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Why Thailand is moving closer to decriminalizing meth


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2 hours ago, cooked said:

Won't happen. In 1942 when people were turning away from opium which was illegal and harmful but extortionately 'taxed', they  were turning to Kratom which is relatively harmless and got people through the day, was very cheap or free. It grows on trees. So they made that illegal also, as well as marijuana and psilocybin.


There sure were a lot of choices in older days for the one looking for medicine or whatever.

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1 minute ago, disambiguated said:


Why would you want to assist/retain staff who regularly use yaabaa - whilst driving?!

i did not know they were using/selling yabba. dont know if they were doing it while driving.  their mothers were in a bad state at the thought of loosing their sons for up to 10 years. it seemed to be the right thing to do and i got my money back which was a bonus. i always treated my staff like family, not that it made much difference.

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41 minutes ago, Gainsbourg said:

Is meth the same as yaba? And is it the same as the good old speed (white, yellowish, pinkish) powder we snorted back in the days? And is ice that too? I can't follow with all these names. If these are different substances please explain...







Better legalise weed and opium and kratom etc first.



1.Speed- The street name for any Amphetamine...Often times pharmaceutical

but not always...


2.Ice-  Extremely pure and powerful....Highly refined Meth....


3.Meth- Home made speed powder/crystals...Can range from very crude to almost  pharmaceutical grade...


4.Yaba- Is meth with caffeine mixed in....Usually colored orange..And

usually found in Asia... 

Edited by fforest1
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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Of all the bad ideas the Government comes up with,

this tops them all,this is one of the most dangerous

drugs,and legalizing it,would lead to a increase in

users,I suppose this would mean the Government

would have a monopoly in producing and distribution,

as they now have with tobacco ,

regards worgeordie

I see your point but I have often wondered what would happen if drugs were legalized, I think it might be easier to convince your children not to use if they could see the results sitting on the park bench drooling all over himself, wearing rags, smelling bad and begging for a hand out.  As it is all those guys are incarcerated when they get that bad, but our kids see the guy with the nice car or bike and hot girl, who is selling the stuff and is very impressed by this. I think it is worth a try anyway, it couldn't get much worse I don't think. I would guess the USA spends more that a thousand dollars per capita on the drug wars and the prisons. I think maybe we don't give our kids enough credit for learning about their surroundings and making the better decisions in life. The government would not only save this tremendous amount of money but the tax on the stuff would also add up. The pot issue is ridiculous as I know many very responsible citizens in the US that have smoked it all there lives, their kids turned out great too. I never liked it much as it gives me a nervous stomach for some reason.

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How could decriminalisation of Meth benefit Thailand? Not a great amount of information in the article. I am dead against Meth and think the only benefit to Thailand would come from manufacture and controlled distribution with the aim of bankrupting the current operators. Everyones bent already, decriminalisation will only change attitudes and make people accept it. 


Disaster after disaster.

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I hope the following bill they pass will be to legalise personal protection items such as body armor and self-defense equipment, at least give the regular folks a fighting chance against the impending hordes of tweakers. :passifier:

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55 minutes ago, fforest1 said:


1.Speed- The street name for any Amphetamine...Often times pharmaceutical

but not always...


2.Ice-  Extremely pure and powerful....Highly refined Meth....


3.Meth- Home made speed powder/crystals...Can range from very crude to almost  pharmaceutical grade...


4.Yaba- Is meth with caffeine mixed in....Usually colored orange..And

usually found in Asia... 

So basically I was snorting meth 25 years ago. Which we called speed generically? Fun once in a while but definitely not something I'd like to do daily... they also give it to adhd hyperactive kids. The freak brothers mentioned that already ages ago. Haha.

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Prior to commenting on Thailand's intention to decriminalize meth, one should consider what is possible and not possible from a historical stand point with regards to controlling illegal activities.


For example:- 

  • Sex

    • There's a buyer and a seller. Both parties a happy. It's been going on forever.

    • The business is provably impossible to stop.

    • Attempts to stop the business drive it underground where criminal/violent types together with organized gangs get involved in controlling the business

  • Alcohol

    • There's a buyer and a seller. Both parties a happy. It's been going on forever.

    • The business is provably impossible to stop.

    • Attempts to stop the business drive it underground where criminal/violent types together with organized gangs get involved in controlling the business

  • Drugs

    • There's a buyer and a seller. Both parties a happy. It's been going on forever.

    • The business is provably impossible to stop.

    • Attempts to stop the business drive it underground where criminal/violent types together with organized gangs get involved in controlling the business


So, have you spotted the pattern yet? :rolleyes:


The popular nature of all the above businesses among a significant part of every human population on earth makes it impossible for any government to prevent these activities from taking place.


Further, government strong arm attempts at preventing these businesses results in vicious retaliations from the dark influences involved in protecting their business interests that in many instances results in many tens of thousands of gruesome deaths on both sides of the fight - many innocents civilians also get caught up in the 'drugs war' conflicts.


