Yohan Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 I am starting to think that we should send the great peacemaker -Yohan- down there to mediate between the Muslims and the Thais. I think, my peace-negotiations were very successful. We all agreed, we blame America. We all agreed, we will continue to do so in the future, even for the smallest problem...We will blame America........ Yassir (=Johann, already converted to Islam)
tutsiwarrior Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 the bigoted political cartoons recently posted on this forum are a disgrace...I appeal for corrective action from forum admisnistrators...
Pepe' Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 Tutsi, Really now. And bear pit please And all Radical Terrorists must die...
Yohan Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 the bigoted political cartoons recently posted on this forum are a disgrace...I appeal for corrective action from forum administrators... Not necessary, there are plenty of political cartoons in return.... Beside that there are some defty Canadian jokes available.... And I have some other remarks about radical feminists ready.... but tonight they seem to be so silent.....I think, they do not want to convert to Islam.... We Westerners are so surprised, why Moslems are hating us..... However it is my first time in my life, to read out of some postings true open hate against EVERYTHING, which has to do with Islam....Against EVERYBODY, who has any connection with Islam.... Joyful congratulations for over 100 dead young people....Makes me cry. We are talking about Western culture? about Christianity? Or God? Johann
Pepe' Posted April 30, 2004 Posted April 30, 2004 Actually I didn't mention Muslims. You did. It's just an interesting coincidence that most of the Radical Terrorist are Muslim. Oh details, details. I hate violence and do not even kill animals for my survival. Allow me to clarify. All Radical Terrorist must die, Period.
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 What constitutes the use of deadly force in a police action?Deadly force is often used by police or military authorties as the easy way out. The alternative is better training. Learning the methods of apprehension, crowd control, reducing volatile situations, and the like. Advanced police methodology that has not yet made many inroads into Thailand. One basic fact escaping a lot of people: snapping a cap on an unarmed assailant is still homicide. I totally agree with your posting.... and I cannot express it better.... Sad to see, what happened in South Thailand..... There are 1000s of police and militarymen in the South, seems they are unable to arrest some young people hiding in a mosque without shooting them....ridiculous! I never said, police and military should be unarmed....nonsense... just the opposite, they should have the best equipment and training, to prevent that such a situation will happen again.... Johann
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 Actually I didn't mention Muslims. You did.It's just an interesting coincidence that most of the Radical Terrorist are Muslim. This is an interesting question.... What is a *radical terrorist* ? If a group of gangsters in South America are taking hostages, entering prisons using armed force to free their cohorts, and looting villages and selling drugs, are they not *radical terrorists*? If Chinese gangster groups are pressing for protection money from companies, and threatening with arson, are they not *radical terrorists*? What about Russian women traffickers? or Italian kidnappers, Mafiosi groups.... IRA or ETA .... What are they.....they are not Muslim for sure..... Because they are not Muslim, they cannot be *radical terrorists*? Johann
NedKelly Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 So meemiathai........i will safely assume that you must know everything !! <deleted> !
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 No Snark was suggesting the assailants were unarmed...? The assailants were not unarmed, and it is always the risk of the criminal, that the victim of his aggression will defend himself, and it might be fatal for the aggressor. Nothing wrong with that..... However, as a police and military force of some 1000s of men, if you follow some criminals, who are poorly armed, without holding any hostages, and you surround them and shoot them without any chance for them all to negotiate and to give up alive...... How will you call that? Self-defense??? This shows, what Thailand police and military is....poor training, poor equipment, poor commands by the responsible officers.... Not only in situations, like with the Muslim in the South..... There are plenty of complaints about the prisons, about the treatment of people even after simple traffic accidents, or other non-violent offences, like visa overstay....about the courts, police investigation, and so on..... All in all, there is a lot to do, improvements of all police force are necessary....this cannot be denied.. Johann
kasi Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 I'd say the thai police werent quite thorough enough. Here's the pragmatic american approach: General Black Jack Pershing was born September 13th, 1860 near Lanclede, MS, he died July 15th, 1948 in Washington D.C. Highlights of his life include: 1891 Prof. of Military Science and Tactics Univer. of Nebraska 1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War 1901 Awarded rank of Captian 1906 Promoted to rank of Brigadier General 1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines 1916 Made Major General 1919 Promoted to General of the Armies 1921 Appointed Chief of Staff 1924 Retires from active duty Education West Point. Just before World War 1, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines by Muslim extremist. So General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied to posts for execution. He then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter them in front of the now horrified terrorists. Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some of them simply refuse to eat it, while others won't even touch pigs at all, nor any of their by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those virgins) and doomed to ######. The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded to execute 49 terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers then dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorist's bodies and coverd them in pig blood, entrails, etc. They let the 50th man go. And for the next forty-two years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world. Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself, maybe in Iraq? The question is, where do we find another Black Jack Pershing?
