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Thai Public Health Min announces winners of its logo competition


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Min of Public health announces winners of its logo competition


BANGKOK, 12 July 2016 (NNT) - The Ministry of Public Health has awarded two designers from Bangkok for their outstanding logo submission, which will be used to promote the ministry’s 100th anniversary in 2018.

The ministry launched a logo design competition in April as part of its campaign to raise awareness about the 100th anniversary celebration on November 27th, 2018. More than 250 logos were submitted.

Permanent Secretary for Public Health Sopon Mekthon revealed the first prize of 100,000 baht was presented to Ms. Pornsinee Boonchaisithipong and Mr. Kanpisut Yuktanont, who were on the same team, in a ceremony recently held at the ministry's headquarters.

To promote the celebration, the ministry has come up with a campaign to allow people to learn more about the development of past health policies in Thailand. The campaign will be implemented across different platforms, such as a public health museum, a public health archives building and a health research exhibition.

-- NNT 2016-07-12 footer_n.gif

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