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'Crushed': Some Hispanic leaders feel misled by Trump


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6 hours ago, Chicog said:

Once again his fragile ego has been bruised, this time by the Mexican President telling him that they will not be paying for his wall, so he forgets everything he's been told the previous week and comes out and pisses off all the Hispanics again.

The man is a fool.



Wonder how long it takes from/if (God forbid) he becomes POTUS it will take for him to piss of every country in the world, maybe eccept Russia and North Korea?

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Rod Gold; "Oh, that's right, Rule of Law has become obsolete under the present US administration.  It is now selective prosecution that rules the land."


Tell us how Obama has broken the law.  You can't, unless you lie.

As for immigration:  Obama has overseen the sending back of more illegals than GW Bush, and now there are less numbers of Latinos trying to enter illegally than under Bush.  Last time Trump mentioned Obama and immigration in the same sentence (about 3 days ago), Trump said he would follow Obama's lead.   Don't accuse Obama and his administration of breaking laws unless you have something more than Right Wing Attack Hysteria to back it up.

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2 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

Rule of Law has become obsolete under the present US administration.  It is now selective prosecution that rules the land.

The Rule of Law does not exist in the US Constitution. There is no law passed by the US Congress that establishes the Rule of Law. So calling it obsolete under any US adminstration is nonsense. The Rule of Law per se does not exist in a legal sense.


What does exist in the US Amended Constitution is the principle of legality with judicial review. It embodies the duty of the government to act for a proper purpose and from relevant considerations. The principle of legality is designed in particular to prevent abuse of laws by the government that causes unconstitutional harm to the public. Note that the US Constitution applies to People and not just to American citizens.


Adjunctive to the principle of legality is the principle of proportionality that requires due regard to the balance between the governmental goals and the means to achieve those goals. The US Executive branch has a degree of authority to prioritize enforcement and prosecutorial resources, recruitment, training, funds (to a certain extent) to meet its duty in upholding laws of the nation. In no sense does the Executive branch rule by selective prosecution.

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The hispanic leaders now, feel like most Trump supporters will feel in 12 months or so, if he is elected. Nearly every promise he made will be broken. If you think Obama is and was insincere with his promises, Trump will elevate broken promises to another level altogether. That is his M.O. He has been doing this his entire career. This is who he is. He is NOT a man of his word. His word is used to connive, convince, cajole, and compete. Not to follow through with the kind of behavior one would associate with a man of honor, or someone possessing any sort of integrity. His devotees appear to me, to be drinking a powerful blend of Kool-aid. You cannot convert a lizard into a butterfly. 


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22 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes Nieto does not look to happy. Trump is just being Trump inflate their ego's give them a false hope and then produce a big needle. True Trump at his very best. Trump the business man is shining through again. Trump the politician does not exist. its the "Art of the Deal" all over again.  He has Shylarked so many people in the past and his bag of tricks and lies is never empty. 



You gotta love his hair in that photo. It is kind of a bit like a magic carpet, or a silk rug. It just glows and sweeps with an aerodynamic quality. I wonder if any candidate has ever had such fascinating hair? Do you think he uses a high powered fan to prep his hair? His hair is truly a thing of beauty. 




Edited by spidermike007
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7 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



You gotta love his hair in that photo. It is kind of a bit like a magic carpet, or a silk rug. It just glows and sweeps with an aerodynamic quality. I wonder if any candidate has ever had such fascinating hair? Do you think he uses a high powered fan to prep his hair? His hair is truly a thing of beauty. 





You would think African American women would identify more with Trump.


I have read their hair is incredibly importantto them personally and socially. 


Do not touch a black womans hair...and I would guess you do not want to touch Trump hair or face wrath.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



You gotta love his hair in that photo. It is kind of a bit like a magic carpet, or a silk rug. It just glows and sweeps with an aerodynamic quality. I wonder if any candidate has ever had such fascinating hair? Do you think he uses a high powered fan to prep his hair? His hair is truly a thing of beauty. 




