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  1. Maybe the neighbour who was letting him use his address?
  2. I personally know of a couple who were living in Thailand, but had to return to the UK for a tribunal because they didn't declare where they were living, and were expecting to have to repay about £5000 of overpayments between them. However, once the boss of the tribunal found out that the husband had "served his country" in the RAF, he told them that they would not be getting any more increments, but would not have to repay the "overpayments". They have since returned to the UK, but that is the only instance that I have heard of in 20 years here, and I know a few people who have been "bucking the system" for years.
  3. "Revealing attire"? Can't see nuffin' and nothing "blurred out"! 😀
  4. Various prospective MP's have stated pre election that they "will certainly look into it", but after the election - "swept under the carpet" - again! Extract from Labour Manifesto 2019 - Page 76:- "Pensions People work hard for most of their lives and deserve a decent retirement free of f inancial stress and insecurity. .............. "We will maintain the ‘triple lock’ and guarantee the Winter Fuel Payment, free TV licences and free bus passes as universal benefits. ........ " We will ensure that the pensions of UK citizens living overseas rise in line with pensions in Britain." OH, YEAH?
  5. Yes, and the money spent on immigrants, which increases every year, and is in the BILLIONS could quite easily pay for the cost of unfreezing pensions for expats who have at least made contributions into the system!
  6. "However, Thailand’s advocacy group for ending frozen UK pensions argues that the issue of fraud is minor. A representative claimed that the primary issues are DWP processing errors and the discriminatory policy denying pension increases to expats based on location. Neither the previous Conservative nor the current Labour government has addressed these concerns." I get a monthly pension from my ex employer, and get an annual increment in line with or above inflation, but they aren't bothered where I live, and even actively encourage pensioners to "widen their horizons". On the other hand, the British Government (Tories and Labour) continually sweep this "discriminatory policy" under the carpet, and seem more intent on looking after illegal immigrants and spending BILLIONS every year on foreign aid, ("In 2023, the UK spent $19.11 billion on Official Development Assistance (ODA), which includes domestic spending on refugee programs") than looking after their own "home grown" citizens who have spent their entire working lives in the UK. "The cost of unfreezing UK state pensions for expats is estimated to be in the billions of pounds:2023/24: £860 million" So, to recap, the cost of foreign aid costs the UK $19.11 BILLION PER YEAR, (Plus the cost of housing legal and illegal immigrants which is also in the BILLIONS of pounds per year i.e."The UK spent £15.374 BILLION on asylum seekers and refugees in 2023, which was 0.58% of the UK's gross national income (GNI). This was an increase of 16.4% from 2022. The UK's aid budget for 2023 was £15.4 billion, which was £2.6 billion more than the previous year.") Whereas the cost of unfreezing pensions for expats would be £860 MILLION PER YEAR. Doesn't seem fair does it? Especially as additionally, those expats are saving the UK economy millions of pounds every year through not having free medical treatment on the NHS, or other benefits? (And I have already heard the arguments that "We should have thought of frozen pensions before retiring to whichever country we chose", or, "It's not our money - it's the current taxpayers that would be paying for the increments".)
  7. "There is no report on whether Daniel’s Thai business partner was involved in the criminal activity. Police have not planned to summon the Thai national for questioning, according to Channel 7’s report." Hmmm?
  8. He has issued a report, but I wonder how long (if ever) the industry will do anything about it? As usual, no doubt backs will be turned at the appearance of a brown envelope - in the same way as in the recent bus blaze that killed numerous students and teachers due to "faulty installation".
  9. Yes, but just as a matter of interest, he was executed on 18 June 2018 (aged 26), which you omitted from your post.
  10. Obvious - stupid question!
  11. Why not? We are told it's a "family friendly resort" Maybe Mum got refused a job so she spat the dummy out? 🙂
  12. Russian and Armenian? Not a good combination! OK - racist comment - I'll get my coat!
  13. Maybe the Thai driver didn't like the tattoos? Doesn't take much for a Thai to react violently in a case such as this - people watching - loss of face?
  14. This kind of thing happens far too often, and there are probably a multitude more of unreported cases. The authorities need to make examples of a few of these licensed child batterers by the strongest punishments possible - only then will these teachers realise that they are accountable after all. Up to now it seems that they are given a "free rein" to bully their students, and many such acts are swept under the carpet as the school does not want to be seen in a bad light (The old "face" thing). Personally, I would think that if a school takes strong action against these adult bullies, it would actually show the school in a GOOD light, and show parents that their children are in good hands.

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