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A woman or child is raped every 15 minutes in Thailand - study shows


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4 hours ago, Borzandy said:

The newbie have to learn

I commend you Miss Marples on your personal assessment on the majority of hen-pecked divorcee now wed again TV members. I'm probably quite unique managing to avoid Thai marriages like the bubonic plague with a few kids out of wedlock. I still retain the UK attitude of not getting hitched when one contemplates the appalling divorce rates. To be honest I always considered murder was a much better option. 

Just saying ....... 

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On July 30, 2016 at 0:11 PM, gdgbb said:

Which children are they that are victims of rape that don't make it to the news reports? How do you know about them if they are not reported?

It's something I never understand. I heard a quote last week regarding rapes in America that "90% of rapes go unreported". The obvious response is "How do you know?"

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Thailand is on the road to nowhere with Anti social behaviour , just like the rest of the world , it is interesting to note that this has just started over the last 2 decades , in the early nineties a female  could walk down any back street in BKK without any harm , now Thailand has caught up with the rest of the world , leapt forward you could say 2 decades , as the rot started in the west in the 1960-70 era, the new crayz in ICE won't help any,  they have worked out in Sewage samples, in Perth West OZ,  57 thousand hits a day or statewide average 2 billion AUD  is spent per year on ICE,  not bad for a population of 2 million , so you could say Thailand is just warming up.

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In the U.S.A. 2.5 people are raped every 15 minutes according to available statistics for the year 2010.......or 27 people per 100,000 of the population. Theses statistics only include reported events.

Edited by AlQaholic
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On 7/30/2016 at 1:05 PM, WhizBang said:

Ah yes, Thailand. Such a lovely Buddhist country. NOT.

Thailand has no moral or ethical values. All they know is me, me, me. That, and money, money, money. We see it every day.

Thailand is a broken and sick society. Now I know what 'Thainess' really means.

Much as I like Thailand and there are some very good people among the locals, another poster who'd stated when he'd learned the language and found everything is about money here and so he'd moved to the Philippines struck a chord. The price of everything and value of nothing should be this country's motto.

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16 hours ago, slippery snake said:

I don't agree with rape under any circumstances in anyway !!   A little bit off topic now,,  but it would be interesting to know what percentage of woman are still virgins at 18,  the legal age for sex..  a very small percentage is my guess.. and many have had babies way before then.     I have lived here 2 years, and feel woman look at sex as a commodity,   that they can sell. 
I have been out with bar girls, receptionists, hair dresser, massage therapist (no sex), and dress maker and all ask for money for sex..   just like a girl selling a pack of condoms in the 7/11,,,  one even asked if I want to use one on her,,  haha, for money of course !!!  said other girl can look after shop, we can go out the back,,  I'm not surprised as a girl can make 3/4 days wage in 20 minutes.....   one other thing, most woman's  bodies are ready to reproduce at about 13 to 15 years old, so nature says they are ready for sex...    


Ready to reproduce yes, but what about their mindset, nature may say that they are ready, but it has been known for 11 year olds

to be ready to reproduce, but does anyone seriously believe that should be the case?


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17 hours ago, slippery snake said:

I don't agree with rape under any circumstances in anyway !!   A little bit off topic now,,  but it would be interesting to know what percentage of woman are still virgins at 18,  the legal age for sex..  a very small percentage is my guess.. and many have had babies way before then.     I have lived here 2 years, and feel woman look at sex as a commodity,   that they can sell. 
I have been out with bar girls, receptionists, hair dresser, massage therapist (no sex), and dress maker and all ask for money for sex..   just like a girl selling a pack of condoms in the 7/11,,,  one even asked if I want to use one on her,,  haha, for money of course !!!  said other girl can look after shop, we can go out the back,,  I'm not surprised as a girl can make 3/4 days wage in 20 minutes.....   one other thing, most woman's  bodies are ready to reproduce at about 13 to 15 years old, so nature says they are ready for sex...    


Ready to reproduce yes, but what about their mindset, nature may say that they are ready, but it has been known for 11 year olds

to be ready to reproduce, but does anyone seriously believe that should be the case?


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Culture places the stigma on victims should they cause problems and women need to be better empowered to speak up and speak out. Rape is obviously not deterred by policy in Thailand, the country is so far behind the times it's scary. Policy makers can lead a change here but don't. Policy makers sitting on their hand are guilty as rapists themselves for their ignorance.

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35 years ago when I first came to Thailand I remember reading lengthy articles in the Bangkok Post about just how much rape goes on in this country.

