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Sri Saket to grant beef cattle to Cambodia to celebrate 65th anniversary of Thai-Cambodian diplomatic relations


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Sri Saket to grant beef cattle to Cambodia to celebrate 65th anniversary of Thai-Cambodian diplomatic relations


supawadee wangsri


SRI SAKET, 26 August 2016 (NNT) – Sri Saket province will grant beef cattle to Cambodia in bid to promote good relations between Thailand and Cambodia. 

Deputy Sri Saket provincial governor Thongchai Charoenphanitkul said that a meeting between Sri Saket and Oddar Meancheay provinces was held to exchange ideas and determine guidelines for cooperation in various areas of the two provinces, which share the Thai and Cambodian border. 

The Oddar Meancheay provincial governor was interested in developing beef cattle and requested support from Sri Saket province. 

The Sri Saket provincial governor has assigned Sri Saket Provincial Office of Livestock to coordinate with the Department of Livestock to grant a pair of beef cattle to Cambodia on August 29 to promote and strengthen the good relations between Thailand and Cambodia on occasion of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.


-- nnt 2016-08-27
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The following questions spring readily to mind:  With the beef cattle industry most likely amounting to less than 1% of agricultural pursuits in Si Sa Ket Province, who is the qualified and competent provincial officer to decide what breed and which specific cattle will be donated?  Are the subject cattle recognised breeding stock or just some beasts rescued from the local abattoir?  Will they receive a full and competent veterinary checkup before they leave for Cambodia?  Who in Cambodia is qualified to oversee a bovine breeding program specifically aimed at beef production?  What if any advice has been sought from a recognised beef producing country e.g. Australia?


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Just the reporting I know but Cambodia isn't being presented with,   given or gifted the cattle but granted   !

Sounds so grand and somewhat demeaning to the Cambodians.   Hope they wai profusely and maybe tug their forelock too.

Edited by Caveat Emptor
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4 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

65 years of diplomatic relations? So they don't count the numerous border skirmishes ? How many killed? Great relations.


As the ALLSEEINGEYE observes, someone can't subtract dates.


The first paragraph of the Wikipedia link makes interesting reading:


After the 1978 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and defeat of Democratic Kampuchea in 1979, the Khmer Rouge fled to the border regions of Thailand, and with assistance from China Pol Pot's troops managed to regroup and reorganise in forested and mountainous zones on the Thai-Cambodian border. During the 1980s and early 1990s Khmer Rouge forces operated from inside refugee camps in Thailand, in an attempt to de-stabilize the pro-Hanoi People's Republic of Kampuchea's government, which Thailand refused to recognise. Thailand and Vietnam faced off across the Thai-Cambodian border with frequent Vietnamese incursions and shellings into Thai territory throughout the 1980s in pursuit of Cambodian guerrillas who kept attacking Vietnamese occupation forces.

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