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  1. If you think this, you are not paying attention.
  2. An engineering degree doesnt really mean anything when you have studied physics and engineering for 30 years. Having a brain that can absorb all those technical disciplines is impressive.
  3. You'd be dumb to take that bet. Look at the past 25 years and what he has done. The guy has issues but engineering wise in multiple disciplines, nobody alive comes close to his accomplishments.
  4. Well, the firing of Twitter people and the Lidar thing are internet speculation. Mercedes only beat Tesla to L3 on a piece of paper. It only goes 40mph on the highway. Needs to follow another car within 100 meters going at less than 40mph. Doesnt work off the highway. Cant take curves on the highway unless they are very gentle curves. Doesnt work in bright sunshine. Only works in geofenced areas. Several more limitations. FSDbeta can drive on any road at any speed, auto lane change, handle on and off ramps.... albeit with a very vigilent driver just in case. Mercedes tech is not remotely close. Elon has built a rocket company in 20 years that is 10 years ahead of any other. I suspect he understands the need or lack thereof for Lidar. According to Elon AI is coming and will handle "real" FSD. I dont know but wouldnt bet against Elon.
  5. JBChiangRai, Do you think it's possible that Elon is waaaaay smarter than you and thought this thru? I dont mean that as an insult at all, I just wonder why lay people can take a single instance i.e. the lidar thing and think they understand the environment better than Elon does.
  6. More price cut possibly to follow. Gross margin was 19%. Net income $2.9B These numbers are down compared to previous quarters but still miles above any legacy automaker. Elon's plan is to move as many cars as possible even at low margin and make money on software sales in future. Energy increasing significantly as Megafactory continues to ramp. Wall Street hates thesr results and hates that Tesla will lower prices and margins but this is because they are short term oriented. But as a long term investor it still looks good. $21B in cash reserves, very little debt. Their free cash flow is more than enough to fund all the factory developments.
  7. Depends where you sre. As of now they sell insurance in about 10 States. Eventually they will expand internationally but for now only in US.
  8. Irrelevant. I was just pointing out everything this guy said was nonsense.
  9. "To wit - as of today, only MB has a fully operational and certified(!) level 3 autonomous driving system, far ahead of the Tesla FSD." Ahahahahahahaha.... Only works on the highway. Max speed 40 mph. Cant handle curves on the road. Only works if it has a car ahead within 100 meters in the same lane. Doesnt work in the rain. Doesnt work if bright light shines in. It has a few more problems but I can only remember these ones. But but but it's level 3... You just made up your casting FUD. Ask Sandy Munro from Munro Engineering. That's not what he says. Batteries mostly from China, same as what other companies can buy. Diff is battery management software and cooling system. Both develooed by Tesla. That is why Tesla beats virtually every other BEV in range. Build quality. China Model 3 and Model Y, better than any peer in same price range. M3 is $33K in China. Find me another car in that price range with better build quality.
  10. You're out of date. Have you seen the Teslas from Shanghai? Build quality is very high. Functionality??? Way higher than any gas car. You are showing Elon-hate or you just dont have a clue. Have you actually seen any of those EVs or even read any reviews of them? Im sure you havent. They are fine but pale in comparison to Tesla in every single metric. You would be insane to buy one of those cars over a Tesla. Range and acceleration, s/w over the air, the 4 Tesla models are rated as the 4 safest cars on the road. Those cars you mention are not even close to Tesla. Tesla has built out a charging network in every country they enter, Thailand will be no different. They'll have superchargers on the Asian highway and south to Huahin.
  11. Demand seems still high in Thailand at current prices but yeah, expect price decreases when the order rate slows down.
  12. https://driveteslacanada.ca/news/two-children-unharmed-parents-suffer-non-life-threatening-injuries-after-tesla-model-y-falls-250ft-down-steep-cliff/ The driver drove off a cliff in an attempted murder/suicide.
  13. Actually. This is a nothing burger for EV owners. Gas cars catch fire 50 times more frequently per same number of cars. Especially Tesla has this figured out. They've sold over 3 million cars and you almost never hear of a Tesla battery fire.
  14. Ahaa. The ranking is reversed from the way it normally would be expected. In this case it is a listing of most complaints per 10,000 cars. So Tesla came in 46th. In other words 45 other cars came in with higher complaints per 10,000 cars than Tesla. And the Chinese cars dominated the list of most complaints per 10,000 cars. https://insideevs.com/news/618119/tesla-model-y-tops-reliability-survey-china/
  15. Alas I cannot comprehend your meaning. I responded that Tesla's have better reliability than Chinese cars...which is true.
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