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  1. Just gym equipment! Must have been purchased outside of usual family member 🤑
  2. If you havent had the conversation do it quickly. My assumption it shouldnt matter but she is Thai? If not even mote necessary the talk. If Thai, you a bit late she is already traded but down if in Thailand.
  3. Time and time again greed from ALL government leaders. They will shoot themselves everytime.
  4. One if anything ever happen to my Thai family. Two, if I won a sizable amount in one of their lottery then I would take them all out of this hell hole to my former homes which has turn into a <deleted> hole!
  5. This was going to eventually going to happen! This too much greed and corruption in the leadership here not for it to happen. Always a wish a " Hub " as Thais like to call it. I'm sure it has been well thought out like the weed!🤑
  6. From my own experience in a blue moon it does get delayed. I can only speak of the USD, but first this! When you log on and see your history on the screen above you will see a number of currency large boxes like USD, EURO, above on left will be a small green tab " send " if you dont want your money to be put into the Wise Account dont hit the large tabs for your country money. It is really about planning ahead for USD if one does an amount under 1000 USD, it comes within seconds. If over 1000, dont do on Fridays and be aware of many Thai hoildays. On ocassions Ive done transfer the funds are recieved shows taken from my account back home but doing another Wise reply they havent recieved Yet so transfers cant be completed. To get around this I have several accounts listed on my wise account so I use another account basically for the transfer. Good luck
  7. As they say we will always be guess no matter how long how much you contribute to their economy and people.
  8. Reality, if it is forbidden then enforce it instead of promotion standing on the bridge and taking picture of themselves as if they are doing something. Months back the Mayor close the tunnel so he could do a promotional walk through the tunnel claiming over 4000 bikes use the tunnel each day. The is one big lie at best. More and more are using the tunnel why because they know they can because all they do is talk talk and more talk. From North to East if they are serious have a police place themselves at the entrance with radio notify another at the other end further from the exit near Soi Khao Noi or further down the police station and pull them over miss them back up at the Signal light Sukhumvit and Pattaya Tai. The word will get out do it daily instead of when they get an itch in their behind. Personal, out of all the problems why this issue, I've not heard of one accident inside the tunnel when there are millions of more pressing matter. You can easily put camera but of course like current tickets sent out for violation there is near two million not collected. This is a force the light is on but no one is home. Since the beginning, the tunnel at night is use to play kid games they challenge themselves speeding to see whether they can beat each other who get there first. I seen at night bikes regularly one goes through the other go above.
  9. First, Ford American, Second GM, China, as noted neither. Best car I ever have purchased here is Toyota, got it when it first came out, Yaris 2006, have a Hilux also a Van. Yaris 140,000 KM, rarely a repair.
  10. Not taking sides but since it was posted I assume for everyone. Who decide for sure not you, Scuba or I that is I guess the moderator job.🤔
  11. clarification more info Say when riding? You going down road all of a sudden engine cuts out if that happen then what you do? No indication you cant start up again? If it doesnt should be a quick diagnose from shop. Does the engine cut off at a stop? My bag should have read more, dont sound like Idle, I looked at the 155, like the big tires but always had Honda based on your problem I'll stick with Honda. Had a Click. 12 years now my PCX, 125 plus KM, no major problems.
  12. Im not a Brit but until I move here I didnt really know one what I do know they are people. Being so like me and everyone else we are human who in their life has always made an decision that was the right one WHO! Know it or not everyone is part of one big pie why are we fighting each other to take what little slice we have been given. Know it or not we survive on the same boat. When it comes to Government it is a shame many politician in particular boost that it is a " Global Economy " talk about freedom so why do they care where their citizen live collecting from a program that was offered or even required. Like many western countries immigrants are being received or crossing illegal to enter the same leaders who cut benefits lavishs immigrants with benefits, services, provide other nations with aid that is never paid back even those who might hate our country. We are talking millions, billions, even trillons, this women like many has done their country a service leaving 30 years save them a sizable sum not using the system or being a burden. She is still a citizen or does that dont mean a thing any longer. This isnt about making Great Britian great again it is about doing what is right the BS sold daily by our politician. They spend our money like drunken sailor now want those who put in pick up the tab for their mistakes. These benefits are a drop in the bucket compare to their own waste. Years ago back home I attended a meeting prior I already was fed up with Politician calling Social Security an " Entitlement " a system I was required and gladly put in for over thirty year with a promise at the end of the rainbow. These politician take program good ones and destroy by dipping and changing the purpose to the point they are ruin when that happens they look to blame the common man brainwash many to point the finger and blame each other as some are doing now. I had to contain myself not rushing the podium and choking the MF, out of respect for his service to our nation but I gave him a long tongue lashing he never forgot he lost the election. On the surface, Thailand medical at times hospital think we are cash cows I had a friend in an hospital told family and us he couldnt travel when we understood the cost of procedure was unreasonable wasnt going to be done all of a sudden he was more than capable to fly plus now procedure 1.9 million could be done for 800,000. I wish the Fox family the best hopefully if no major physical can help her get in shape to shape son gors along when they land drop her off at a government leader lawn give mom a kiss tell her we love you. Hope it nevers get to that but when my number comes I'll be able to return on my own as soon as I get off the plane Im going to fall and expect the system I put into same services they are laying red carpet out for everyone around the world to find a place so a nice big nurse getting paid 6 figures wipe my behind.🤣 Dont fight with each other our fight is with our goverment who hss abandon their citizen for votes!
  13. I'm opposite, but not sure too dry or harmone change. Last few months itch to the point I scratch areas until I start to bleed. Ive taken Anti-H pills and use creams only temp. My smooth skin now scarred everywhere starting to be self conscious whenever I get massages of any kind 🤧
  14. Land of hub of crooks! I believe with the cost of ticket there is already a landing fee.! This is the same crook who suggested a entry fee 300 Baht in which 50 would go to an accident policy which stall abandon cause airline would not go along in collecting for them Only Hub created " Hub of Crooks "
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