:cheesy: Two happy campers.........not. Better of to Africa to shoot some elephants and leopards.

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



You gotta love his hair in that photo. It is kind of a bit like a magic carpet, or a silk rug. It just glows and sweeps with an aerodynamic quality. I wonder if any candidate has ever had such fascinating hair? Do you think he uses a high powered fan to prep his hair? His hair is truly a thing of beauty. 




It´s not his hair it´s a wig.

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It is a truth universally recognized that anyone able to get close enough to run their hands through Trump's hair would feel misled, terribly, terribly misled. The man is bald at the front. He is bald, plainly bald. Look at it. Really, just take a look. It's obvious. And the piece is fugly. It's no more convincing than a wig dropped accidentally on a lounging sunbather's ass. He should quit doing the George Costanza. Just quit it. It's enough already. It's embarrassing. And it's especially embarrassing to those of us brave enough let our smooth domes out in public and not hide them away as if they're something to be ashamed of. Shame on you Donald, shame. You'll never get the vote of my proud band of balding brethren. The man is a disgrace...he wants to "pass" and in so doing will never rise up an live out the true nature of his creed. Like many men still locked in the Bald Closet, Donald is lying to himself and others. He's not to be trusted. The Hair tells all.

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19 hours ago, Srikcir said:

The Rule of Law does not exist in the US Constitution. There is no law passed by the US Congress that establishes the Rule of Law. So calling it obsolete under any US adminstration is nonsense. The Rule of Law per se does not exist in a legal sense.


What does exist in the US Amended Constitution is the principle of legality with judicial review. It embodies the duty of the government to act for a proper purpose and from relevant considerations. The principle of legality is designed in particular to prevent abuse of laws by the government that causes unconstitutional harm to the public. Note that the US Constitution applies to People and not just to American citizens.


Adjunctive to the principle of legality is the principle of proportionality that requires due regard to the balance between the governmental goals and the means to achieve those goals. The US Executive branch has a degree of authority to prioritize enforcement and prosecutorial resources, recruitment, training, funds (to a certain extent) to meet its duty in upholding laws of the nation. In no sense does the Executive branch rule by selective prosecution.

The Rule of Law, like the present state of the US economy, is more of a perception than a reality.  This present US administration has done more to damage the perception by it's selective prosecution, dysfunctional and racists leadership, and tacit approval of otherwise criminal activity than any in my lifetime IMPO.  This administrations lack of respect and willful trampling of the US Constitution is another story entirely.

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I love this guy. . . . . .


it appears as though the above video didn't load last time I posted on this thread.  Try again.....


As for that photo showing Trump and Nieto.  Part of Trump's bald head can clearly be seen.  Did he get hair plugs or is it a 3 million dollar wig?  Do we care?  Only his hairdresser knows for sure.  It's silly vanity.  He keeps shouting about "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"  ....which is a call-out to all Americans around his age to try and revert back to the 1950's and 60's when they had their hair, they were trim, they had sex appeal, they had their hormones raging, and making out in the back seat of a Buick was a weekly ride in heaven.  Sorry Donald.  You can put gold-colored hair on your bald head but that's not really gonna get today's 18 yr old cute chicks to look at you lustfully.  You might as well stuff a banana in your pants where your crotch is, .....it would have about as much a peal (I made that pun up).

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On 9/1/2016 at 9:13 PM, phantomfiddler said:

Surely in any other country an illegal immigrant would be sent back to his country of origin ! Sounds reasonable to me :)

Of course it does, otherwise you would not support Trump, as it sound to me you do but,,,,

the devil is in the details. For years with a wink and a nob we got hem to come here so we can enjoy lower price services of the things we did not want to do for so low a pay.

Now they are here, they have children that were born here, children who might not even know their original countries or language. what do we do?????

