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  1. This true. 2 cases of influenza in a school will get the school closed for only 3 days.
  2. Old news. That was 2 days ago. Now (26 Dec) well over 400.
  3. You have to pay into the scheme for 180 months minimum for the option of either Old Age Pension monthly payments or lump sum. Anything less than 180 its only lump sum. https://www.mol.go.th/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2019/07/social_security_act_2533_sso_1.pdf
  4. Now you can get a digital SSO card. Its called SSO Connect. You will need a Wallet to put it in. But hospital always wants to see my pink card when ever I use SS health services as my 13 digit number is the same.
  5. Anutin the main character of Thailand's vaccine debacle and slow roll out wants to be Thailand's next Prime Minister and probably win ????
  6. Pretty much everything is open except some bars that could not prove they can serve sandwiches. Universities are online except for a few exceptions like labs. Masks mandatory everywhere even outside but in the provinces its much relxed. Many of the tourist traps are closed. What hotels are still open are usually fully booked on weekends with domestic tourists. Enjoy your 90 days.
  7. 3 to 9 says the Condo Act. But at an AGM co-owners can vote how many (3 to 9). At our condo we always vote 9 as usually several will quit during their term. So we have some buffer.
  8. I think Bangkok CW just wants to make it as difficult as possible for foreigners.
  9. Mine was rejected. I applied Sunday morning (CW) and got back the rejection email this evening. No reason. Went to the post office earlier today in anticipation it was just going to be stuck on Pending.
  10. The older system last worked (for me) in June 2021. Been having to mail into Division 1 at CW since then. Had a glimmer of hope this new system would work.
  11. Submitted on 6/12/2021. Just got an email back its been rejected. No reason given.
  12. No its not been 500 for months. On December 1st (1st, 2nd and 3rd average jabs per day) - 7 day average = 452,012 - 14 day average = 465,535 - 30 day average = 571,239 One when clearly see its slowing down.
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