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'Unhinged': Clinton slams Trump over beauty queen Twitter tirade


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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


So just who has said they support open borders and immigration of rapists and drug dealers?


There will come a time when people like you will be held legally responsible for some of the stuff  you write on the internet, and whilst it may take a while a good start would be with the self policing of forums such as this and having people like you who spout such outrageous trash banned from ever participating. 

So typical of the social justice warriors who want to supress the speech and people with which they disagree. It's sad Canada and much of Western Europe has embraced your views...luckily at least in the United States there's the First Amendment...without that, you get...Thailand.

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So typical of the social justice warriors who want to supress the speech and people with which they disagree. It's sad Canada and much of Western Europe has embraced your views...luckily at least in the United States there's the First Amendment...without that, you get...Thailand.


You're responding to a post which took a position against the posting untrue information on forums.  Why would you be against the posting untrue information on forums?

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3 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

So typical of the social justice warriors who want to supress the speech and people with which they disagree. It's sad Canada and much of Western Europe has embraced your views...luckily at least in the United States there's the First Amendment...without that, you get...Thailand.

With free speech comes responsibility, something unknown by those who have never had to fight for it.


It is free speech to walk in a crowded cinema or nightclub and shout 'BOMB' ! but lets see if you avoid jail when the subsequent injuries occur in the stampede to get out. Likewise free speech does not mean you can say publicly of anyone "they want open borders and immigration of rapists and drug dealers' ! That IS NOT FREE SPEECH ! That fact that you even say it is free speech is utterly appalling. 

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4 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

There have been some fairly outrageous untruths posted on these threads.  The posts in which Secretary Clinton is called a murderer and former President Clinton is called a rapist, are probably the most noteworthy.

 President Bill Clinton has been accused of sexual assault by two women, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey. At least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them, with the allegations dating back to the 1970s.



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1 minute ago, Scotwight said:

 President Bill Clinton has been accused of sexual assault by two women, Juanita Broaddrick and Kathleen Willey. At least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them, with the allegations dating back to the 1970s.



And you consider that gives you the right to call him a rapist?  Rape is a criminal offence decided on in a court of law by a jury. No such ruling has ever been made and for Pres Clinton to be termed a 'rapist' and Sec Clinton a 'murderer' is not only untrue it is the tactics of 'deplorable' people.

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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

And you consider that gives you the right to call him a rapist?  Rape is a criminal offence decided on in a court of law by a jury. No such ruling has ever been made and for Pres Clinton to be termed a 'rapist' and Sec Clinton a 'murderer' is not only untrue it is the tactics of 'deplorable' people.

I didn't call him a rapist.  I posted he has been accused of sexual assault by two women and at least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them.


I certainly would not leave my daughter in a room alone with him.  He's a creep ask Monica Lewinsky. He got Impeached for lying about sex with her.  


Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was impeached by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjury and one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998.  

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43 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

With free speech comes responsibility, something unknown by those who have never had to fight for it.


It is free speech to walk in a crowded cinema or nightclub and shout 'BOMB' ! but lets see if you avoid jail when the subsequent injuries occur in the stampede to get out. Likewise free speech does not mean you can say publicly of anyone "they want open borders and immigration of rapists and drug dealers' ! That IS NOT FREE SPEECH ! That fact that you even say it is free speech is utterly appalling. 

It's scarry to see the utter misunderstanding of, and casual disregard for, the principles of free speech as set forth in the Constitution that emanate from these social justice warrior types.  I'll guess they'll do anything to protect a snowflake from melting.

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34 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

I posted he has been accused of sexual assault by two women and at least eight other women have accused Bill Clinton of sexually harassing them or making unwanted sexual advances toward them.


1.  After these two women accused him of sexual assault, what did the police and courts bring criminal charges?

2.  Did the eight women who accused him of sexual harassment file a civil or criminal suit in a court of law?  What was the outcome?


My understanding is that former President Clinton has never faced criminal charges or a civil lawsuit for any of the above.   


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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21 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


1.  After these two women accused him of sexual assault, what did the police and courts bring criminal charges?

2.  Did the eight women who accused him of sexual harassment file a civil or criminal suit in a court of law?  What was the outcome?


My understanding is that former President Clinton has never faced criminal charges or a civil lawsuit for any of the above.   


Please correct me if I'm wrong.

Broaddrick  says,  "I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73….it never goes away," she tweeted in January 2016. “It still hurts. It’s still a very hurtful thing that they continue on in the pattern of denial to people of what this man is,” Broaddrick told Mic in January. “I think (Hillary Clinton is) evil. She’s doing all of this for political gain. She’s absolutely enabled and covered up for him.”


Defamation is an area of law that provides a civil remedy when someone's words end up causing harm to your reputation or your livelihood. Libel is a written or published defamatory statement, whileslander is defamation that is spoken by the defendant.  


