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Survey shows one in three female commuters of public transport has experience with sexual harassments


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On Thursday, March 09, 2017 at 11:14 AM, Bluespunk said:



If someone is staring at you, it can be intimidating and is generally the intent of the person staring.


The fact is, nutcases do stare.



The 2 main reasons for staring in animals are hostility and attraction.


Women stare all the time, but these thigs are different when women do them.


It all depends on the guy. If she is attracted to him she'll relish his stares. If she's not, she'll call him a perv.


The mini skirts and cleavage are meant for the hansum lads only, lol!

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21 minutes ago, FruitPudding said:



The 2 main reasons for staring in animals are hostility and attraction.


Women stare all the time, but these thigs are different when women do them.


It all depends on the guy. If she is attracted to him she'll relish his stares. If she's not, she'll call him a perv.


The mini skirts and cleavage are meant for the hansum lads only, lol!

Staring can be very aggressive and threatening.


It all depends on who is staring and why.


How women dress does not give anyone the right to stare in a manner that they find threatening.

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7 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Staring can be very aggressive and threatening.


It all depends on who is staring and why.


How women dress does not give anyone the right to stare in a manner that they find threatening.

no, it's total BS to let the woman herself be the judge.


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23 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Staring can be very aggressive and threatening.


It all depends on who is staring and why.


How women dress does not give anyone the right to stare in a manner that they find threatening.

I wonder how many stares I would get if I went outside with my balls hanging out, lol.


And if you want a laugh go onto youtube and search for "woman are pervs too....crotchcam....social experiment"


There are tons of women caught leering at (and even taking pictures of) a well-endowed guy's crotch.



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It's only sexual harassment if she doesn't like you.  I'm pretty sure Ryan Gosling can look wherever he wants and no woman is going to complain.


Eye contact is not sexual harassment.  I looked at a woman's ass the other day because I swore she crapped her pants.  Sex was the furthest thing from my mind.  


Let's talk about the sexual harassment I get every time I sit down in some bars or walk by ladyboys.  Lol.  

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4 minutes ago, uchibenkei said:

It's only sexual harassment if she doesn't like you.  I'm pretty sure Ryan Gosling can look wherever he wants and no woman is going to complain.


Eye contact is not sexual harassment.  I looked at a woman's ass the other day because I swore she crapped her pants.  Sex was the furthest thing from my mind.  


Let's talk about the sexual harassment I get every time I sit down in some bars or walk by ladyboys.  Lol.  

If the woman was upset by your ''looking'' then surely it is viewed as harassment.


Maybe not by you, but others manner of staring may have caused a great deal of discomfort in the past

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34 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

If the woman was upset by your ''looking'' then surely it is viewed as harassment.


Maybe not by you, but others manner of staring may have caused a great deal of discomfort in the past

The point is that you shouldn't rule discomfort out of life. Instead, rule in better ways of handling it, which is usually just to ignore it.


There's a real danger that society is becoming too effete, that everybody is being dragged to the level of the most sensitive.

We've got the point already where it's become illegal to upset someone in certain ways.


If everyone becomes so sensitive it won't be the utopia you believe; it will be a world of relentless psychological agony for everyone.

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55 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:

The point is that you shouldn't rule discomfort out of life. Instead, rule in better ways of handling it, which is usually just to ignore it.


There's a real danger that society is becoming too effete, that everybody is being dragged to the level of the most sensitive.

We've got the point already where it's become illegal to upset someone in certain ways.


If everyone becomes so sensitive it won't be the utopia you believe; it will be a world of relentless psychological agony for everyone.

The problem is that staring can be quite aggressive and frequently leads to escalations in aggressive behaviour.


It really is an issue if someone is staring at you.


The manner of it and the body language accompanying it can be, in certain circumstances,  seen as harassment.

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1 hour ago, Bluespunk said:

If the woman was upset by your ''looking'' then surely it is viewed as harassment.


Maybe not by you, but others manner of staring may have caused a great deal of discomfort in the past

My point is that if Ryan Gosling and Louis ck were both staring the same way at the same woman, one would be viewed as harassment, the other would be welcomed despite both doing the exact same thing.  There is no way for the starer to know which he is because he's not a mind reader.  It's ridiculous.  I'll look at whatever i want, however i want.  My eyes.  My body.  My choice.  Lol. Feminists and white knight manginas will just have to deal with it.