I had always wrongly surmised that there would be less rape in Thailand because of all the prostitution ...but my assumptions have been proven wrong while rape goes on unabated and one more disturbing aspect of Thai society that will probably never change.


Meantime nearly every other country has the same or similar problem while the governments of most countries seldom ever seriously address the problem while Thailand is amongst the countries that more or less also ignore the problem.



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  • 2 weeks later...

"The three groups committing the most rapes were 1. Step fathers 2. Friends of the victims and 3. Neighbors..."


The one glaring omission is "Husbands". As in many cultures, it is seen as the right of a husband to dominate his wife, and even if his wife does not want to engage in sex, he is legally allowed to force her. It is only recently that most western societies have recognized this act as rape.


If we include this situation, then the incidents of rape increase drastically.

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The high numbers of rapes just makes me wonder where are all the rapists. They must be all around. I've always felt this world is full of criminals around me. It's not just the rapists, it's the thieves, thugs, murderers, and others. They aren't in prison. They are free and everywhere no doubt including here. It's disturbing. I wonder how much crime is actually punished?

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On 7/30/2016 at 1:50 PM, dcnx said:

"The age range of victims was 1 year and 8 months to 81 years"

That really shows the depravity of the males committing these horrible crimes.

And to think, this is only what is reported. Given the shame and fear that goes along with rape, most rape cases are actually not reported, not just here but everywhere. With that in mind, I have no doubt the problem is much, much worse. Double, triple, or even quadruple perhaps.

But whatever, keep glorifying it on TV. It makes the men look so macho, and the women, well, what woman doesn't want to be kidnapped, beaten and raped until she magically falls in love with her abuser.



    Your last sentence is so true,  the so called "soft rape" shown in soap operas is usually accepted by too many people here.

     It makes the victim to a willingness and brainless slave who basically wanted to have sex with the rapist, but couldn't make "the first step."  Disgusting., because many youngsters ( and older guys) believe that crocodile dung. 



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I remember there being a lot of confusion over what the 'legal' age for sex is in Thailand, so I looked into it.

The most reliable law associated web-sites I could find said it was:

13 years old - with parental permission.

15 years old - in normal circumstances.

18 years old - if there is to be any material or financial gain.


I believe that, traditionally at least, the vagina was seen as a financial commodity, even by parents, and it was common practice to sell-off daughters to the highest bidder at 13-14 years old, and I personally know ladies, all from the north, who were sold to Bangkok brothels at that age.

Many, if not most, of the girls in our village are sexually active at 13-14 years old, and it's quite common for the 14-15 year-old 'husband' to move into the girl's home; many can be seen heading off to school together in the mornings on a motorbike.

Dropping a baby at 14 is nothing unusual. One of my step-daughter's friends had produced two babies before finishing school at 15.


All this has to be kept in perspective, in that Thai country folk live more in tune with nature, and there's plenty of evidence to say what nature dictates. Of course, we now have the added influence of internet pornography, which most teenagers can't get enough of, and which increasingly depicts sex as a hostile act of male dominance over women, as in nature, and often, what can easily pass as rape.

Women here are aware of man's ignorance of his own natural needs, combined with the aggressive nature his hormones invoke, all in the name of propagating the species and ensuring his seed is the most successful. So, they conduct themselves accordingly... avoiding physical contact and familiarity that might suggest an 'opportunity' to the man. They are also more protective of daughters than sons and, as pointed out by a previous commenter, would rarely leave girls alone in the company of the weak-willed, weak-minded man who subconsciously will see the vulnerable as a potential conquest. I personally had to pull my 12 year-old step-son out of his 9 year-old sister a number of times, and then it was no simple task convincing their mother that they should have separate rooms and not be left alone behind closed doors.

In the west we've learned that women are no longer the property and sex-slaves of men. Unfortunately that's not the case in cultures like Thailand; the traditional moral values of modesty and respectability, mixing with the modern, sexually liberated 'pseudo-western' younger generation, are contradictory and confusing to the simple minds of the men.

I'm hardly surprised about the high rape statistics here; It's sad but true that the poorly educated have little control over their emotions and natural urges; true anywhere in the world, but especially where keeping the majority of the population stupid is the chief objective of the few in control; as is evident by the growing abandonment of Thaksin's attempts to modernise education.

Sad, in the extreme, but certainly not unique to Thailand!

