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Nana blockade! Soi 3 sealed off as 200 police swoop and make arrests


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1 minute ago, 55Jay said:

I get that, but your strenuous, repeated statements that police should not engage in profiling and arrests should be based on evidence,  is sufficiently disconnected from reality here in Thailand. 

No, I am aware of reality.


I am just not prepared to shrug my shoulders, ignore it and open a beer. 


Not saying you do this but at least one poster has suggested that's what should happen...

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8 hours ago, canopus1969 said:

Nothing racialist about calling a black "Chocolate Man", so "Dark Skinned" - it's only when the so called 'N' word is used all the limp wrist liberals get into a huff

I thought you lot died, about the same time as the Dodo..


Seems you just moved to Thailand.

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6 hours ago, darrendsd said:


No they probably want to drink, that's what most people who hang around bars want

That makes them a drug user, as much as the language is "Drugs and Alcohol" in reality they are in the same domain.  And it is besides the point anyways, the terms everyone or any absolute term encompassing human populations should be warning enough that you are stating or hearing an impossibility.  So even anecdotally stating anything about the Soi 3 people, is likely to be wrong.

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6 hours ago, Gainsbourg said:

Racistic profiling is only good when it's not against farang. But oh boy when some poor white longnose gets confronted with racism in Los. The shock. The drama. The disapproval. Lol. And the unmainstream press mentioned before loves it!!! Simple minded people. The best company ever in online discussion!

Unless it's the whites in a tank top with tattoos - they always look like their up to no good. Or the ones in the leather vest with a black t-shirt  and pony tail - I'm positive their pockets are full of drugs. Or the ones that wear a suit and work in a bank. All the others are pretty cool

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2 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Actually I did answer it.


If you know exactly who you are looking for you don't just question everyone.


If you don't know you gather evidence.


You don't just question everyone who is the colour of those you are searching for.


That is inefficient and stupid.


No matter what colour is profiled.

No, you still avoided the question.


We're not debating the efficiency of the police work.


If they are looking for white perpetrators and they decide to question everyone in an area, would they question all the blacks and Asians.


I know why you are avoiding the question, because you know they wouldn't be questioning black people if they are looking for white criminals, and we wouldn't hear a peep out of you.


You would not be screaming "racial profiling" or "racism" if white people are the victims, which is typical of people like you who run around screaming "racist" at every opportunity, with the holier-than-thou attitude that always comes along with it.


You've called a number of members bigots on here already - perhaps you should look in the mirror. 

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

No, I am aware of reality.


I am just not prepared to shrug my shoulders, ignore it and open a beer. 


Not saying you do this but at least one poster has suggested that's what should happen...

Their country.  Their rules.  Our ideas, ways and means don't mean anything here.   But having a good bash at the Thais based on our foreign principals, is what TVF is all about!  :thumbsup:

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7 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


7 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


7 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


7 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


7 hours ago, darrendsd said:


I read this story and wondered how long the first racial profiling comment would take


It is not racial profiling, the blacks down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions, they have been at it down there for years, everyone knows it and if you don't you don't live in the real world


7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Arresting people on the basis of their colour is racial profiling. 


Arrest drug dealers, no one's complaining about that, but do it on the basis of evidence not colour. 

I think you are wasting your breath in this one. Cant believe the moderators are allowing such comments to remain.


Look at darrendsd comments "its not racial profiling, the "blacks" down lower Suk are drug dealing scum, no exceptions"..


Just because he proceeds his racist comment with its not racist doesn't change the fact it absolutely is. You are dealing with people of low intelligence or at the least with an outdated attitude towards people and races who will only ever see you, a normal human being as a bleeding heart liberal.


All we can hope is that they all die away, thankfully they seem to be doing so, slowly but its happening. The ones that remain seem to have moved to Thailand and are happy contributors on TVF.

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Just now, tropo said:

No, you still avoided the question.


We're not debating the efficiency of the police work.


If they are looking for white perpetrators and they decide to question everyone in an area, would they question all the blacks and Asians.


I know why you are avoiding the question, because you know they wouldn't be questioning black people if they are looking for white criminals, and we wouldn't hear a peep out of you.


You would not be screaming "racial profiling" or "racism" if white people are the victims, which is typical of people like you who run around screaming "racist" at every opportunity, with the holier-than-thou attitude that always comes along with it.


You've called a number of members bigots on here already - perhaps you should look in the mirror. 

Who did I call a bigot? Please be specific.


I would object to profiling no matter the colour of those being profiled. As I have told you several times.


You keep on posting the same BS because you don't like the fact I answered your question and the answer isn't the one you want.


Racial profiling is racism.


Please reply promptly with a list of the posts I called someone a bigot in.

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16 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

I get that, but your strenuous, repeated statements that police should not engage in profiling and arrests should be based on evidence,  is sufficiently disconnected from reality here in Thailand. 