More examples:-

Organized gangs controlling the UK sex industry https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/sep/24/organised-crime-behind-uk-sex-trade

Mexican drug war. Afghanistan drugs war - deaths summary http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/the-staggering-death-toll-of-mexicos-drug-war/ 

Alcohol Prohibition. Organized Crime. Al-Capone et al http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/modern-world-history-1918-to-1980/america-1918-1939/prohibition-and-the-gangsters/


The best a government can hope to achieve (for which there is also evidence of success) is control of these industries. In other words, the industry/business is permitted to exist, but with government controls.


Imagine just for a moment, what if all medicines, antibiotics and surgical treatments were made illegal by some crackpot religious organization that took over your country. Obviously, all these activities are desirable by a large percentage of the population at one time or another - and thus would still go on, but driven underground... with no quality controls of medicines, no vetting of doctors & surgeons - all these business would become very dodgy indeed - just like illegal drugs is nowadays.


So then...

Has any country ever taken the brave step to decriminalize all illegal drugs? And what has been the result?   Yes :  Portugal; 2001 to present.


Here is what has happened in Portugal following 14 years full decriminalization of all drugs. UK Independent newspaper article:-



The only logical conclusion is that decriminalizing all drugs(the sex trade, alcohol, cigarettes, etc) and introducing reasonable, compassionate and pragmatic government controls is the only provably effective way forward. :jap:





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10 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I think that most drugs should be legalized, but, IMO, speed is an especially dangerous one. Staying awake days at a time can make one paranoid and psychotic. It would be much smarter to stick with something natural like opium.


Totally agree with you. I've worked for/with hard drug addicts in Germany and made a lot of strange "observations with people on speed".


     Especially, when a tea spoon becomes to small to get it ready shoot able. One of my clients who went away from therapy and I tried to tell him that he'd be better off to stay at a nice place with great food, weight rooms, all sorts of activities that were really helpful for a lot of others, and last but not least, some great therapists. 


I was one of them, but honestly had to quit my position because too many people who quit therapy and went back to the same amount of heroin, cocaine, or speed, or the worst, cocktails, no matter if heroin mixed with cocaine, or speed,  they're used to before the therapy, 


A lot who broke up their therapy died overdosed because they thought they could handle the same dose what they shot before.

But also a lot of them who finished their therapy and went back to the old social environment died overdosed, often on the same day when they're let out as being "clean."


 To get to the point. Speed is a lot more harmful than heroin, or opium. I had a guy I picked up from prison brought him to a nice therapy place which was like a paradise.. He left after only two weeks, the psychological effect speed had on him was way stronger than going back to jail, or anything else. 


I finally found him at his mom's house, saw him shooting huge amounts of speed and then saw him freaking out. He thought police cars would b everywhere. Then he took a knife and wanted to cut the bugs out of his arms. I've told him a few times that there're no bugs, but he continued to fix up the next spoon.


 After a chat with his cool brother, I decided to go, there's no way to make him understand what he did wrong. Speed doesn't cause serious physical, problems during withdraw, but huge psychological problems, when the addict doesn't have something for his/her spoon.


Reading this headline makes me want to throw up. Back in the old days when people took heroin and opium, they could live a life without getting seriously sick. But it's of course the usual thing.


   People who make drug laws, or are anyhow related to solve drug problems, usually don't know much about the topic.


  I know that speed freaking kills and if they don't understand that heroine isn't as harmful as speed, they should shut up and do their homework.


A lot of people in Thailand and all around the world shoot speed and Jaba and acting like it's harmless is freaking idiotic. 








Edited by lostinisaan
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Agree with you that Meth is not a good thing and even if Legalized or decriminalized , I ain't using it...

This being said, I still believe in decriminalization of drugs..

Because in my opinion , drug use and addiction is a medical issue not a criminal issue

Addicts belong in rehab not jail.

Also one of the biggest problems with the drug trade is that it is controlled by criminals

If controlled by the government, they can regulate better and control purity and dosage better

Also can be highly taxed and hopefully that money can be used for various rehab projects

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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If you can try watching Breaking Bad. It's on Netflix. It's about manufacturing meth and selling it. Very good series.

Also read Life by Kieth Richards

He tells of going cold turkey before a tour. If anyone that should be dead..it's him. It was a number one best seller and a good read. I have never done that stuff and never will. Not opposed to little weed though.


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The vote seems firmly for "Why Meth first?"   I definitely agree.  Grass, psychedelics and Opium first.    However I would perhaps agree with lighter sentences for simple possession on a few tabs for personal use, make counselling & treatment part of every sentence and go heavy on crimes committed under influence and possession (of quantities suitable) for supply.

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LSD....would help alot here. People would be able to see the actual lottery numbers floating around in space. Plus they would drive better as well.

Meth would help with the fatties, and also get the youth up and moving. 

Heroin is a no Brainer, year round crop. Happy layer back farmers. Cool shiek skinny ex model like human skeletons to photograph. 

