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"We will continue to rid the country of drugs" says national police rep as big busts continue


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"We will continue to rid the country of drugs" says national police rep as big busts continue



Picture: Thai News Agency


PHRAE: -- An upbeat national policeman has claimed that the force are winning the war on serious drugs as yet another big bust was reported.


Chalermkiat Sriworakhan made the claims yesterday as a delivery of Ya Ba and Ice was intercepted by crime suppression police at a checkpoint in Phrae.


Chalermkiat said: "We are working hard to rid the country of the scourge of Class 1 drugs," he said, "and we will continue to do so until the job is done", reports Thai News Agency.


The drugs in the latest bust were found hidden in the body of a rice transportation lorry. Officers had got wind of a delivery from a Muser tribesman in Payao to an agent in Ayuthaya.


The drugs were found at a checkpoint set up after all lorries were examined in the Den Chai area of Phrae on Saturday.


The driver of the vehicle Suphit Rakhangthong, from Rayong, was arrested and following further investigations three more people were rounded up in Ayuthaya.


The bust represented another success for cops and comes in the wake of the large operation headed by drug lord Laotao Saewlee and fourteen members of his family that was busted recently.


Police top brass have said that these large busts have seen a significant reduction in the amount of drugs flooding the cities.


In this case the Ya Ba and crystal meth would have been packaged for smaller delivery by dealers in Bangkok.


Source: Thai News Agency

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-11-29
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Even disregarding any aspect of corruption, unfortunately the laws of supply and demand are a greater force than any desire to stop illegal drug use as the evidence here and in every other country points to it being a continuing and losing battle.


It seems that there is no real answer to the problem other than attacking it from all sides, i.e. some legalization, some treatment stratagies and containment of it as in the article above.

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1 hour ago, piersbeckett said:

Even disregarding any aspect of corruption, unfortunately the laws of supply and demand are a greater force than any desire to stop illegal drug use as the evidence here and in every other country points to it being a continuing and losing battle.


It seems that there is no real answer to the problem other than attacking it from all sides, i.e. some legalization, some treatment stratagies and containment of it as in the article above.

most people don't actuaslly know what the problem is.......but they are quite happy to tackle it.......bizarre!

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27 minutes ago, tominbkk said:

Good to hear. I assume they are including the two drugs that absolutely kill the most people in Thailand by 1000 times or more over: alcohol and tobacco. No? Why?

Why do people always come out with this remark. It may be true but those 2 drugs are legal. Oh well cant worry about it off for me pint and a fag

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31 minutes ago, johnnytuc said:

Why do people always come out with this remark. It may be true but those 2 drugs are legal. Oh well cant worry about it off for me pint and a fag


I think you are taking it as an attack on Alcohol and Tobacco, witch you like, and thats perfectly acceptable, and I partake myself, but its not an attack, its support. 


Imho people that say that are arguing for the legalization/regulation of these 'illegal' substances as it would eliminate mafia, police corruption, incrimination, incarceration, etc... And the law would be the same as alcohol. "Sure, drink it, have fun, but god help you if you break the law while under it"


Point is - alcohol is literally a poison. Breaks homes, kills people... Probably just as bad as some of these other drugs, but these other drugs are illegal, and by being illegal, cause more problems than they should. 


Its just alcohol is used as a benchmark, and its damaging, intoxicating, and completely legal, but smoking a joint & playing video games could land you in jail, for example. Smoking Ya-ba and dancing with ladies is illegal but getting shitty drunk and dancing with ladies is perfectly legal, for example. 


Such is the idea. Plenty for it and against it.

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1 hour ago, wombat said:


Portugal has had amazing success but no one wants to talk about that.


Because it was a commonsense farang solution? Farang solutions are not readily acceptable here. :sad:


Thailand seems to love trying to re-invent the wheel. Much face saving by trying to take drugs off the streets and cutting off "low hanging fruit", but very little success in catching the Mr bigs of the drug world though.


The dog chasing its tail comes to mind.

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So General Paiboon says the the war is lost. All but  the dimmest authorities worldwide have realised drug control means being in control of supply, rather than letting criminality rake in ever larger profits by supplying an insatiable demand.

They may as well try to stop a Tsunami in a row boat.

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3 hours ago, thai3 said:

I thought a minister wanted to legalise a couple last week?

As the lady says: one minute a Minister says yaa baa and dagga WILL be legalized, the next minute this...? Do they attend the same meetings?

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1 hour ago, Bogbrush said:

As the lady says: one minute a Minister says yaa baa and dagga WILL be legalized, the next minute this...? Do they attend the same meetings?

Lekker boet! but I'm no lady, just ask my wives.

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4 hours ago, wombat said:


Portugal has had amazing success but no one wants to talk about that.

The land of amazing lager, Czech Republic, same same as Portugal. The sky has not fallen, the population are not addicts, and kiddies don't use gateway drugs, whatever the hell that means.

Its alla loada bullshit. the addiction is in the person, not the drug.

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3 hours ago, lvr181 said:


Because it was a commonsense farang solution? Farang solutions are not readily acceptable here. :sad:


Thailand seems to love trying to re-invent the wheel. Much face saving by trying to take drugs off the streets and cutting off "low hanging fruit", but very little success in catching the Mr bigs of the drug world though.


The dog chasing its tail comes to mind.

Thaksin, and his Dirty Harry approach sure taught those filthy drug addicts a lesson. Not. The interesting thing is, he was trying to impress a higher power by doing it. Nothing to do with his personal beliefs. But that's politicians for ya.

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The brainwashed public lap this science fiction from the constabulary up. Not just here, but here there and everywhere. Time to wake up and smell the sweet smell of legal weed, my uptight Kool aid quaffers.

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How can you have a war on drugs? And if you can, you're having a war on something that can't and hasn't been fighting back, yet you're still getting your <deleted> kicked. 


Undersrand why people take drugs first and address that issue. No money in that and you actually don't care to know? Okay, keep fighting an inanimate object and wasting millions of dollars. Insanity........

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5 hours ago, piersbeckett said:

Even disregarding any aspect of corruption, unfortunately the laws of supply and demand are a greater force than any desire to stop illegal drug use as the evidence here and in every other country points to it being a continuing and losing battle.


It seems that there is no real answer to the problem other than attacking it from all sides, i.e. some legalization, some treatment stratagies and containment of it as in the article above.

There are answers. But few like them. For now.

I just want to live to see this absurd war end with an Official UN declaration. It will be seen by future generations as the most misguided idea of the 20th century, eclipsing all the disastrous political *isms* that century spawned. Prohibiting manageable drug use, opened the door to hundreds of smart chems with unknown outcomes. Here's a newsflash retards, your nice quiet neighbour is likely doing illegal drugs, do you seriously think the size and value of these shipments are absorbed by street junkies? Wake up!

The whole prohibition idea is based on the reprehensible concept of one adult treating other adults like children. Screw those anal pricks!

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7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

For medical research not recreational use

When all is said and done. You can't be half arsed about it. Sorry to be tedious with the comparison, but it's like legalising booze for medicinal use. It's window dressing. Bite the bullet. Legalize   everything, and treat the addicts the same way we treat alcoholics. There is this unproven fear that legalising drugs will be the end of the world. It's patent rubbish. I have access to all the booze I can drink, and I like a drink! But I'm not typing this from the gutter. Why is this basic truth so hard to grasp at a supposedly 'higher' level?

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