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About Jeffrey346

  • Birthday 03/01/1946

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  1. You can send someone for 90 Day Report.. But Visa renewal must be in person.
  2. I never carry cash anymore. I use QR to pay for everything. Never been charged a fee from BKK Bank or SCB
  3. No one found any extra votes. Trump LOST. Biden won fair and square.
  4. If you want a 7 seat luxury SUV. Check the GWM Tank 500 Ultra. Great design and all the tech you can handle. It's a Hybrid for city use.
  5. Not at all correct. A hospital is not a place of residence.
  6. I have won and collected from a street shop. The money the deduct is tax
  7. That's such BS. Some of us have partners/wives who are professionals. It's not about money. And those who brag about money, usually are broke....
  8. https://www.amazon.com/GlocalMe-Frequency-Required-Supports-Simultaneously/dp/B0B81X9XVD/ref=rvi_d_sccl_1/141-2381061-5143844?pd_rd_w=TuhsK&content-id=amzn1.sym.f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_p=f5690a4d-f2bb-45d9-9d1b-736fee412437&pf_rd_r=TDPAB6FR1ZBYDME6Y684&pd_rd_wg=qH2Hy&pd_rd_r=05d69b46-50fd-4dc5-b838-a6ff6ea4ac6d&pd_rd_i=B0B81X9XVD&psc=1
  9. Go to your local Revenue Dept. They will do it for you NC
  10. I had eye surgery last month. Not once but twice. Now they are doing it for a third time. My surgery was nothing special. They couldn't get it right.
  11. Thai health care sucks. Did you ever wonder why Thai educated doctors can not practice in most major countries. The only plus for me.. It's FREE
  12. At the store there were 2 cans on the shelf. Price was B420/can
  13. Was in Makro yesterday and saw the Heinz Beans for B420. and laughed..
  14. I transfered 16000 Bt from US last Thursday. Wise delivered in seconds. On Friday, I transfered 80000 Bt and it arrived on Tuesday. I have done this often, seems small amounts are immediate and large amounts seem to take 1 to 5 days.
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