Deport 11 million people???  Trump is smart enough to know the logistics, and is playing you. Are you smart enough to know the impossibility of the logistics, and that he is playing you?

Lucky for as he is not running for emperor,  and if by some remote chance he got elected, we have a constitution, and a congress to approve his proposals. 

I promise you one thing, if he got elected, his policy will be very similar to the one we have now, because it is the only way to deal with the situation with in our constitutional and logistical constrains.

I guess the constitution could be changed, but any of those changes would not be retroactive.

If one wanted to make a change in future illegal immigration, one does not need a deportation army, what one need is an army to go after those who hire illegals. 

No jobs and non of them will come here, even better many of those who are here, would leave on their own, at no cost to as!!

You are all good people, but your fear is clouding your logic.

Trump is not the one.

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On September 2, 2016 at 2:45 PM, JHolmesJr said:


Good….I can see many people disgusted by crooked hillary voting Johnston/Weld.


Hopefully this will give trump an advantage…a slim one… but still…every vote counts on this one.


Oh you were doing so well until the second line. Sorry but anyone that votes for this criminal conman with no knowledge of world affairs is guilty by association. 60% of the US population, that is BOTH sides should send the strongest message ever to their respective party leadership saying "you have 4 years to sort your party out and never again present to the American public, two candidates who are so unworthy of the countries highest office' and vote Johnson / Weld. The country will be completely safe in their hands for four years, of that I am 100% certain.

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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

It is a truth universally recognized that anyone able to get close enough to run their hands through Trump's hair would feel misled, terribly, terribly misled. The man is bald at the front. He is bald, plainly bald. Look at it. Really, just take a look. It's obvious. And the piece is fugly. It's no more convincing than a wig dropped accidentally on a lounging sunbather's ass. He should quit doing the George Costanza. Just quit it. It's enough already. It's embarrassing. And it's especially embarrassing to those of us brave enough let our smooth domes out in public and not hide them away as if they're something to be ashamed of. Shame on you Donald, shame. You'll never get the vote of my proud band of balding brethren. The man is a disgrace...he wants to "pass" and in so doing will never rise up an live out the true nature of his creed. Like many men still locked in the Bald Closet, Donald is lying to himself and others. He's not to be trusted. The Hair tells all.


We have his mate in the UK. Rab C Nesbit !



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1 hour ago, sirineou said:

Deport 11 million people???  Trump is smart enough to know the logistics, and is playing you. 


Trump is not smart enough.  Smart enough for what?  He didn't know the Russkies had taken part of Ukraine.  He proposed that women who seek abortions should be put in jail.  Don't just take my word, listen to the people who know him best (not counting Melania and his kids).  They'll tell you he's not smart.  He's not a good businessman.  He thinks like (and is as deep as) a post-it note.


Additionally, he's woefully flummoxed by international issues and throws data (made up and and/or highly exaggerated) like a ditsy 11 year old on speed.  I'm still trying to fathom how so many Republicans voted for him in the primaries.  The only way I can make sense of it is: they like the entertainment, and they want to see America shafted where the sun don't shine. 

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13 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump is not smart enough.  Smart enough for what?  He didn't know the Russkies had taken part of Ukraine.  He proposed that women who seek abortions should be put in jail.  Don't just take my word, listen to the people who know him best (not counting Melania and his kids).  They'll tell you he's not smart.  He's not a good businessman.  He thinks like (and is as deep as) a post-it note.


Additionally, he's woefully flummoxed by international issues and throws data (made up and and/or highly exaggerated) like a ditsy 11 year old on speed.  I'm still trying to fathom how so many Republicans voted for him in the primaries.  The only way I can make sense of it is: they like the entertainment, and they want to see America shafted where the sun don't shine. 

He might not be knowledgeable about current events, not a desirable attribute for a president, and perhaps not smart considering his performance in this election, but he understands logistics, or at least in his business he had people who did, and in this campaign  he has people who do.

