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Trump warns 'emboldened' Iran to comply with nuclear deal


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Trump warns 'emboldened' Iran to comply with nuclear deal

By Steve Holland



U.S. President Donald Trump holds a rally with supporters in an arena in Youngstown, Ohio, U.S. July 25, 2017. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst


YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump issued a veiled threat against Iran on Tuesday, warning Tehran to adhere to the terms of a nuclear deal with world powers or else face "big, big problems."


A week after certifying Iran as complying with the 2015 agreement negotiated by Democratic President Barack Obama, Trump made clear to thousands of raucous supporters that he remains extremely wary of Tehran.


Trump administration officials, briefing reporters last week, said new economic sanctions against Iran were being prepared over its ballistic missile program and for contributing to regional tensions.


Trump devoted part of his speech in Youngstown, Ohio, to Iran.


"If that deal doesn’t conform to what it’s supposed to conform to, it's going to be big, big problems for them. That I can tell you. Believe me," Trump said.


"You would have thought they would have said 'thank you United States. We really love you very much.' Instead, they've become emboldened. That won’t take place much longer," he said.


Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday he would be surprised if Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal when recertification comes up again in three months.


"We’ll talk about the subject in 90 days but I would be surprised if they were in compliance," he told the Journal in an interview.


Fresh from a rare legislative victory in Washington when the Senate voted to start a debate on repealing Obamacare, Trump called on Democrats to end their opposition to his efforts but doubted they would.


"It's time for Democrats to stop resisting. That's their term, resist, resist. They have to do finally what's right for the American people, but probably we'll do it ourselves," he said.


Trump used his speech to revisit some of the themes that helped him to his improbable victory in the presidential election in November.


He railed against "radical Islamic terrorists" and vowed he wanted to keep them from entering the United States after the "total devastation" he said they had caused in Europe.


"We only want to admit those into our country who share our values," Trump said.


Trump came to Ohio amid a simmering feud with his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and facing a prolonged investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election.


He cast himself as an anti-establishment figure fighting entrenched special interests in Washington, a point that his wife, Melania Trump, stressed when she introduced him on stage.


"Washington has fought him every step of the way, but I know my husband and he will never give up," she said.


Throughout the crowd were reminders of the campaign from chants of "drain the swamp" to "CNN sucks." Several protesters were ejected, including a youth waving a Soviet-style flag.


"Boy, he's a young one," Trump said. "He's going back home to mommy. And I bet mommy voted for us."


Trump rejected criticism that he has a style as president that is not politically correct. He routinely draws criticism for his tweets.


"I'd say with the exception of the late great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s held this office," he said. "But we have to move a little faster than that. We will never be beholden to the lobbyists or the special interests."


(Reporting by Steve Holland; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-07-26
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Hey Donnie, they are complying, you pompous windbag. If you knew how to read and/or had attention span greater than a gnats, you might know they are complying. I imagine this is just for playing to the rubes, showing how tough you are, ignoring facts and reality once more

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3 hours ago, Emster23 said:

Hey Donnie, they are complying, you pompous windbag. 

who are you talking to, he's not a member here.


3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump is like a fictional character of how outlandish any president could ever be, it's almost not believable, but it's real and it's massively dangerous and it must be stopped. 

please try to stay on topic.

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11 hours ago, Grubster said:

Sounds like Trump is standing behind Obama's deal with Iran here, thats a positive step.

Wasn't he against it during the campaign?  I guess the new normal is to expect the unexpected from Trump. LOL





Donald Trump opposed the Iran nuclear deal. He said that he would renegotiate the deal or "dismantle" it as president.


During a campaign event in Virginia Beach, Virginia, on September 6, 2016, Donald Trump said that Iran was not a threat to the world until President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton began negotiating a nuclear deal with Iran, which made the country a "world power." He said, "If you take a look at Iran from four, five years ago they were dying. They had sanctions, they were being choked to death and they were dying. They weren't even going to be much of a threat. They didn't have anything going and now they're a power. Overnight, we've made them a power." He then called the nuclear deal "the highest level of incompetence."[20]



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2 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Wasn't he against it during the campaign?  I guess the new normal is to expect the unexpected from Trump. LOL




Yes and he still is, but in this story it sounds like he is defending the deal some. I'm sure he didn't mean to sound that way.

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Wait a sec, so Iran complied with Nuclear deal, the Us recognized it, even the Trump...and suddenly the US think this is not good enough, because they are devlopping other weapons? A move any country would do if they had the US fleet at their door...I guess Trump wants his own war...I even suspect he wanted to be elected to have one

Edited by Golgota
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15 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Yes and he still is, but in this story it sounds like he is defending the deal some. I'm sure he didn't mean to sound that way.

Trump changing his policy?  Perish the thought. :sleepy:


If I was an Iranian, I would want my military to have nukes (and I hate for any nukes to exist anywhere)  ....while there's a dimwit dangerous screwball heading the US.    

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6 minutes ago, Golgota said:

Wait a sec, so Iran complied with Nuclear deal, the Us recognized it, even the Trump...and suddenly the US think this is not good enough, because they are devlopping other weapons? A move any country would do if they had the US fleet at their door...I guess Trump wants his own war...I even suspect he wanted to be elected to have one

Don't forget Iran funds a lot of terrorist groups.  They are far from one of the better countries on the planet. LOL

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14 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Trump changing his policy?  Perish the thought. :sleepy:


If I was an Iranian, I would want my military to have nukes (and I hate for any nukes to exist anywhere)  ....while there's a dimwit dangerous screwball heading the US.    

True, and if I was living in the ME or Europe I would not want Iran to have nukes. 

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1 hour ago, Grubster said:

True, and if I was living in the ME or Europe I would not want Iran to have nukes. 

The US has such an inept group of people in the Oval Office, that it's come to point where; if the Kremlin and the WH publish conflicting stories about the same event (like they did re; the Trump/Putin meeting), I'm more inclined to believe the Russian version, even though I know the Russians are lying.  It's at the point where the general public have to decide which group is the bigger liars.

Similar with Iran:   Sorry to say, but the Iranians have more credence, at this time, than the dufuses in the WH. 

And again, I don't trust the Iranians, .....so that doesn't say much for Trump and his dangerous gang of liars.


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