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  1. I think the trajectory for the Left is down. MS is at its all time low in viewership and trust. Their nonstop lies have caught up to them. I'll bet the 2028 elections will have very very little input from traditional media.
  2. Thanks for the link. I'm surprised as Tesla continually releases data showing how safe their cars are compared to every other car on the road. It was not clear in the article that the people killed were necessarily in the Tesla or involved with a crash with a Tesla. This came out recently. It will be interesting if Tesla comes out with anything rebutting this claim.
  3. Nonsense. Tell us where you read this.
  4. Interesting take. I wonder what would lead you to believe X is becoming less relevant. It is becoming more popular than ever especially after the latest US election. Legacy media is in its death throes and X seems to be the new source of information. Personally I use X a lot as well as follow some YouTube channels and podcasts but X is the fastest and most accurate way to get the latest info.
  5. I wonder if you still think this today? As Elon said, the value of Twitter is free speech. Without Elon buying it, the US would be headed to authoritarianism like the UK and Europe. Nevermind the resale value, it is value to the people.
  6. Thank you for the thoughtful response. I don't get the joke. 18 yrs old. Finished G12.
  7. My son, a luk khrung has been fluent in Thai and English since birth and now lives in Japan studying Japanese language. He is also a techy kid. I am wondering if anybody has experience with Japanese companies and if they can comment on how useful a trilingual person would be given the high level of commerce between Japan and Thailand.
  8. My son, a luk khrung has been fluent in Thai and English since birth and now lives in Japan studying Japanese language. He is also a techy kid. I am wondering if anybody has experience with Japanese companies and if they can comment on how useful a trilingual person would be given the high level of commerce between Japan and Thailand.
  9. I haven't used Thai visa or aseannow in a long time. There used to be a forum called general topics, it doesn't seem to be here. I want to ask a question about business in Thailand, specifically for people who are fluent in Thai, Japanese and English. But I can't find how or where to start this question. Please advise. Thank you.
  10. If you think this, you are not paying attention.
  11. An engineering degree doesnt really mean anything when you have studied physics and engineering for 30 years. Having a brain that can absorb all those technical disciplines is impressive.
  12. You'd be dumb to take that bet. Look at the past 25 years and what he has done. The guy has issues but engineering wise in multiple disciplines, nobody alive comes close to his accomplishments.
  13. Well, the firing of Twitter people and the Lidar thing are internet speculation. Mercedes only beat Tesla to L3 on a piece of paper. It only goes 40mph on the highway. Needs to follow another car within 100 meters going at less than 40mph. Doesnt work off the highway. Cant take curves on the highway unless they are very gentle curves. Doesnt work in bright sunshine. Only works in geofenced areas. Several more limitations. FSDbeta can drive on any road at any speed, auto lane change, handle on and off ramps.... albeit with a very vigilent driver just in case. Mercedes tech is not remotely close. Elon has built a rocket company in 20 years that is 10 years ahead of any other. I suspect he understands the need or lack thereof for Lidar. According to Elon AI is coming and will handle "real" FSD. I dont know but wouldnt bet against Elon.
  14. JBChiangRai, Do you think it's possible that Elon is waaaaay smarter than you and thought this thru? I dont mean that as an insult at all, I just wonder why lay people can take a single instance i.e. the lidar thing and think they understand the environment better than Elon does.
  15. More price cut possibly to follow. Gross margin was 19%. Net income $2.9B These numbers are down compared to previous quarters but still miles above any legacy automaker. Elon's plan is to move as many cars as possible even at low margin and make money on software sales in future. Energy increasing significantly as Megafactory continues to ramp. Wall Street hates thesr results and hates that Tesla will lower prices and margins but this is because they are short term oriented. But as a long term investor it still looks good. $21B in cash reserves, very little debt. Their free cash flow is more than enough to fund all the factory developments.
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