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  1. I saw more prostitutes in one place soliciting convetioners at Canton Fair in Guanzhou China than in Pattaya or Cowboy/Nana. No question thousands on the game in a big way. This Chinese national slagging these girls is myopic
  2. I saw the car passing a truck at a reasonable speed. I saw the car standing in a street and craving its motor up. That’s it. The dealer repainted the car, maybe at buyers request and had yet to file at transport office. I repainted a bike, finished paying off the loan and reregistered the bike in my name, and the transport office couldn't just check the VIN and move on. Had to show pictures of before and after. It’s like they can’t grasp that people repaint their vehicles and don’t instantly register at Transport office, but the vehicle is probable by Vehicle Identification numbers on Chassis and Motor. So guy drives car he was told he can drive, and Thais were slow passing papers, so he gets fined after woman goes and whines about what? He came too close to her walking in the streets. Daily occurrence. Well there is nothing unusual with anything in the video different than any daily occurrence. I saw several Thais doing far worse yesterday. But not farangs and not in such an obvious expensive appearing vehicle.
  3. And let’s not forget the ‘second Shinawatra puppet woman PM’ is again greeted by biblical level flooding, nationwide. Like the gods are sending a message: withdraw or be washed away!
  4. Since no foreign devils nationality was named, which usually is trumpeted, he likely is a thai national. By most reports older thai on younger thai is far more prevalent than foreigners with thai girls. But they get more adverse press if it goes bad.
  5. They get Botox injections and “…Several reported stiff facial muscles, unable to control their expressions,…” and they don’t know what Botox does! Botulism Toxin does precisely what happened. dumb and dumber still.
  6. Well there are many parallels. Huge biblical flood just as yet another Shinawatra woman takes the reins without the training g to do the job. Abhisit says she may finish the term, but only because all other parties are totally deranged. And most competent and organized party was dissolved. As usual into the abyss.
  7. Prawat, Nitwit, Tittyswitch It’s just a circus with this court in charge.
  8. Ah yes, Auntie Yingluck’s Rice Pledging floods from trying to save the rice crop to pay off the rice millers mafia for handing her the election. When extra rain kicked in they almost caused multiple dam over flows and catastrophes by not letting out more water sooner during harvest. More floods and bigger and 2-3m in Bangkok. Sounds like round two.
  9. Won’t be the first of Thaksin’s puppet parties to be dissolved. TRT & PPP fell before this iteration. More business as usual. Just a ‘here we go again’ moment.
  10. Of course this pardon does not cover the LM charge/sword of Damocles still hanging overhead. At least there’s something still holding him in check.
  11. Well there’s an appropriate response to not getting a job. Swat the head of a pretty girl who asked you a question.
  12. I lived in NYC for 5 years and Paris for 5 years. I was in NYC last summer. I have a very good idea about transport quality, look and feel. I was thinking more buildings and general infrastructure like wires and highways falling down. And general look. Never going to be similar. Though Bangkok does have some lovely big structures.
  13. This only net effect of the ad is to make people come to Thailand. To do business, and see the sights. It’s never going to look like somewhere like NYC so why try to pretend it can. it portrayed thai people in many lights including a funny hotel guy who proved useful and resourceful. The only thing wrong with the funny sales clip is how bent out of shape some got over it. After 20 years here it looked like Thailand and Thais I readily recognize. The ONLY people shown in a bad light are the arrogant box customer and his mercurial attitude and demands! Thais and Thailand came out looking good. But forget that there was sepia tone…. Except I only saw warm tone color film stock used not sepia toned B&W stock. Tea in a tempest pot. Nothing burger!
  14. More like the damage of an exploding meth lab than a half size refrigerator. There is something wrong with this story.
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