He also knows the limitations of the office for which he is running.

He is simply disingenuous, he is full of him self and has low regard for others, in fact he told as so him self, he said "he is smart , he is very smart" and "I am the only one who can fix this"  , and he is playing the the ones who support him for idiots! He might not be too far off the mark.

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On 9/2/2016 at 2:27 PM, Pib said:

An interactive chart/video showing immigration to the U.S. over the last two hundred years...shows flows from countries around the world to the U.S.  Really and awesome (and short) interactive display IMO.




Very well done chart/video. But not sure what the relevance is. Are you suggesting Trump is against immigration or just illegal immigration? Or just illegal immigration from Mexico?

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4 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

This administrations lack of respect

"Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as President?"

2016 - Obama job apprval @ 49% vs. Republican dominated US Congress @ 15%. Only George H.W. Bush enjoyed a similar edge over Congress. 


Over the course of Obama's presidsency, his average apprval rating among Democrats has been 80% compared with 14% among Republicans. Obama's performance has been on par with Ronald Reagan.


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6 hours ago, Neurath said:

It is a truth universally recognized that anyone able to get close enough to run their hands through Trump's hair would feel misled, terribly, terribly misled. The man is bald at the front. He is bald, plainly bald. Look at it. Really, just take a look. It's obvious. And the piece is fugly. It's no more convincing than a wig dropped accidentally on a lounging sunbather's ass. He should quit doing the George Costanza. Just quit it. It's enough already. It's embarrassing. And it's especially embarrassing to those of us brave enough let our smooth domes out in public and not hide them away as if they're something to be ashamed of. Shame on you Donald, shame. You'll never get the vote of my proud band of balding brethren. The man is a disgrace...he wants to "pass" and in so doing will never rise up an live out the true nature of his creed. Like many men still locked in the Bald Closet, Donald is lying to himself and others. He's not to be trusted. The Hair tells all.

Here is the proof, this is how Trump looks without his wig and makeup.



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9 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

The Rule of Law, like the present state of the US economy, is more of a perception than a reality.  This present US administration has done more to damage the perception by it's selective prosecution, dysfunctional and racists leadership, and tacit approval of otherwise criminal activity than any in my lifetime IMPO.  This administrations lack of respect and willful trampling of the US Constitution is another story entirely.

I'm guessing that you weren't alive in 1972-4. Or for that matter in the 80's. I was for both and clearly recall - dressed in my shorts and braces looking like an 8 year old Richard Simmons - watching Richard Millhouse Nixon sweat, wiggle and weave his way through the Watergate hearings all the way to the inevitable tragic (for him) conclusion. Now that was a willful trampling of the Constitution. We didn't see anything of it's like until the revelations of Iran-Contra. That was a doozy too! 

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On 9/2/2016 at 0:27 PM, Pib said:

An interactive chart/video showing immigration to the U.S. over the last two hundred years...shows flows from countries around the world to the U.S.  Really and awesome (and short) interactive display IMO.



Marvelous, absolutely marvelous. There is an equally good one doing the rounds on Nuclear explosions 1945-Present. That one is stunning also. Thanks for the graphic. Made my day.

We have Hispanic Americans, African Americans, Irish Americans, Italian Americans and so on. We don't have, not to the same degree anyway, German Americans - the display would suggests we should. I guess this is the effect of the two world wars. 

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16 hours ago, Neurath said:

It is a truth universally recognized that anyone able to get close enough to run their hands through Trump's hair would feel misled, terribly, terribly misled. The man is bald at the front. He is bald, plainly bald. Look at it. Really, just take a look. It's obvious. And the piece is fugly. It's no more convincing than a wig dropped accidentally on a lounging sunbather's ass. He should quit doing the George Costanza. Just quit it. It's enough already. It's embarrassing. And it's especially embarrassing to those of us brave enough let our smooth domes out in public and not hide them away as if they're something to be ashamed of. Shame on you Donald, shame. You'll never get the vote of my proud band of balding brethren. The man is a disgrace...he wants to "pass" and in so doing will never rise up an live out the true nature of his creed. Like many men still locked in the Bald Closet, Donald is lying to himself and others. He's not to be trusted. The Hair tells all.



