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I have stumbled across this site and for once i have found some useful info !, I have just registered in the pursuit of information, I am 28 currently living in England on the east coast and i work in London for a large International shipping firm, I have been married for about a year to a Thai international who i met some years ago on holiday we stayed in touch plenty of visits,Visa's and headaches later here we are living in good old blighty with her young son from a previous marriage. Now we want to sell up and ship out back to Thailand, I would like to work live in Thailand along with my wife (who has struggled to adapt to the English way of life) to try and have a better life quality together as my long hours of commuting every day it is taking it's toll on us !!, Do you have any advice you could throw my way ? I am ready for a challenge and i feel this could possibly be the boldest and the best move i could make for me and my family.

Any comments/advise/thoughts would be welcomed.

In return if anybody needs advice/tips on life married to a Thai or the Visa's involved i am more than hapy to share my own experiences.



Are you living in Thailand going to be a better life?  What job can you do here and for what wage?  If your wife works or plans to work what would her income be here compared with the UK?  Will you be able to adapt to life here (without ending the dream - life here married is not a party if you expect to stay married)?  Can you afford the move?  Do you have or require insurance?  Are you going to be able to meet visa extension requirements?  Is this a good long term move for child (who now has a bright future) without a huge payment for education (which would be required here for any chance).  Perhaps a goal of early retirement would be a better dream for you?  Whatever you do think if over very carefully.


Thanks for the reality check, thats the big difference that often gets confused, It is easy to dream the dream but living

the dream can turn into a nightmare,

Your points are all valid, But could you be so kind to answer a few questions i have regarding your reply,

There is the obvious Teaching jobs which one of my friends has done recently, But also i have 10 years experience in the

shipping industry, I know for a fact that BKK/Laem Chabang has a thriving export trade, My company has offices in BKK/Chiang Mia/Songkla & Phuket but due cutbacks in my company no chance of expat secondment etc etc,But i am willing to turn my hand to anything. Adaption to life in Thailand would hard no question but have stayed in BKK/Chaiyaphum and other remote areas near to my wifes family and it seems to be OK but i guess long term it is a whole lot different to having a holiday.

Marriage is no party wherever you are it has it's ups and downs globally !!

Could afford the move i'm sure if i really wanted to.

Have insurance, But would check out the extent of it's cover.

What Visa is required ? What is required to meet visa extension requirements ??

Lexta (my step son) 5 year old has just started school and have to agree with you he does have a brighter future through UK schooling but also he has age and innocence on his side and being Thai he could adapt he has shown this already, From speaking no English to having a confident command of English in a matter of months !!

Early retirement could be a goal for us, Failing that maybe after Lexta is fully educated and able to choose his own options !!.

What about not living in the Capital, Maybe in the Central planes near my wifes village (Chaiyaphum is the nearest large town) i guess it would impossible to find wirk in these areas !

Any comments/advice welcome. :o


Am sure child could cope but the type of education here will not prepare him to think unless you pay highly for international type schooling.  That will restrict him here or overseas.  Very little chance of employment except tutor of English maybe in an upcountry setting unless you can operate internet type operation which does not require you to be present overseas.  This would be fine for an early retirement if you have large nest egg or some source of income to support you.

Now you could obtain a multi entry non immigrant class O visa on the basis of your marriage which would allow 90 day stay but you would have to exit/return every 90 days until you can prove support with a job/money in the bank.  At that time you could extend visa one year at a time, proving same requirements met each year and reporting your address every 90 days.  Reading over this and other sites should answer any visa questions.

To work here you have to have a work permit.  This means that the employer must run through all kinds of hoops and paperwork so if there is any other choice they will not wish to hire a foreigner.  Teaching is possible but degree is now required for work permit along with teaching English as a foreign language type certifications for employment.  It does not pay much except for trained and experienced teachers working for international type schools.

Now if you can convince the boss he needs you here that would be an option.  But suspect he will not believe you. :o


Have you thought about your living accomodation???

   Foreigners in Siam can only purchase 'Condominiums'!

You CANNOT own a house or land. Unless you buy the house or land and put it 100% in your wifes name, and then sign a  form saying she bought the house/land with her OWN money, and that you have absolutley NO claim to it what-so-ever!!!

   Up- country there is NO condominiums for sale. And do you really plan to 'rent' for the rest of your life in Siam???

  And surely you aren't even gonna think of buying a house/land and putting it in your wifes name are you???


Mr Helper,

In response to your posting,

My wife already has land and a house in her name for some time, This was obtained through her family, Her father currently occupies the house, Although it is up up up country about 45 minutes North of Chaiyaphum in a village (Baannon Saat). I have a property in the UK in my name and she has one in Thailand in her name !! Sounds fair to me !! But where she lives is out on limb, although it is a wonderful peaceful  place, Not the slightest chance of any source of income apart from renting my house out in England that would give some income but not enough me thinks !I have no real intention of buying a house as i am aware of the restrictions involved in land etc etc, I told my wife that if she wants a new house or to fix up the old one which is looking a bit shabby from the last time i saw it then she will have to work hard for it and i will support her best i can, Trouble is seems to be alot of games of one-upmanship going on every time she speaks to friend who has this that and the other she wants the same, but i choose selective hearing when this subject is broached !!

Plan to rent for the rest of my life in Saim !

unfortunatley looks like it maybe sometime before a i can work out how to manage to stay in Siam other than my twice yearly holidays......

Looks like i am stuck in the grey old overpriced,overtaxed UK for time being unless i win the Lotto !

Is there any light at the end of this tunnel ?


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