Really, so the RTP are leading the world in efficient policing are they? Or did almost every other country in the World realise that racial profiling is absolutely the wrong way to police society.


Wake up fella, you could never make a single comment that would change the view of most sensible people. I will try and make it clear for you,,, You cannot assume that because someone is black they are a drug dealer get it? Get it?


No more then you can assume that every white person is rich in Thailand, or indeed that they are all not drug dealers. 


But I suppose you think thats wrong?

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An off topic post has been removed.


This thread is starting to descend into endless bickering.


Some posters believe racial profiling be to be inherently racist/unjustified, some believe it to be a justifiable method at least in some circumstances.


Neither group is likely to convince the other. So having articulated your views, please respect the right of others to do the same and refrain from bickering.

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8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Who did I call a bigot? Please be specific.


I would object to profiling no matter the colour of those being profiled. As I have told you several times.


You keep on posting the same BS because you don't like the fact I answered your question and the answer isn't the one you want.


Racial profiling is racism.


Please reply promptly with a list of the posts I called someone a bigot in.

LOL> "please reply promptly"


You're the one who continues to post the same BS over and over. (and started to flame now too). Check your post count in this thread and the number of times you have repeated yourself.



I suggest you look in the mirror before calling others racist and bigots. You're going to see one looking back at you.

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12 minutes ago, tropo said:

No, you still avoided the question.


We're not debating the efficiency of the police work.


If they are looking for white perpetrators and they decide to question everyone in an area, would they question all the blacks and Asians.


I know why you are avoiding the question, because you know they wouldn't be questioning black people if they are looking for white criminals, and we wouldn't hear a peep out of you.


You would not be screaming "racial profiling" or "racism" if white people are the victims, which is typical of people like you who run around screaming "racist" at every opportunity, with the holier-than-thou attitude that always comes along with it.


You've called a number of members bigots on here already - perhaps you should look in the mirror. 

For goodness sake man they were not looking for a specific person, they were doing a "blanket" raid.


Of course you can be specific when looking for a specific person who is black or white, thats not racial profiling.


I will try to make it easy for you to understand... There is a big difference between providing a description of a specific person or individual you are looking for and outright racial profiling.


The fact that you clearly don't seem to understand what I think is a very simple concept tells me there is no chance of ever getting you to really think about changing your mind on something that is 100% wrong and does not belong in todays society / world.

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1 minute ago, tropo said:

LOL> "please reply promptly"


You're the one who continues to post the same BS over and over. (and started to flame now too). Check your post count in this thread and the number of times you have repeated yourself.



I suggest you look in the mirror before calling others racist and bigots. You're going to see one looking back at you.

Come on, who have I called a racist or a bigot...

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10 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

Really, so the RTP are leading the world in efficient policing are they? Or did almost every other country in the World realise that racial profiling is absolutely the wrong way to police society.


Wake up fella, you could never make a single comment that would change the view of most sensible people. I will try and make it clear for you,,, You cannot assume that because someone is black they are a drug dealer get it? Get it?


No more then you can assume that every white person is rich in Thailand, or indeed that they are all not drug dealers. 


But I suppose you think thats wrong?

Not at all.  You may have not read back far enough to understand the context.  You are 180 degrees in the wrong direction.


Point is, it's not about me or what other countries have or have not done or realized.  This is about the RTP.  In Thailand.  In fact, we don't even know the RTP engaged in racial profiling. It was just an assumption based on a rather poorly written article about a failed police raid on Soi 3.

Edited by 55Jay
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Just now, Bluespunk said:

Come on, who have I called a racist or a bigot...

Who have you called "racist"? Are you serious? - just about everyone who doesn't agree with you.


Sheryl has just warned us to stop bickering, so I'm going to comply. I'm done!



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Just now, tropo said:

Who have you called "racist"? Are you serious? - just about everyone who doesn't agree with you.


Sheryl has just warned us to stop bickering, so I'm going to comply. I'm done!



Who, specifically, have I called a racist?

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2 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

Not at all.  You may have not read back far enough to understand the context.  You are 180 degrees in the wrong direction.


Point is, it's not about me or what other countries have or have not done or realized.  This is about the RTP.  In Thailand.  In fact, we don't even know the RTP engaged in racial profiling. It was just an assumption based on a rather poorly written article about a failed police raid on Soi 3.

Out of context, really? I don't think so, your context and comments are very clear.

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5 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Come on, who have I called a racist or a bigot...

Nobody, its the only argument they can fire at you now. 


Try and stir you up a bit because you have stated the fact that they are indeed racist comments all over this topic.


Really is time to give up and leave these people to themselves, some people will never, ever think about what they are saying and change their minds about anything.

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9 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Ah, racial profiling. 


Such an efficient method of policing crime. 


Bigotry alive and well it seems. 





i agree they should swoop down on the jap areas like soi tanniya and the farang ghettos like khaosan road

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Just now, GAZZPA said:

Out of context, really? I don't think so, your context and comments are very clear.

