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  1. Fact is that the cause of the justified frustration/Anger within the working middle class is the direct result of both major parties elites. Serious structural changes are needed. No chance unless the working middle class comes together … I wish, but don’t think it stands a chance. Irony … the interests are the same among us leaning left of center and those leaning right of center.
  2. I tend to believe the Berea College speaker interviewed on a segment of the PBS Newshour, who addressed Vance’s “Appalachia” claims. I cannot claim much direct knowledge of Eastern Kentucky having spent my 46 years in Western Kentucky.
  3. Yes we all know how that came to pass. State, Federal Government Prosecutors gathered evidence and presented the evidence before four separate, independent citizen Grand Juries. Those four separate citizen Grand Juries agreed there was enough evidence to warrant Trial to determine guilt or innocence of som 90+ separate charges of laws broken. And now one citizen Trial Jury (having no connection to the Grand Jury in the case) has found Donald Trump guilty of the 30+ charges in that case. The pending, separate three cases are to be heard by their citizen Trial Juries. There is much bent by money in the USA that needs serious structural changes but … I still trust in the legal processes here outlined.
  4. My vote? Democrat as I strongly oppose the Trump Party and Project 2025 end game positions.
  5. Yes, agree Trump comes across as in control and forceful … 30+ lies but in control and forceful.
  6. Not even real enough to be humorous. What will be funny is watching the Trump Party twisting and turning with the new reality. They are running the oldest nominees in US history and a convicted felon. So, yes … we will see but I am certainly much more encourage that the majority of American citizen voters will reject the bid for an authoritarian government. What do we hear from Trump and his ilk? The sky is falling, the sky is falling … And the proposed fix? Project 2025, the authoritarian handbook …
  7. Except that the documentation of fact does not agree with your opinion …
  8. Sad that Americans live in a country with so much fear for one’s safety. Speaks to a failing country where the citizens are at each other’s throats rather than working to build a more safe, secure country.
  9. He lived in Appalachian poverty? Ignorance is no one’s friend, worse, of course is purposeful telling lies.
  10. Sounds like the USA … although in all fairness, I have found the medical care I have been given here in Chiang Mai has been great. That includes the heart attack and associated TIA from a “floater clot” following the stent placement and 2 additional angioplasties in 2015.
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