If Broaddrick is lying why hasn't Clinton sued?  It must have been difficult for the woman in Arkansas in 1970's trying to accuse a VIP like Clinton of wrong doing.


Did Bill lie about having sex with women while he was married to Hillary?  Yes. He got impeached for lying under oath and obstruction of justice.  


A page on Hillary Clinton's campaign web site about campus sexual assault was edited to remove wording about a victim's "right to be believed."





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31 minutes ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

It's scarry to see the utter misunderstanding of, and casual disregard for, the principles of free speech as set forth in the Constitution that emanate from these social justice warrior types.  I'll guess they'll do anything to protect a snowflake from melting.



I've noticed that you can hardly take a breath without mentioning "social justice warrior" and I know you love Trump so I thought I would make your day:


Some conservative outlets have described Donald Trump's actions and policies as social justice of the right. Stephen L. Miller, in an article for the National Review, wrote that Donald Trump is in fact the most politically correct candidate running for the presidency in 2016 and that his followers are "neo-nationalist culture warriors." Daniel Payne writing for The Federalist website listed three general attributes of a social justice warrior and noted that they are attributes of Donald Trump, who has proven to be "the platonic social justice warrior candidate." In an article for Reason magazine, Elizabeth Nolan Brown compared social justice on the left and right and found many similarities such as victimhood, outrage and portraying the other side as bullying and evil and their side as the truly oppressed. Rod Dreher quipped in The American Conservative about Trump being the first social justice warrior presidential candidate: "Trump is also a man who constantly paints himself as a victim...So I wonder: Is Trump the first Social Justice Warrior presidential candidate, in the sense of weaponizing grievance in a way similar to that done by left-wing campus protesters?" Jay Caruso wrote an article for Redstate focusing on "Trump's social justice army" and how Trump "takes to Twitter to air his grievances, knowing millions of his adoring fans will RT him and cheer him on".







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27 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me and Hillary tried to silence me.


Did she EVER file a police report?    She's literally had decades to do so.


31 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

Defamation is an area of law that provides a civil remedy when someone's words end up causing harm to your reputation or your livelihood. Libel is a written or published defamatory statement, whileslander is defamation that is spoken by the defendant.  


Former President Clinton would never file a civil suit against Broderick because that would allow for discovery hearings which would likely include video recorded interviews under oath about his marital infidelities. This would be embarrassing to him and his wife and he wouldn't be able to win damages that would be worth the trouble.   That is why Broderick is able to continue repeating her unsubstantiated claims.


28 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

.it never goes away,


The reason "it never goes away" is because this woman has made a nice career off of repeating her unsubstantiated claims to anyone.


28 minutes ago, Scotwight said:



Did Bill lie about having sex with women while he was married to Hillary?  


Without a doubt he has engaged in marital infidelity.  Research indicates that 20% of Americans have had sex outside of their marriage.



And no, I'm not a supporter of either Clinton and I sure as hell never voted for him or will vote for her.  But to create a false equivalency between adultery and rape is outrageous and the people who do this need to be called out for it.

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I and millions of other could care less what Bill Clinton did when he was President. Hillary Clinton was not convicted of anything nor was Miss Venezuela.  Donald Trump has and continues to malign  women; people of color; Muslims; and the disabled. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac who has no manners; no plan and totally unqualified to be POTUS. He isn't even a good businessman as he has had to use bankruptcy laws t least 4 times to save his fortune.

While Hillary Clinton is not necessarily the best candidate: she of the two running is the most qualified and will at least maintain the status quo in America.

If Donald Trump ever became President we would see a catastrophic drop in the stock market and a current drop of the US Dollar unprecedented in history.  If you think Brexit was bad for British expats overseas as far as the Pound losing 20% of its value- should Trump become President many American would have to leave Thailand due to the Dollar reaching levels which were at least 20-30% below what they are now.

Donald Trump will never make America a great country but he will make America the laughing stock of the World by building walls that go nowhere and attempting to deport 11 Million illegal aliens which is an impossibility that would have grave results for the American economy.

If you all are really interested in stopping the further degradation of American society and standing in the World- there is only one candidate that you can reasonably vote for and it is not Donald Trump.

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1 hour ago, up-country_sinclair said:
12 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


Did she EVER file a police report?    She's literally had decades to do so.



Former President Clinton would never file a civil suit against Broderick because that would allow for discovery hearings which would likely include video recorded interviews under oath about his marital infidelities. This would be embarrassing to him and his wife and he wouldn't be able to win damages that would be worth the trouble.   That is why Broderick is able to continue repeating her unsubstantiated claims.



The reason "it never goes away" is because this woman has made a nice career off of repeating her unsubstantiated claims to anyone.



Without a doubt he has engaged in marital infidelity.  Research indicates that 20% of Americans have had sex outside of their marriage.