What's clear is you are lazy and just jumped to the last page and waded in to a conversation without reading from where it began, made an incorrect assumptions and now you want to lecture me about making assumptions and suggest I'm the bad guy?


This thread has clearly upset you.  Maybe you should take a break and count to 10.



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9 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Who, specifically, have I called a racist?

Everyone who doesn't agree with you... by default. Where is your logic?


I did say I'm done, so this is it.,



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4 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

What's clear is you are lazy and just jumped to the last page and waded in to a conversation without reading from where it began, made an incorrect assumptions and now you want to lecture me about making assumptions and suggest I'm the bad guy?


This thread has clearly upset you.  Maybe you should take a break and count to 10.




4 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

What's clear is you are lazy and just jumped to the last page and waded in to a conversation without reading from where it began, made an incorrect assumptions and now you want to lecture me about making assumptions and suggest I'm the bad guy?


This thread has clearly upset you.  Maybe you should take a break and count to 10.



I don't seem to be as upset as you are right now.


Yes, to be frank this whole post I find absolutely disgusting. It is full of racist comments from beginning to end and anyone who has the audacity of speaking out and saying its wrong is attacked as a "limp wrested liberal"


So, in the spirit of being fair, if I have really taken your comments out of context then I apologise, however if you support the obvious racial profiling point then my comments stand. 


And perhaps you should take 10.. I am waiting for the moderators to close this topic, can't believe it is still open and permitted. 

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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

Everyone who doesn't agree with you... by default. Where is your logic?


I did say I'm done, so this is it.,



He does not need to explain himself, his point is pure logic. Racial profiling is absolutely wrong, it has been proven to be wrong statistically. People have been fighting against this for decades now, its not new.


Everyone should be judged on who they are not the colour of their skin. Bluespunk is clear on this, I am clear on this, I suspect most of the World is clear on this so rather then ask him to explain his logic why don't you do some research for yourself and catch up on the way the world has been trying to moved for the past 50 or 60 years.







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Just now, tropo said:

Seriously dude, you need to stop your crying. 


If you have a problem with a thread, or a post, report it... or alternatively you could just stop reading and replying. I'm sure the effort would be appreciated by many.:D

"Seriously dude?" Are you 12?


I am perfectly calm and not crying my friend. I am glad you are the spokesperson for many on here, not sure who elected you but never mind. So, please take the following message to all the people you are representing on here who made racist comments,,,


"Go and get a life and spend less of your time judging people based upon their race, take people for who they are and keep your prejudice to yourself as it is not welcome in todays world"


Phew, thanks,, I can stop posting now knowing my message is in good hands.


By the way, I have messaged the moderators and told them this topic should be closed and removed. I am 100% sure if the comments on here were to be revealed to external parties it would not look good for TVF.




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1 minute ago, GAZZPA said:


I don't seem to be as upset as you are right now.


Yes, to be frank this whole post I find absolutely disgusting. It is full of racist comments from beginning to end and anyone who has the audacity of speaking out and saying its wrong is attacked as a "limp wrested liberal"


So, in the spirit of being fair, if I have really taken your comments out of context then I apologise, however if you support the obvious racial profiling point then my comments stand. 


And perhaps you should take 10.. I am waiting for the moderators to close this topic, can't believe it is still open and permitted. 

Yes, you were wrong.  I accept your apology, even though it's based on a caveat still rooted in your own lazy rudeness. 


You've demonstrated what the right wingers say is the liberal tendency to get offended very quickly and lash out in anger - in this case the closest target that turned out not to be a valid target at all.   Donald Trump displays this kind of erratic behavior, shooting from the hip and now having to apologize begrudgingly.    It's also said that the really emotional liberals who freak out, end up trying to squelch others and ban things that don't meet with their approval. 


Do like Hillary did to Donald at the debate.  Let them talk and reveal themselves, don't run around with your hair on fire, trying to put tape over other people's mouths (keyboards).


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3 minutes ago, GAZZPA said:

"Seriously dude?" Are you 12?


I am perfectly calm and not crying my friend. I am glad you are the spokesperson for many on here, not sure who elected you but never mind. So, please take the following message to all the people you are representing on here who made racist comments,,,


"Go and get a life and spend less of your time judging people based upon their race, take people for who they are and keep your prejudice to yourself as it is not welcome in todays world"


Phew, thanks,, I can stop posting now knowing my message is in good hands.


By the way, I have messaged the moderators and told them this topic should be closed and removed. I am 100% sure if the comments on here were to be revealed to external parties it would not look good for TVF.


LOL... crying, whinging, complaining, call it what you like, but now that you brought up age, it would be quite evident that you're the most immature poster on this thread.


I resisted replying to you as I knew where it would go. It's just your incessant whining made it hard to resist when you started going on about how the thread should be closed because it doesn't appeal to your twisted sensibilities.

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