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1 minute ago, uchibenkei said:

My point is that if Ryan Gosling and Louis ck were both staring the same way at the same woman, one would be viewed as harassment, the other would be welcomed despite both doing the exact same thing.  There is no way for the starer to know which he is because he's not a mind reader.  It's ridiculous.  I'll look at whatever i want, however i want.  My eyes.  My body.  My choice.  Lol. Feminists and white knight manginas will just have to deal with it.

So your choices and desires supersede those you decide you have the right to stare at?


How illuminating.

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20 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

So your choices and desires supersede those you decide you have the right to stare at?


How illuminating.

Their rights aren't being violated.  There's no such thing as the right not to be looked at.  My rights over what i choose to do with my eyes, in fact, DO supercede your hurt feelings or feelings of discomfort. 

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Read this story and tell me you don't see a problem with women being able to accuse men of sexual assault for staring.  I see a big problem with false accusations and "misunderstandings".




Anybody care about this man's rights?  Equality my a$$.

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2 hours ago, uchibenkei said:

Their rights aren't being violated.  There's no such thing as the right not to be looked at.  My rights over what i choose to do with my eyes, in fact, DO supercede your hurt feelings or feelings of discomfort. 

As I said, very illuminating. 


You have made clear  you view your rights as greater than anyone else's. 


No matter how uncomfortable/distressed those you stare at feel, it doesn't matter, because your desires are all that count. 


How nice for you. 



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The skytrain is so nice, and I'm not talking about just the AC. I LIKE the eye candy.


I've been groped in Thailand more times than I can remember, by many women I wanted nothing to do with, in areas that were NOT redlight districts.


Sometimes irritating, sometimes humbly appreciated. 


Somehow I managed to survive.


Why can't folks the world over get over this "sensitivity" issue?



I worked at a place that required us to go through a "Sexual Harassment" class once a year in the US.


It's not what you meant, it is "How It Is Perceived".... Like I'm supposed to be a mind-reader!








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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

As I said, very illuminating. 


You have made clear  you view your rights as greater than anyone else's. 


No matter how uncomfortable/distressed those you stare at feel, it doesn't matter, because your desires are all that count. 


How nice for you. 



And you live in a world where you have some imaginary right to never feel uncomfortable and women never lie or falsely accuse men of sexual harrassment.  Somehow women can read a man's mind and determine he has sexual intent because in your world that's the only reason a man looks at a woman.  How nice for you.

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2 minutes ago, uchibenkei said:

And you live in a world where you have some imaginary right to never feel uncomfortable and women never lie or falsely accuse men of sexual harrassment.  Somehow women can read a man's mind and determine he has sexual intent because in your world that's the only reason a man looks at a woman.  How nice for you.

Wouldn't it be nice if men had ESP?


Women try it all the time when they say "What are you thinking?"


If women can tell what men are thinking, why do they always ask that?


My standard answer is, "You're getting on my nerves".

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3 hours ago, uchibenkei said:

And you live in a world where you have some imaginary right to never feel uncomfortable and women never lie or falsely accuse men of sexual harrassment.  Somehow women can read a man's mind and determine he has sexual intent because in your world that's the only reason a man looks at a woman.  How nice for you.

It doesn't matter what is on someone's  mind when they leer/stare at women.


The fact they are doing so in a manner to make a woman feel uncomfortable is harassment. 


But look we've already established that how others feel isn't important where you're concerned. 


You're need to stare supersedes other feelings of discomfort and harassment.


It is more important for you to stare than it is for women to be allowed to move through the world with a sense of security and comfort. 


You can do anything you like and as long as you're happy the world is good. 

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Just now, Bluespunk said:

It doesn't matter what is on someone's  mind when they leer/stare at women.


The fact they are doing so in a manner to make a woman feel uncomfortable is harassment. 


But look we've already established that how others feel isn't important where you're concerned. 


You're need to stare supersedes other feelings of discomfort and harassment.


It is more important for you to stare than it is for women to be allowed to move through the world with a sense of security and comfort. 


You can do anything you like and as long as you're happy the world is good. 

Sorry BP, but if she has nice legs on the Skytrain or a bus, and is wearing shorts or a mini-skirt that are inviting to my eyes....well, I just can't help but enjoying the view.


I was having lunch with a (male) friend at Gulliver's Travels off Sukh once & holy-moly.


This gal had on the shortest of short min-skirts!


I couldn't help but keep glancing over.


Sorry Bro, but nothing will ever remove testosterone from my blood.

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