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I would be interested to know if board members who live in Thailand, or people who have visited Thailand over a number of years think of thailand as a violent society. When renting a property would you take your security into consideration. Also do you build a certen level of security into your lifestyle. Example- Not being alone late at night in certain parts of a city, or not going out alone to get blind drunk. Or on the other hand would you say your security is not something you think about.

P.S This is not an invitation for people who have negitive feelings about Thais or Thailand to go on and on. Its boring and we have heard it all before thanks.

Morgan. :o

Thailand has never been considered a violent crime risk as compared to most western nations but this is offset somewhat by cultural differences that could put those unaware in harms way.  The foot at someone's face might become a fighting thing elsewhere after words, but here it could be gunfire at point blank range before any words are exchanged.  I would feel safer walking the streets at night here but would still avoid dark/isolated places and try to follow the example of Thai by being with others and not walking when there is any other choice.  Armed robbery is still rare but theft is quite common.  All bets are off however if you come across some of these drug users.  They can kill their own family for the next pill!  Blind drunk would not be a good idea period.  There is a reason people have bars on their homes and own dogs.  And don't expect anyone to help, especially police, in a timely fashion.  So, just like driving, stay defensive.

Good advice from Lopburi there.

I would just add that when renting a house look very carefully at the neighbourhood

Most burgularies are commited by someone in the same soi.

We get gunfights here in my home town, but they are usually at 1am and outside the same night clubs so local knowledge is essential.  

In answer to your question, Yes I do think about security, but I feel safe walking at night because I am happy that I have taken at least some precautions.

Any drinking place frequented by off-duty police/military after midnight.  Obvious slum areas if you look like a target.

There are regular gunfights outside clubs& Bars in London!!! Even car bombs!

   Same thing there, police don't give a damm either.

Bangkok is much more safer than London ever will be!

  Be safe and happy.



just to comment on the lack of response from the police. This can be swayed depending on where you live. I have a Thai relative that lives in a 10 million baht teak house (alone!) out in the sticks (Lumpung province actually), he makes sure that the local police chief gets his yearly case of whisky and the odd forget-me-not meal. This has helped him several times with 'police reaction times' not to mention the fact that his house was built with 'grey' teak!

Also, along the same lines, I have some land up towards Chiang Mai. A fire came down from the mountains and threatened the village that my land is next to. I was in the UK, but an Uncle (in-law) gave the fire-chief a 1000 Baht and he sent some men out to my land to keep it from burning!

I did have my house stolen though! To register the land for a deed it requires a house (at least that is what I was told). Not wanting to live on the land, I had built a small wooden house on stilts with a well and sess pit at the usual distances. This all cost me £400!!! and allowed me to get my deed (i.e. the land measured and an official address given - for the property). Noone ever lived in the house. The locals noticed that, and decided to recycle. I now have a well, a sess pit and four stilts, a floor and a ladder (up to the floor) left. Last time I looked was a year ago - maybe its all gone now! (but still it served its purpose).


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