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  1. You forgot the Russkies? They're doing their fair share of trouble making, or did you only think to have English speaking "bad boys" on your list?
  2. I am that guy, and stand by what I said - I did NOT say that 90% of the crime in Thailand happened in Pattaya - I said "it would appear that..............", and as I said in another post, I find this article a refreshing change from the usual "Family Friendly Resort" type - in other words - getting down to the "nitty gritty"!
  3. At last - a post that gets down to the "nitty gritty" of Pattaya instead of the "Family friendly resort" posts that we are used to seeing!
  4. FAFO? I hate unexplained acronyms!
  5. You did right by putting in the inverted commas - they ar thugs - pure and simple, but it sounds like the Russky deserved his comeuppance - "You wanted 'em - now you got 'em!"
  6. ".......the guards reported minor injuries, including bruised knuckles and a torn shirt." Ahh diddums, I bet the shirt felt no pain! "......... parties were taken to Patong Hospital. While Kozlov received treatment for his injuries, the security guards underwent medical evaluations to confirm their claims of harm,..........." And to confirm their claims of compensation?
  7. Oh, give over, you are sounding more and more like a troll with every post!
  8. A bit off topic, but same as the reduction in prices of imported alcohol due to the 50% reduction in import duties and taxes!
  9. Not carried out an execution since 2018, and they still want to keep it as an option?
  10. "As the NACC advances its probe,............." And I would hazard a guess at the final findings of the probe - "No wrongdoing here - next"
  11. "He has urged the public, particularly motorists, to remain sober, citing the long-term health risks young drinkers face." How about the short term risks of fatal accidents due to drunken drivers? "Rungarun Limlahaphan, Director of the Social and Health Risk Control Section at the Thai Health Promotion Foundation, reported a slight decline in national drinking rates, from 28.4% in 2017 to 28% in 2021." What about from 2022 to 2023 - they've had nearly a year to scrutinise those figures - too difficult for them to add up? "Anticipated to be deliberated in January, alongside other related bills, the draft law focuses on the regulation of alcohol sales hours, potentially altering the current 2–5pm ban to match global norms. About bleedin' time!!!
  12. I also thought he was seriously ill, and was supposed to go to jail for 8 years 1 year?

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