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Life in the UK test

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I need to book my wife's life in the UK test. Recently somebody here had problems with their wife being refused from taking the test as they didn't know the correct name for her biometric residense card. The booking site says " To book your test you will need:

  • Your Biometric Residence Permit (BRP). If you do not have a valid BRP, you can use your passport. "

It implies that if you have a BRP that you must use it and can't use a passport. I dont want the run the risk of my wife getting the name of the Biometric Residence Permit wrong and being refused. Can she use her passport?

Even I called it a biometric residense card when it is a Biometric Residence Permit. On the card it says "Residense Permit" so what the hell is it exactly BRC, BRP, RP?

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Your wife should use her valid BRP if she has one. If she doesn't, she can use her passport or one of the other acceptable forms of photo ID. The ID document she presents on the day of the test must be the same document she used to register and book her test.


It is a Biometric Residence Permit. I recall the topic you mention, but not the details, so make sure your wife is aware of this.



Found the topic to which you refer: 

The problem there was 


The Guy asked her what was the card that she was showing proof of her ID, She replied, Its my indefinite leave to remain.........

One of the requirements is to correctly state the ID document one is using. An ILR stamp is not the same as a BRP.

Edited by 7by7
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Yes she has a biometric residense permit. But the card calls it a Residense Permit. It doesn't mention the word biometric. I want to avoid the problems that the other Thai woman had. I will have to dig out the tread. I had hoped to use the passport. A passport is a passport is a passport.

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That was acomplete failure. I logged on and selected the test centre and date. I had to try 4 different days to get one at the local test centre. How many people take this test?

I was directed to the payment page an completed that. It said that the test is booked. It also says bring the ID document that you used to book the test. At no time did it ask me what ID was to be used. So my wife has to take some ID but I have no idea what the ID is.


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Does it matter that much? Just school her in the names of the various IDs. If she shows a BRP, she tells them she is using a Biometric Residence Permit when they ask.

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3 minutes ago, rasg said:

Does it matter that much?

Surely it does matter. If it says bring the ID document that you used to make the booking than I assume that is what they want to see. Unless they mean something else. It is they that are pedantic, not me.


I can make sure she takes her BRP, passport, driving licence, library ticket and make sure she knows preceisely what each of them is thn just hope they don't ask to see the TV licence.

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Suggest that she takes the document 'in hand' when she goes to take the test. When they ask which one she used as ID the answer is 'this one!' and hand it over before they can question it!


I does seem that the people officiating in this instance were somewhat over the top and used the letter of the law instead of being sensible.


My recommendation is that she either uses the BRP or passport and keeps just that one in her hand. Keep other ID stowed away just in case there are issues. She will be nervous enough so don't add to the worry!

Edited by bobrussell
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On 8/21/2017 at 9:45 AM, Trevor1809 said:

On the card it says "Residense Permit" so what the hell is it exactly BRC, BRP, RP?

Presumably it's Biometric Residence card, Biometric Residence permit and Residence Permit? Just other names that are used to describe the same thing by normal people. But you know from the previous post on here that she should say,  Biometric Residence permit, don't you?


Surely if you didn't get asked to supply the name of the ID document she will be using when you booked she will use her BRP? Just make sure she knows how to say it properly.

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"Surely if you didn't get asked to supply the name of the ID document she will be using when you booked she will use her BRP? Just make sure she knows how to say it properly"


Yes it seems obvious that they mean that the ID is the BRP so why do they use such obtuse wording as bring the ID that you used to book with?

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21 hours ago, Trevor1809 said:


It also says bring the ID document that you used to book the test. At no time did it ask me what ID was to be used

You can't book a test unless you have registered an account .


I started to register an account so I could have a look at the booking form, and on the second page (Personal details) of the registration form is


ID to present at the test centre

Do you have a valid Biometric Residence Permit you wish to bring to the test centre?

Yes No

If No, please select the document ID you will bring to the test centre...........

 What did you put here when you registered the account?


Whatever it was, she must use that as her ID when she attends the centre for her test.


I suggest you also have a good read of What to expect on the day of the test as well as Terms and conditions for booking and taking the Life in the UK test.

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Yes it asked me to register, or rather my wife. When I tried to register it told me that there was already and account for my email address. I assume this was when she registerd at the FLR stage to pay the NHS surcharge. She did not have a BRP then.

If that is the case then I have no idea what they will ask to see as the registration was done in July 2015. At they time she was on a prvious passport and did not have the BRP.

I have now received the receipt from Learn Direct so I have sent them an email. I also intend to go in the local test center to ask them what they are expecting to see.

If the FLR application was anything to go by this does not look good.


" Whatever it was, she must use that as her ID when she attends the centre for her test. " That is my concern but id can only be passport or BRP so she will need to take both plus the expired passport just in case.

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Right I have now got some more information. I managed to find a help line number. They said that I can go into my wife's registration and the select edit details and it pulls up the id that was specified at the time of registration. It is the BRP so we must have done this at the time she enrolled for the English and not the FLR as she didn't have the BRP then.

I have printed off the full details now to keep for reference as I can't ever remember doing the registration

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23 hours ago, Trevor1809 said:

I have printed off the full details now to keep for reference as I can't ever remember doing the registration

Always a good idea in these circumstances.


When my wife and step daughter were going through the process we kept everything until after they had been naturalised and received their first British passports; just in case. I find searching back through a paper trail a lot easier than relying on memory!


Glad you got it sorted.

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