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  1. While I would agree that union demands have a role in corporate decisions … th majority of those decisions a financial driven. How are you going to compete with lower cost countries? Sorry, I am an “outsourced” American retiree.
  2. Except if I decide I should not support, for example, US “defense” spending through my taxes, or public education or … Which is not to say, I disagree with your statement as to the good and bad.
  3. Understand why he left .. figured you as a lost cause. Thing is, I retired to Chiang Mai 13 years ago so, my experience is dated. Also, American, so I can only address my experience there but, I have a few moments right now to reflect so … I was raised blue collar, union. Dad was a union welder for the Texaco Oil refinery in S. Jersey. My DNA is heavy working class with only old historical ties to the upper crust. I do recall a strike, Dad was not pleased but he abided by the union strike. In partial result, my Brother and I grew up in my parents mortgaged home, with car, paid holiday and vacations living a Baby Boomer secure upbringing. My children should be so lucky now that they are grown and independent. I was a career educator, fought for better working conditions/pay in public education in Kentucky (no union membership is not forbidden Ather they “whoodoo” workers declaring they live in a “right to work” state (feel free to guess - Republican state). Teaching undergrad history courses the last 27 years of my working life, I listened to administrators declaring there was no such thing as “academic freedom” and that tenure should end. I will not take off on why these things need protecting but a result led to helping form a union to hold back those attacking. As a result, I was elected to a university level committee and later was elected to the Board of Regents as I was known to defend the academic faculty best interests. When it came time to be elected to a 2nd three year term, I declined the honor … my head was tired of running into brick walls as the other Regents were from industry with the accepted mindset of controlling their “employees”. Ha! You understand that we were evaluated annually, even with tenure and that salaries reflected the evaluations … and so, my Social Security is lower than the US average and I cannot afford my sustainable working middle class retirement in the US. Compensation … end run, I am very happy retired, along with millions of other Americans in a lower cost country. Yes! I am pro union!
  4. Repeat after me … Sabai, sabai … jai yen, yen. Then go read, “Thailand Ferber” to aid in the cross cultural background. Take your time above all else. If you can do it psychologically, rent the need for company until you have been here for a year. Date but allow no commitment to attachment until a long period passes … that is no different from home, eh?
  5. I switched from my O-A retirement to an O for marriage, one year ago in Chiang Mai just previous to our taking a trip to the USA for the month of April 2023.
  6. And if I criticize corruption, it also would be accurate to point out my being left of center. But then, that would have nothing to do with the validity of the criticism.
  7. In my case, true as I could have afforded a working middle class life in the USA but, at half that amount, I have the same here in Thailand.
  8. Rats! I was hoping that as there are some saying I was “fragile” due to being “woke” that I would be eligible. Ah, well … (said tongue in cheek, only to bring a smile to your face).
  9. I might get shot for suggesting this from C.M. but, how about tiring this idea to developing those second tier Thai cities where further tourism development is being promoted. Yep, I’m suggesting not having a placement in C.M.
  10. Both Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn Bank mobile apps stopped working. Went to Bangkok Nank, girl Sai system upgrade needed information re entered. App did not take the info. She used the ATM and her computer to update. Kasikorn … girl deleted app and downloaded app again, entered info and that fixed it. My suspicion? Tied to the recent announcement of banks needing to check account names and Passport/phone names all agreed. Chiang Mai.
  11. Yes, an instance where charges are brought as an offense against the law (in the citizens’ interest). Looks like a moot point as appears a complaint is being filed.
  12. I did watch the video. Over the top response by the guards. Here’s the thing about Thai law, evidently. Need to have the offended party bring a complaint against someone. OK, I can understand this although … I come from a heritage where if this had so publicly taken place, the legal system would move to arrest and prosecute the perps in the name of the citizenry. The thought being that the disturbance and affront was made to all citizens in an orderly society. I think a bit of irony as many of us feel such an action as done here certainly has caused harm to the country’s reputation and citizens of Thailand. One might even say the actions taken reflect on the head of the country … an insult under Thai law?
  13. I was in her situation a few months ago. Tuck Tuk driver stopped when he saw I had raised the hood. He walked across the street to borrow jumper cables from a motorbike shop. Cables not long enough, I thanked him. Gave a tip and the auto roadside insurance service guy soon showed up (I was in Chiang Mai city). My “Do a good deed daily” usually equates with busy traffic allowing someone else to go first.
  14. Agreed. It has been awhile but not too much of a bother for me once every 10 years.
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