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SETV Hong Kong

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Hi guys, 

i'm about to travel out of thailand for about 2 weeks and end my trip in Hong Kong where i will request my SETV.


I already printed out the form. I have a couple of hesitations:


1) Occupation: i am not working but have other sources of income. What should put then ? Just leave blank or put for last job at home 5 yrs ago ?

2) Current address: should i put the address (condo) of where i have been leaving now for 2 months in Bangkok or should i put my address back home ? If i'm a tourist, am i not not supposed to leave in Thailand already ?

3) Local guarantor: should i put the address of my girlfriend or should i leave it blank ?


Thanks in advance.

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I suggest
1. Your last job, or what your qualified to do. Better not to give them a hint your not working.
2. Put your address back home, again don't give reason to make them think your trying g too live in Thailand on a tourist visa
3. I've left it blank before, you'll see the form is also used for other visa types that need a guarantor.

All the best - please post a experience report, I'm planning on Hong Kong for my next one. Never been before and would like to visit for a few days.

Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

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all right, thanks guys. 1 and 3 is clear. But 2 ?

2 different opinions... I was tending to think like Nick ZepTepi (not giving them a hint i'm leaving here longer than a regular tourist), but on the other hand, they will see pretty quick on  my passp0rt the time i spent here...

So better not to lie ? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything went flawless.

Went there on thursday at around 9.30 to submit my application, only my passport copies and the HK entry stamp got collected + the form and a picture + 300HK $. Waited about 5 minutes. Came back the next day in the morning, waited 2 minutes and got my visa.


HKG is fine but REALLY expensive.

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30 minutes ago, mrnike said:

Everything went flawless.

Went there on thursday at around 9.30 to submit my application, only my passport copies and the HK entry stamp got collected + the form and a picture + 300HK $. Waited about 5 minutes. Came back the next day in the morning, waited 2 minutes and got my visa.


HKG is fine but REALLY expensive.

I wonder how it compares to Tokyo this regard?

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12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

If you mean getting the visa you would not be able to get visa there unless you are a resident or a citizen of Japan.

How about Seoul South Korea? Although currently probably not high on people's lists for visits

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12 hours ago, midas said:
12 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

If you mean getting the visa you would not be able to get visa there unless you are a resident or a citizen of Japan.

How about Seoul South Korea? Although currently probably not high on people's lists for visits

I have read reports that Seoul will not give you a Thai tourist visa if you have just arrived from Thailand. It is a pity because, in the past, I did consider it for visa runs. Flight costs are not too bad, and an expensive hotel for a couple of nights is not the end of the world.

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