldn't be in it. So my older brother, who had done it before, did the jump to demonstrate it could be done. After more cajoling young Shane agreed. So off he went, giving about twice the run up my older brother had done, higher speed but somehow his back wheel hit the bank on the other side, the bike flipped and went sideway at the same time and young Shane flew off landing in the mud and a few cow patties. We were pissing ourselves laughing until we saw him crying and heading to the house to tell mum.....at which time the look of horror overtook us as the though of the punishment for this little stunt was going to be swift and painful.

Well, we were in a sort of hell of our own making! Mums favourite son got so much attention from us that day. Thank goodness nothing was broken on Shane and with a shed full of Bantams and Bantam bits we managed to get the Bantam back, cleaned up and the bent bits replaced before dad got home.

It was one less hiding I got as a kid!

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Oh God.....following me BF out of P.Penh. 15 years ago....him on a brand new 1000cc enduro. me on a rented 400 .....canme to a t in the road. Buddy nowhere to be seen.

Waited and waited at the T......after two hours, aaked the local Cambodian folk...how to get to Kep....blank stares....until one guy suggested I. follow a local bus to Kep.....Great. followed it. Ran out of gas in the middle of asiain nowhere.

The locals all had one small flourescent light in there homes....when my eyes adjusted....I was like the guy in the middle of a Stepnen King Cornfield.....they were all standing around...way creepy. Then a toothless kid ran up and screamed....5 dollars!!!. after hiding my wristwatch....I gave him 5 bucks.....for Gas!.....left, made my way back to the Cambodian dust towne where the T was.....Suddenly by buddy appears on my riding left.....screaming. He looked like the guy from beyond Thunderdome. The one with the airplane....Where did u go he kept screaming....we setteled down in the make shift dirt ball towne...had a cola....still had a few hours to Kep. My bike would not start. no kicking i. the world would get her to turn over.....we enlisted locals to push start. we tried doing to bike to bike tow....Nothing.

Exhausted, my buddy says bad gas.....drains my tank....replaces it with good gas....At that moment.....

I relalized my kill switch was off.fired it up. and started.

The next day we made our way up Mt Bokar all ratted roads and deep ditches. my buddy runs out of gas and we go thru the same bad gas drill.....I never told him about my kill switch debaucle....told him him it was bad gas and went on....We made it to the Top but that turned out to be the least of our worries.

eight week trip with one change of clothes...yeah...there are landmines in Cambodia....Great Memories....twenty years later Im still here. Adventure of one of my Lifetimes.

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Riding as a novice here in LOS, went into a turn too fast and didn't know how to counter steer. Rather than go off the road I put the bike down. That was seven years ago. I know how to drive now. It's that first month that's the most dangerous. Assume you're going to fall, where the proper dress, like long jeans.

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Took a wrong turn at the border crossing and found myself crossing into USA from Mexico. Soon had a border agent chasing me with a gun. Told him what happened and no problem.

This was 15 years ago I hear it is much easier to cross now;)

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Riding as a novice here in LOS, went into a turn too fast and didn't know how to counter steer. Rather than go off the road I put the bike down. That was seven years ago. I know how to drive now. It's that first month that's the most dangerous. Assume you're going to fall, where the proper dress, like long jeans.

Jeans are sensible. When wearing shorts keep burning my leg on the exhaust.

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..a few years ago when I was a novice rider here...I was driving like a mad prick to get home..didn't make it and shitt myself not 50 metres from home.

Last time I did that was when I was 50 years ago.

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Got caught for speeding in the UK. No defence, stupidly quick. Had to go to court. Sat in the dock and found out I was also being charged with driving without due care and attention. After the cop gave his very eloquent true description of my stupidity I was asked if I wished to reply. I told the judge if you are riding that fast you are paying attention, only got fined for speeding.

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Not me but my ex girlfriend called me to let me know that her bike (1990 Yamaha Radian 600) would not start . Drove across town to take a look , got on the bike and put the kickstand up . Bike started no problem .Ex gf gave me a surprised look and muttered " Oh you need to put the kickstand up " ? cheesy.gif

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Not me but my ex girlfriend called me to let me know that her bike (1990 Yamaha Radian 600) would not start . Drove across town to take a look , got on the bike and put the kickstand up . Bike started no problem .Ex gf gave me a surprised look and muttered " Oh you need to put the kickstand up " ? cheesy.gif

Mate had an XJ 650. We were off to the IOM TT. Five minutes up the road his bike bogged down. Back to his house and scratching heads. He had bought some new waterproof trousers and put them under the seat, blocked the air intake.

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Went down one of those stupid drainage channels they insist on putting down the side of roads here, it was quite deep and it was raining heavily, tried to come out of it at an angle and the front tyre slipped away and I went down, only damage was a slight scratch on my excellent GIVI E20 top box, and of course to my pride. My little Honda Tena was unscathed.

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