Crime would diminish as everyone would be stoned or dead.

For all the dead overdosed full moon revelers, scoop up the corpses and fund a profitable Soylent Green Program.


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45 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Oh sure. Lets legalize heroin. No harm in junkies dumping their needles on the street after shooting up some of which will carry the Aids virus there now?


Most of the damage caused by heroin is BECAUSE it is illegal. Some people shoot it because the illegal stuff is so adulterated with baby laxative and other cuts. If it was pure and cheap, there would be less need to shoot it at all and there would be a lot less overdoses as users would know the dosage that they were getting.

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6 hours ago, Gainsbourg said:

Is meth the same as yaba? And is it the same as the good old speed (white, yellowish, pinkish) powder we snorted back in the days? And is ice that too? I can't follow with all these names. If these are different substances please explain...







Better legalise weed and opium and kratom etc first.


"Yaba" in Thailand is not as strong as Meth is in California.  But powerful enough to parTy all night long.  The legalization of Yaba may hurt the ladyboys business since a lot of ladyboys use and have it available for their customers.

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5 hours ago, fforest1 said:


1.Speed- The street name for any Amphetamine...Often times pharmaceutical

but not always...


2.Ice-  Extremely pure and powerful....Highly refined Meth....


3.Meth- Home made speed powder/crystals...Can range from very crude to almost  pharmaceutical grade...


4.Yaba- Is meth with caffeine mixed in....Usually colored orange..And

usually found in Asia... 

I would like to add: Yaba comes in a pill form.  A little smaller than a typical aspirin.  Often stored in straws.  Also, it's burned on foil from a cigarette package and tastes somewhat like chocolate and thus it's slang term is "chocolate."

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5 hours ago, Grubster said:

I was really surprised that Germany gave meth to their troops routinely during WW2, this is fairly recent news I believe. At least it was for me.

German chemists invented speed so that their fighter pilots can stay awake for long hours.

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7 minutes ago, 212Roger said:

German chemists invented speed so that their fighter pilots can stay awake for long hours.

Yeah I saw a show on that, and I was surprised that they said it was crystal meth. I guess I thought crystal meth was something new. I'm glad I couldn't or didn't get any when I was using dope back in the 60s and 70s. I hear it is very addictive.

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20 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Yeah I saw a show on that, and I was surprised that they said it was crystal meth. I guess I thought crystal meth was something new. I'm glad I couldn't or didn't get any when I was using dope back in the 60s and 70s. I hear it is very addictive.

Actually, it is NOT physically addictive.  It is, however, psychologically addictive.  Not, unlike, marijuana.

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32 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Most of the damage caused by heroin is BECAUSE it is illegal. Some people shoot it because the illegal stuff is so adulterated with baby laxative and other cuts. If it was pure and cheap, there would be less need to shoot it at all and there would be a lot less overdoses as users would know the dosage that they were getting.


Don't be ridiculous. What are you saying now? That it should be given away for free? It's an addictive drug. It's not like going down the pub for a pint. It's highly addictive and users suffer from abcesses, collapsed veins and heart problems to name but a few of the physical effects.


Mental effects include depression, personality changes which can lead to aggressive behaviour and an increased risk of HIV/AIDS. Junkies who don't get their fix when they need it suffer severe cramp, nausea, craving and are likely to become violent when denied access to the drug.


It's ludicrous to even suggest classing that or any other dangerous substance as a recreational drug.


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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Most of the damage caused by heroin is BECAUSE it is illegal. Some people shoot it because the illegal stuff is so adulterated with baby laxative and other cuts. If it was pure and cheap, there would be less need to shoot it at all and there would be a lot less overdoses as users would know the dosage that they were getting.

You are correct, I have a friend who was using heroin during and after his tour in Vietnam, I asked him how he ever got off of it. He said that the smaller town that we lived in didn't have a supplier he could find, so he had to drive fifty miles to get it and he just decided it was to big of a pain to go get it and quit. He then said don't believe half of what is said about heroin, its not what they say.

   On the other hand I had a good friend who was an alcoholic, he had a bad arm injury and whet to the hospital where they had to knock him out to operate and then a day later he died, The doctor said if we had been told he was an alcoholic we would have given him some alcohol to stop his organs from shutting down due to their dependance on it. Yes if you are physically addicted to alcohol you will die without it. The doctor also told me that it is nearly impossible to get physically addicted by drinking beer. He was a straight whiskey drinker and I mean two fifths a day. Sad, 40 years old.

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30 minutes ago, Xircal said:


Don't be ridiculous. What are you saying now? That it should be given away for free? It's an addictive drug. 



So is alcohol. So are cigarettes.

The health problems you mention are mostly caused by adulterants and unsanitary methods of using it. It is relatively safe if the dose is regulated and when using sanitary equipment.

If one could buy it easiy and cheaply, thee would be no readon for addicts to go through withdrawals or resort to crime. Legalize it!

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