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  • 1 month later...
On Saturday, July 30, 2016 at 7:01 AM, trainman34014 said:

Huge amounts of sexual abuse and rape of minors is covered up in this broken society. Most of it goes unreported in Village life and when you ask 'Why? ', you are told that it is 'normal' and one should not 'fink too mutt' about these things !

Farang no understand. Thai society way too "complex". Been there heard that.


Now imagine how the statistics would be if there werent karaoke/massage joints every 350 meter... ???


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On 7/30/2016 at 0:19 PM, Assurancetourix said:

And it seems 1zgarz5.gif we are in a bouddhist country ...


    And it seems , we are in a Boom Boom society .

    after  being raped and sexually abused ,  selling their bodies ,

 becomes acceptable , the norm . Very sad 

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I don't agree with rape under any circumstances in anyway !!   A little bit off topic now,,  but it would be interesting to know what percentage of woman are still virgins at 18,  the legal age for sex..  a very small percentage is my guess.. and many have had babies way before then.     I have lived here 2 years, and feel woman look at sex as a commodity,   that they can sell. 
I have been out with bar girls, receptionists, hair dresser, massage therapist (no sex), and dress maker and all ask for money for sex..   just like a girl selling a pack of condoms in the 7/11,,,  one even asked if I want to use one on her,,  haha, for money of course !!!  said other girl can look after shop, we can go out the back,,  I'm not surprised as a girl can make 3/4 days wage in 20 minutes.....   one other thing, most woman's  bodies are ready to reproduce at about 13 to 15 years old, so nature says they are ready for sex...    

Eh' BTW. What 7/11 and I'll go and give her a piece of my mind and anything else that pops up ..,..,

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On 7/30/2016 at 8:56 AM, NCC1701A said:

There is a direct correlation between prostitution and sexual abuse.

I has been well established.

Just ask any hooker how she feels about her father.


I don't agree with you at all. Girls who become hookers haven't necessarily been raped by a member of their family.


What attracts them to the profession is a quick means of acquiring a considerable amount of money for very little effort. They notice that their peers have all the trappings of wealth i.e. new iphone every year, a new motorbike, lots of new clothes and they have plenty of money to send back to their families. Farangs treat them well and may even be persuaded to send them a montly allowance. All they have to do is open their legs.


Why would they want to slave away in a factory for 12,000 baht a month? Also, there's no stigma attached to the 'job' back in their villages and these girls are even admired for the work they do especially if they manage to snare a farang and bring him to the village. Rumours of Sinsot will soon spread and before you know it, the 20 year hooker is married to a 50+ year old farang and the family is set for life.


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On 10/2/2016 at 11:23 PM, Gainsbourg said:


We have indeed a long way to go when generalising BS like yours is spread. Islam is not the friendliest religion irt. women but neither was christianity and neither STILL is orthodox jewism....


The rape in thailand, a mainly budhist country, is the result of lack of education, fueled by huge number of alcoholics and the inflated Thai male ego/minority complex. The latter is a result of their tiny winy so i was told . ?


         Rape , is caused by  a lack of education ? .555,  joker .

         You are indeed uneducated ,   education is not  just  a piece of paper .

           Education is life experiences , the wants and the needs of puberty , and young men .  

 African ,  virgins   welcome  the privilege , of  the un educated  village head , popping their cherry .

      Family tradtion .  


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On 30/07/2016 at 1:05 PM, WhizBang said:

Ah yes, Thailand. Such a lovely Buddhist country. NOT.

Thailand has no moral or ethical values. All they know is me, me, me. That, and money, money, money. We see it every day.

Thailand is a broken and sick society. Now I know what 'Thainess' really means.

According to RapeCrisis.org there are 11 rapes of adults alone every hour in the UK. And my guess is the rape figures are even higher in America, India and many other countries and probably these statistics are not taking into considerations the rapes that go unreported.


Worldwide rape and pedophilia have become an epidemic. I would bet that Thailand doesn’t even fall into the top 20 lists of countries with the most rapes in the world.

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On 02/10/2016 at 5:23 PM, Gainsbourg said:


We have indeed a long way to go when generalising BS like yours is spread. Islam is not the friendliest religion irt. women but neither was christianity and neither STILL is orthodox jewism....


The rape in thailand, a mainly budhist country, is the result of lack of education, fueled by huge number of alcoholics and the inflated Thai male ego/minority complex. The latter is a result of their tiny winy so i was told . ?


codswallop do some research

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On 30/07/2016 at 1:11 PM, gdgbb said:

Which children are they that are victims of rape that don't make it to the news reports? How do you know about them if they are not reported?

Mmm, you don't  live in a village, do you.

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