But, it is the sheer amount of time, money, effort, and preening that goes into his hair, that is the amazing part. My guess, is that if you touched his hard, he would attempt to have you arrested. Once he becomes president, he might have you executed, after he declares martial law, calls out the military and national guard, and seizes ultimate power. Do not underestimate this man. His extreme desire for fame, fortune, power, and control knows no bounds. He is capable of anything. He could very well end up being the next Tito, Amin, Mugabe, Duvalier, Franco, Fat Jung Un, Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, or dare I say the H word?  


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11 hours ago, Skywalker69 said:

Here is the proof, this is how Trump looks without his wig and makeup.





Is this a real image? If so, I can see what he wears his rug, and alot of makeup. So all of the orange face is just make up? Not the result of 10 hours a week in a suntan booth? Wow. Scary. Nobody who looked like that could of would ever get elected, in this rather photogenically obsessed society of ours. He looks 79 instead of 70. Great image. I love it.


Don't know if there is any truth in this allegations but here goes: 


This solution that Trump, our tipster says, sought for his hair woes is a little-known, patented hair restoration treatment called a “microcylinder intervention.” It’s only performed by one clinic that we know of—Ivari International—where our source once sought treatment, and where he says he learned of Trump’s apparent patronage. What’s more, Ivari’s New York location was inside Trump Tower—on a floor that’s now private and reserved for Donald Trump’s children’s offices.*




How can one possibly comb natural, human hair so that it lies comfortably in such a shape? Hair that grows naturally from a head will not—cannot—form the web we see laid bare in the thinning section of scalp curtain above.




Edited by spidermike007
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His hair will be held in exact place by cans of hair lacquer, it would be as stiff as a board to touch. It is astonishing that someone who has no confidence to be who he is,  is conning people that he has the inner confidence to be POTUS. I can only imagine what it is like to be his hair stylist - gotta have a sense of humour.


There is no 'art' in this guy's deals, he simply agrees to pay people well for their services, and then when given, he refuses to pay, screws them over and says 'sue me if you can afford it'. It's easy to amass wealth when you do not pay those who have given you resources that improve your net worth.


What we saw at his immigration speech was nothing more than an unscripted tirade given by an angry man who was pissed that the Mexican President had tweeted "I told Donald Trump Mexico would not pay for the wall". I think Trump was supposed to go in and give the new 'soft message' but he got angry and his ego took over. Since the speech his surrogates have been notable by their absence, nobody knows what to say next. Imagine Trump getting angry with Putin, or the Chinese or the nut job in North Korea. At least the people in the Military Industrial complex would be happy.



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4 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


His hair will be held in exact place by cans of hair lacquer, it would be as stiff as a board to touch. It is astonishing that someone who has no confidence to be who he is,  is conning people that he has the inner confidence to be POTUS. I can only imagine what it is like to be his hair stylist - gotta have a sense of humour.


There is no 'art' in this guy's deals, he simply agrees to pay people well for their services, and then when given, he refuses to pay, screws them over and says 'sue me if you can afford it'. It's easy to amass wealth when you do not pay those who have given you resources that improve your net worth.


What we saw at his immigration speech was nothing more than an unscripted tirade given by an angry man who was pissed that the Mexican President had tweeted "I told Donald Trump Mexico would not pay for the wall". I think Trump was supposed to go in and give the new 'soft message' but he got angry and his ego took over. Since the speech his surrogates have been notable by their absence, nobody knows what to say next. Imagine Trump getting angry with Putin, or the Chinese or the nut job in North Korea. At least the people in the Military Industrial complex would be happy.



He uses hairpins aswell.


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