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Police break up skirmishes among demonstrators in Cleveland


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Police break up skirmishes among demonstrators in Cleveland

CLEVELAND (AP) — Police broke up scuffles between groups of demonstrators a few blocks from the Republican National Convention as crowds in the hundreds gathered Tuesday afternoon. There was no immediate word on any arrests or injuries.

A skirmish broke out when right-wing conspiracy theorist and radio show host Alex Jones started speaking in downtown's Public Square through a bullhorn. Police on bicycles pushed back a surging crowd, and Jones was whisked away.

Minutes later, more officers on bicycles formed a line between a conservative religious group and a communist-leaning organization carrying a sign that read, "America Was Never Great."

The demonstrators — including anti-Muslim protesters, religious conservatives and marchers decrying racism and "murder by police" — appeared outnumbered by law officers and members of the media. Police on bike and on foot formed lines to keep pockets of protesters separated.

Demonstrators soon spilled into the streets, and some appeared to be making their way toward the convention arena before turning back. More skirmishes broke out at one intersection.

The crowds and the police presence were some of the largest and most raucous gatherings in downtown Cleveland since the convention got underway Monday.

Cleveland's police chief was talking to the crowd before one of the skirmishes broke out.

Earlier Tuesday, officials said 11 members of the planning team for the California delegation to the Republican convention were recovering from a bout of norovirus, or what's commonly known as stomach flu, health officials said. No delegates appeared to be affected.

The symptoms, which can include vomiting and diarrhea, were first reported Thursday as logistics members arrived at a hotel about an hour west of Cleveland ahead of the Republican National Convention, said Pete Schade, Erie County health commissioner.

Those who got sick are keeping themselves isolated in their rooms, Schade said, and the Ohio Health Department is trying to identify the source. Norovirus can be contracted from an infected person, from contaminated food or water, or by touching contaminated surfaces.

Ohio Health Department spokesman Russ Kennedy confirmed there was at least one suspected norovirus case and said the victim was apparently infected before arriving in Ohio, based on when the person fell ill.

Cynthia Bryant, executive director of the California GOP, told delegation members to wash their hands frequently, avoid shaking hands and not to share food.

As the second day of the convention got underway, three people were arrested and charged with criminal mischief for climbing flagpoles outside the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum early in the morning and hanging an anti-Donald Trump banner. Firefighters took it down.

The museum said in statement that while the rock hall is an "icon of free speech," officials discourage "illegal actions that stress our first responders."

Also Tuesday, Cleveland's police chief said 300 officers from more than a dozen law enforcement agencies are patrolling on bicycles in downtown Cleveland during the convention. Supporters of bike patrols say they make officers more maneuverable and less threatening-looking.

On Monday, the first day of rallies outside the convention featured angry words and a small number of demonstrators openly carrying guns as allowed under Ohio law, but none of the violence many feared could erupt in this summer of violence in the U.S. and overseas.

"So far, so good," Police Chief Calvin Williams said Monday evening.


Associated Press writer Michael Sisak contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-20

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If I could speak to demonstrators, I'd tell 'em not to get too concerned. It's actually a good thing that The Divider got the nod. He's gonna lose big time on November 8th.

If Republicans had the basic intelligence to pick a half-way decent nominee, then they might have a chance of winning.

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If I could speak to demonstrators, I'd tell 'em not to get too concerned. It's actually a good thing that The Divider got the nod. He's gonna lose big time on November 8th.

If Republicans had the basic intelligence to pick a half-way decent nominee, then they might have a chance of winning.

The real problem is that the Rep's didn't have a halfway decent person to choose from. All their candidates were nutters.

Hard to believe that the USA with such a large population and world economy only have 2 parties to choose from, far right and far left.

Leaves a lot of room in the middle for the possibility of some sanity, but no.

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Just because there are two major parties doesn't mean they're both populated by nutters. Obama has been the prez for 2 terms and has done a rather good job, considering the endless roadblocks the Reps put in his way.

I even think HRC is ok, though I know I'm in the minority (with fellow posters) on that point - though HRC is waaaaaay more popular (with the American voters) than Trump, even considering her negatives. The worst the Reps can attack her on are really not that big a deal when looked at from a reasonable perspective. HRC's negatives only sound so very bad because that's the worst the Reps can find on her, so they're compelled to blow it up to ridiculous dimensions .....as if she secretly sold a carrier group to the Chinese, and gave all the blueprints for US's fighter jets to the Russkies.

If Trump told his fans that HRC planted land mines all around the White House and still keeps a dozen child sex slaves locked up in a WH dungeon, all his rabid fans would believe him. Uh oh, I hope I didn't give the Reps another attack idea.