And no, I'm not a supporter of either Clinton and I sure as hell never voted for him or will vote for her.  But to create a false equivalency between adultery and rape is outrageous and the people who do this need to be called out for it.


What would you think if I could prove to you that Clinton gave a girl who accused him of sexual harassment $850,000 to shut her up?  Her name is Paula Jones and he gave her $850,000. 

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14 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I and millions of other could care less what Bill Clinton did when he was President. Hillary Clinton was not convicted of anything nor was Miss Venezuela.  Donald Trump has and continues to malign  women; people of color; Muslims; and the disabled. He is a narcissistic megalomaniac who has no manners; no plan and totally unqualified to be POTUS. He isn't even a good businessman as he has had to use bankruptcy laws t least 4 times to save his fortune.

While Hillary Clinton is not necessarily the best candidate: she of the two running is the most qualified and will at least maintain the status quo in America.

If Donald Trump ever became President we would see a catastrophic drop in the stock market and a current drop of the US Dollar unprecedented in history.  If you think Brexit was bad for British expats overseas as far as the Pound losing 20% of its value- should Trump become President many American would have to leave Thailand due to the Dollar reaching levels which were at least 20-30% below what they are now.

Donald Trump will never make America a great country but he will make America the laughing stock of the World by building walls that go nowhere and attempting to deport 11 Million illegal aliens which is an impossibility that would have grave results for the American economy.

If you all are really interested in stopping the further degradation of American society and standing in the World- there is only one candidate that you can reasonably vote for and it is not Donald Trump.

Abraham Lincoln - 16th president of the Unites States- twice filed bankruptcy

Ulysses S. Grant - 18th president of the United States filed bankruptcy

Thomas Jefferson - founding father, author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd president of the United States filed bankruptcy.



Protecting women?  Hillary?  Ask the list of her husband's abused women how much they like her?  


As to Mrs. Clinton’s announcement emphasizing herself as a champion of women and the downtrodden, Willey called it “a joke.”


Hillary ran a “war room” to crack down on so called “bimbo eruptions.” This was the name given to the countless stories of infidelity and sexual assaults committed by Bill Clinton over the years.



If Hillary wants to bring up obscure beauty contestants from 20 years ago who Trump called fat she should be prepared to hear the nasty stuff about her and her husband that the media has been trying to keep under wraps for years.


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2 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

What would you think if I could prove to you that Clinton gave a girl who accused him of sexual harassment $850,000 to shut her up?  Her name is Paula Jones and he gave her $850,000. 


A court dismissed Jones' lawsuit before it went to trial because she couldn't prove anything.  President Clinton admitted no guilt and gave her $200,000 to drop the appeal.  The judge ruled that the remainder of the money should go to cover her legal expenses.


I have no idea whether or not President Clinton raped Broderick or harassed Jones.  But I do doubt it because he was a smooth talker and women found him attractive.  What I don't doubt is that dredging up these issues won't help down ballot Republicans next month on election day.

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9 minutes ago, Scotwight said:



Here we go again.  I'm not going to click on this link because, quite frankly, I can't be bothered to read more unsubstantiated nonsense that is only going to help Secretary Clinton win more votes and hurt down ballot Republicans.


But  I will guess that this "woman who was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton" never filed a police report or brought a civil suit.  :saai:


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35 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:

A court dismissed Jones' lawsuit before it went to trial because she couldn't prove anything.  President Clinton admitted no guilt and gave her $200,000 to drop the appeal.  The judge ruled that the remainder of the money should go to cover her legal expenses.


I have no idea whether or not President Clinton raped Broderick or harassed Jones.  But I do doubt it because he was a smooth talker and women found him attractive.  What I don't doubt is that dredging up these issues won't help down ballot Republicans next month on election day.

The old allegations about her husband reemerged after Hillary Clinton said December 3 in New Hampshire that, ''Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.'


Bill Clinton reached an $850,000 settlement with Jones in 1998, ending a lawsuit that culminated in his impeachment trial in Congress. Clinton admitted no wrongdoing.



Hillary is bringing up insignificant incidences where Trump 20 years ago calls a woman fat when she gains a lot of weight in violation of a beauty contest rules and saying she supports women.  


Hillary Clinton's campaign website no longer says that those making rape or sexual assault accusations "have the right to be believed."  


Tell me why she removed it?  Fact check it on Snope they confirm. 



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36 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


Here we go again.  I'm not going to click on this link because, quite frankly, I can't be bothered to read more unsubstantiated nonsense that is only going to help Secretary Clinton win more votes and hurt down ballot Republicans.


But  I will guess that this "woman who was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton" never filed a police report or brought a civil suit.  :saai:


Why didn't they report it?  A trio of women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual misconduct detailed Monday what they say happened years ago – and why they held back from going to the police or going public at the time.


