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Calais ‘Jungle’ camp clearance finished, prefect says


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Calais ‘Jungle’ camp clearance finished, prefect says

Alasdair Sandford




CALAIS: -- French authorities have finished clearing the shanty town known as the “Jungle” outside Calais, saying were confident of dispersing the last of its inhabitants around France.


Some tents and shelters were set on fire in a last gesture of defiance but the operation was mostly peaceful.


The authorities said about 5,000 migrants had gone through a processing centre before being transferred away by bus.


“Today it really is the end of the jungle, an important, powerful moment. A lot has happened, an incredible human experience has taken place within this camp, with all its different communities. But we are turning the page now, and it is a positive page because these people are going to be welcomed in France and are going to be able to start a new life,” said regional prefect Fabienne Buccio.


About 1,000 migrants were said to be still awaiting transfer to other centres. Up to 8,000 people were said to have been living there before the clearance began, and it is feared some may have disappeared and may show up again in other parts of Calais.


The “Jungle” has been home to thousands of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East, Asia and Africa.


They saw their future as being in Britain – which refused to accept the vast majority.


A group of African women staged a protest, saying they wanted to go to England to reach their families.


The UK is allowing in a number of unaccompanied child migrants who are being processed separately.

-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-10-27
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' It really is the end of the jungle... " the regional prefect said and this morning the BBC are reporting that migrants have returned already to sleep in the ashes because they're still hell bent on getting to Britain.


Tow things can't be changed, one is that France allowed this situation is arise as they did nothing about all the migrants heading to Calais because they believed they'd get shot of them quickly across the channel and the second is many of the migrants refuse to accept they will not be allowed into Britain and will continue to try by any means possible which has to mean illegally.

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MSM admits there are still 1,000 migrants still at the camp. Multiply that by a number of your choosing to get somewhere close to reality. These people must be fed free food, so there must be a huge kitchen operating there. This huge kitchen needs cooks, cleaners, engineers for the cooling systems, guards etc etc. This camp is not closed at all.


As for the "kids" waiting to get to the UK to be with their family - I will never understand why the "family reunification" does not take place in France. If my young child was stranded in France I would go to live there with my child in a heartbeat. Even faster than a heartbeat if my new house was going to be free, money would be paid into my bank account for doing sweet fa, and I would be above any laws of the land. Sounds like heaven.

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Both govts have screwed up and are continuing to do so lies, half truths and misinformation will be the order of the day as the govts seek hide what's going on and what they're really up to plus of course the ever popular blame game.

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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