Padkapow Guy Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 I'd say the thai police werent quite thorough enough. Here's the pragmatic american approach:General Black Jack Pershing was born September 13th, 1860 near Lanclede, MS, he died July 15th, 1948 in Washington D.C. Highlights of his life include: 1891 Prof. of Military Science and Tactics Univer. of Nebraska 1898 Serves in the Spanish-American War 1901 Awarded rank of Captian 1906 Promoted to rank of Brigadier General 1909 Military Governor of Moro Province, Philippines 1916 Made Major General 1919 Promoted to General of the Armies 1921 Appointed Chief of Staff 1924 Retires from active duty Education West Point. Just before World War 1, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the Philippines by Muslim extremist. So General Pershing captured 50 terrorists and had them tied to posts for execution. He then had his men bring in two pigs and slaughter them in front of the now horrified terrorists. Muslims detest pork because they believe pigs are filthy animals. Some of them simply refuse to eat it, while others won't even touch pigs at all, nor any of their by-products. To them, eating or touching a pig, its meat, its blood, etc., is to be instantly barred from paradise (and those virgins) and doomed to ######. The soldiers then soaked their bullets in the pigs blood, and proceeded to execute 49 terrorists by firing squad. The soldiers then dug a big hole, dumped in the terrorist's bodies and coverd them in pig blood, entrails, etc. They let the 50th man go. And for the next forty-two years, there was not a single Muslim extremist attack anywhere in the world. Maybe it is time for this segment of history to repeat itself, maybe in Iraq? The question is, where do we find another Black Jack Pershing? excellent piece of research. I tired of what the world thinks the politically correct thing to do is. It does not work. I agree take away the virgins and you will take away their will to die for Allah. Issue Blood soaked pig bullets for everyone.
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 General Black Jack Pershing was born September 13th, 1860 near Lanclede, MS, he died July 15th, 1948 in Washington D.C. General Black Jack Pershing - a disgrace in history It must be noticed that his actions were not self defence and the USA were occupying the almost defenceless Philippines....but this is all history now. You should be fair enough to add, that his nickname was NIGGER JACK, his political carrier was a good example of flagrant pull, and that he had a wife and 3 daughters (and one son, unknown what happened with him, at least I did not find anything).... Should there be a punishment for cruelty, then he received it 1915, as his home burnt down, and his wife and his 3 daughters died painfully in the flames of this huge fire.... ------- I feel ashamed for this man, who shows disrespect of religious feelings in a cruel way and I welcome the departure of his family to avoid reproduction of such a human species. ------- In South East Asia in recent history, after executing over 2 million Vietnamese people, even using chemical weapons, Americans left with 55000 coffins and a huge gap in their financial budget. There are no Moslems in Vietnam, but *students* tried to copy their *idol* in many places, like in MyLai or TranhPhong. Your question: The question is, where do we find another Black Jack Pershing? I hope, this answer your question.... just study a bit about Vietnam....(not far from Thailand anyway....) Johann
Georgie-Porgie Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 You might want to examine the part in the history books where it mentions that both Russia and China were supporting the Vietnamese. There is no major power helping the Muslims, and they are fighting against the world's only Super-Power with the best Military on the Planet and unlimited funds. It will take some time, but these ignorant monkeys will be crushed.
Boon Mee Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 the bigoted political cartoons recently posted on this forum are a disgrace...I appeal for corrective action from forum admisnistrators...
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 You might want to examine the part in the history books where it mentions that both Russia and China were supporting the Vietnamese. There is no major power helping the Muslims, and they are fighting against the world's only Super-Power with the best Military on the Planet and unlimited funds. It will take some time, but these ignorant monkeys will be crushed. The question was: *Where do we find another Black Jack Pershing?* And my recommendation is: Just study a bit about Vietnam....(not far from Thailand anyway....) You will find some Americans, who have a similar character like him.....refer to MyLai or TranhPhong. ------ Muslims are about 1.5 billion people in this world..... (about 5 times the population of the United States) and you ask for an additional major power to help them? By the way, there are already Muslims living in the United States... There is no major power helping the Muslims It is America itself, which helps the Moslem countries by selling them weapons... look to Morocco, Tunesia, Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia - these are all Muslim countries, big American friends, and have more Muslims alltogether than all people living in the United States..... It is not wrong to say that.....it is a fact! Johann
Yohan Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 Are you Senator Kerry's Military Analist? I like President Bush..... Do not misunderstand me, I am not an American basher, despite I am not from the United States..... And what I wrote about the USA are facts, and not advices.... You told me, nobody helps the Moslems, but there is a long list of Muslim customers on your military supply list..... If you want to keep strong influence and control over Islam, then you are doing now the wrong thing.... I think, you have 2 choices: a- Do not supply any military goods to any Muslim country.... even if this is your most powerful and most faithful friend ( usually any dictator like Saudi Arabia) b- Sell him both.... YOUR soldiers with YOUR military equipment, and do not let him them to touch (he should pay for all, but not use them by his own) Again, back to you: What is wrong with my opinion? Johann (we have to hurry, because we are off subject, and George is closing all and everything which is not related to Thailand.....maybe Thaivisa Forum will be soon totally shut down.....)
Georgie-Porgie Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 Again, back to you: What is wrong with my opinion?Johann (we have to hurry, because we are off subject, and George is closing all and everything which is not related to Thailand.....maybe Thaivisa Forum will be soon tatally shut down.....) Johann, I've got to admit, with that last post, you are starting to grow on me! I've got to close down. Tomorrow (if there are any posts left)!
sonthaya Posted May 1, 2004 Posted May 1, 2004 M&M Pretty narrow minded view guys, lets see if things get "better" or worse Who is being narrow minded, do you think that being young is an excuse for murder and terror, it looks like it was pretty well planned.
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