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Just because there are two major parties doesn't mean they're both populated by nutters. Obama has been the prez for 2 terms and has done a rather good job, considering the endless roadblocks the Reps put in his way.

I even think HRC is ok, though I know I'm in the minority (with fellow posters) on that point - though HRC is waaaaaay more popular (with the American voters) than Trump, even considering her negatives. The worst the Reps can attack her on are really not that big a deal when looked at from a reasonable perspective. HRC's negatives only sound so very bad because that's the worst the Reps can find on her, so they're compelled to blow it up to ridiculous dimensions .....as if she secretly sold a carrier group to the Chinese, and gave all the blueprints for US's fighter jets to the Russkies.

If Trump told his fans that HRC planted land mines all around the White House and still keeps a dozen child sex slaves locked up in a WH dungeon, all his rabid fans would believe him. Uh oh, I hope I didn't give the Reps another attack idea.) Your grasp (opr should I say lack ther of(of the truth and the facts are as misleading as your

I'm not sure which is more disgusting, your misrepresentation of Hillary Clinton's past or your misrepresentation of the current Presidential race? Anyone with internet access can see that the real clear politics average of polls had HRC just 2 percentage points ahead a week ago before the GOP convention began, and todays poll has the race dead even, and keep in mind that is with the tens of millions of Dollars that the DNC and the HRC campaign has spent on TV ads over the past few weeks while the Trump campaign has not even begun there advertisingthumbsup.gif . Trust me when I tell you that there are things about HRC that you know nothing about, but stay tuned over the coming months and even a left wing nutcase like yourself may have to finally open your eyes and smell the coffeewai2.gif

​"Trust me when I tell you that there are things about HRC that you know nothing about..."

Out with it, don't be coy. Spill the beans.

No fan of Hillary Clinton myself, I'd like to see her political career ended for good.

But Trump is hardly any better as an alternative.

The US is facing a leadership crisis that looks like a disaster waiting to happen.

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Just because there are two major parties doesn't mean they're both populated by nutters. Obama has been the prez for 2 terms and has done a rather good job, considering the endless roadblocks the Reps put in his way.

I even think HRC is ok, though I know I'm in the minority (with fellow posters) on that point - though HRC is waaaaaay more popular (with the American voters) than Trump, even considering her negatives. The worst the Reps can attack her on are really not that big a deal when looked at from a reasonable perspective. HRC's negatives only sound so very bad because that's the worst the Reps can find on her, so they're compelled to blow it up to ridiculous dimensions .....as if she secretly sold a carrier group to the Chinese, and gave all the blueprints for US's fighter jets to the Russkies.

If Trump told his fans that HRC planted land mines all around the White House and still keeps a dozen child sex slaves locked up in a WH dungeon, all his rabid fans would believe him. Uh oh, I hope I didn't give the Reps another attack idea.) Your grasp (opr should I say lack ther of(of the truth and the facts are as misleading as your

I'm not sure which is more disgusting, your misrepresentation of Hillary Clinton's past or your misrepresentation of the current Presidential race? Anyone with internet access can see that the real clear politics average of polls had HRC just 2 percentage points ahead a week ago before the GOP convention began, and todays poll has the race dead even, and keep in mind that is with the tens of millions of Dollars that the DNC and the HRC campaign has spent on TV ads over the past few weeks while the Trump campaign has not even begun there advertisingthumbsup.gif . Trust me when I tell you that there are things about HRC that you know nothing about, but stay tuned over the coming months and even a left wing nutcase like yourself may have to finally open your eyes and smell the coffeewai2.gif

Republicans and Trump fans can say 10,000 times that she's a felon, but it doesn't make it true (except for sheeple who believe everything bad about someone they're sworn to hate).

The GOP's and Trump's strategy is to try and find the worst thing about HRC, and blow it up as big as they can. Unfortunately for the GOP, the worst things in HRC's long public career are not bad (misjudgements perhaps, but not criminal). Compare that to Trump who has 3,500 lawsuits against him for not paying tens of thousands of workers what they're owed.

But still, the Republican Attack Machine has to keep hammering on the emails and her non-involvement with Benghazi, because that's the worst they can find. You'll notice that, in two days and dozens of speeches at the Rep Nat'l Convention, there've been no mentions of proposed policies. Reps are bereft. All they have are trumped-up negatives. Their campaign is based on attack, find fault, exaggerate, blame. The rest of the world (and 80% of Americans) are laughing at how clueless and mean-spirited the Reps are.

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