Read it if you want to and tell me why Trump calling a lady fat 20 years ago has anything to do with him running the country today?



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I hope Trump does bring up the Bill Clinton infidelity issue because it  will mean a sure landslide for Hillary. Americans are tired of this kind of nonsense especially when there are huge issues facing the country and Americans want to elect a President that has a real agenda and a real plan not someone who wories about who is sleeping with whom or wants to build billion dollar walls to nowhere and spend ,more billions trying to deport 11 million aliens.  Trump is a fool and he is about to get his cojones handed to him if he keeps messing with the Clintons.

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11 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I hope Trump does bring up the Bill Clinton infidelity issue because it  will mean a sure landslide for Hillary. Americans are tired of this kind of nonsense especially when there are huge issues facing the country and Americans want to elect a President that has a real agenda and a real plan not someone who wories about who is sleeping with whom or wants to build billion dollar walls to nowhere and spend ,more billions trying to deport 11 million aliens.  Trump is a fool and he is about to get his cojones handed to him if he keeps messing with the Clintons.

I agree.  What Americans are really interested in is who called a Venezuelan lady fat 20 years ago.  Now that's important.  Or who filed more legal bankruptcies; Trump, Lincoln, Jefferson or Ulysses S Grant?  

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Looks like D. Trump's aim  is to do absolutely anything he can to harm HRC hoping to drive votes away from her, more thant gaining votes for himself with a better agenda.

D. Trump wants to win the élections, not for the job - but for the position.

D. Trump thinks he - de facto-  deserves to be elected President - because ... after all .. even B. Obama with his background  just did it and D. Trump just can't stand it.     

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1 minute ago, Opl said:

Looks like D. Trump's aim  is to do absolutely anything he can to harm HRC hoping to drive votes away from her, more thant gaining votes for himself with a better agenda.

D. Trump wants to win the élections, not for the job - but for the position.

D. Trump thinks he - de facto-  deserves to be elected President - because ... after all .. even B. Obama with his background  just did it and D. Trump just can't stand it.  

That's interesting.  Did you know this thread is about the dirty tricks of the Hillary campaign bringing up irrelevant beauty contests 20 years ago? 

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Scotwight  : Yes I do.

In a previous post I wondered why D.Trump spends so much energy reponding to A. Machado ..  and invited his supporters to watch a "sex tape". It is far from the promise of the Convention of Cleveland: to be the spokesman "of the forgotten, neglected and abandoned."

I may be wrong but the reason to me : D. Trump does not care, looks like he himself is his best enemy. 

To me, he is in the race because of Obama.


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Normal people are trying to defend attacks by rapist Bill Clinton.


Trump has never had a prayer. His record is pathetic. He's going to lose and bring the Republican party down with him and that's a very good thing. Realizing they're losing badly, the wingnuts are going postal. 


Trumpeteers off the reservation. As tempting as it is to respond, let's ignore them. Their conspiracy nonsense just gets crazier with every post.


Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep. Crazy man! The lunatics are on the loose. 


The right wing trolls are relentless. One insane post after another. When they post they're nonsense rather than respond pointing out the insanity...just post "Whatever". :rolleyes:

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:

Hard to believe this is still a subject for bickering over.  Let's hope the new week brings us something with more meat on it

What do you expect?  Can't ask Hillary any tough questions and Trump has never done anything that is relevant to being President except for the golf course stuff. Obama played 300 rounds since he's been President.  Obama is a 13 and I think Trump is a 3.  I don't think we can ask Hillary what her handicap is.  

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5 hours ago, OMGImInPattaya said:

As has been said...they support open borders and immigration of rapists and drug-dealers. How else to explain Machado getting her papers.


Like this:


Whatever :rolleyes:

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2 minutes ago, Pinot said:

Normal people are trying to defend attacks by rapist Bill Clinton.


Trump has never had a prayer. His record is pathetic. He's going to lose and bring the Republican party down with him and that's a very good thing. Realizing they're losing badly, the wingnuts are going postal. 


Trumpeteers off the reservation. As tempting as it is to respond, let's ignore them. Their conspiracy nonsense just gets crazier with every post.


Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep. Crazy man! The lunatics are on the loose. 


The right wing trolls are relentless. One insane post after another. When they post they're nonsense rather than respond pointing out the insanity...just post "Whatever". :rolleyes:

I know it's an odd idea but why not try and make an on topic post?  I know it's not required of Democrats but it would really be a nice change.

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6 minutes ago, Scotwight said:

What do you expect?  Can't ask Hillary any tough questions and Trump has never done anything that is relevant to being President except for the golf course stuff. Obama played 300 rounds since he's been President.  Obama is a 13 and I think Trump is a 3.  I don't think we can ask Hillary what her handicap is.  


:cheesy: Yeah, Trump's a 3 handicap. 


Whatever :whistling:

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