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Mister Fixit

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About Mister Fixit

  • Birthday January 27

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  1. There's a name for it - 'small man syndrome'. Think back a few hundred years. Does the name Napoleon Bonaparte spring to mind?
  2. Thailand is a mongrel country, with people from numerous neighbouring or not so neigbouring countries, just like Britain (especially me!).
  3. Yup, I read somewhere in the last few days that over 70% of Russians back Putin and his attack on Ukraine. They may well live to regret that they have been brainwashed for decades now that their country has become the new pariah of the world, when they can't get petrol, smartphones, and even bread.
  4. I went to my usual pharmacy in lower Sukhumvit today to get some Kamagra gels and pills. I was shocked when the woman told me they are completely out of stock and don't know when they will get more. It's Indian and apparently shipments from India have stopped due to Covid. I asked if they had generic Levitra or Cialis but she said they hadn't had any Levitra or generic for about 6 months. All they had in stock was 4 genuine Cialis at 2,000 which I ended up buying but won't again! I asked her if she knew of any other pharmacies which might have some and she said none of them had any, but I was welcome to go round them and ask. I didn't have time because I had an appointment 30 minutes later and needed to get to the BTS, but this is a bit of a concern. Luckily I have enough stock of Kamagra to see OK for about a month but after that ...? Has anyone else had this problem? Looks like there are going to be a lot of frustrated and disappointed husbands (and wives) around soon. ????
  5. I hope admin won't delete this, because it's a serious matter and very important to those who follow a ketogenic diet plan. A word of warning from the start – this post is about poo and constipation, all of which we have suffered from at some stage when on keto. If you are a bit put off about talking about what comes out of our bodies, then please scroll by and don’t comment – thank you. This is a serious warning about what happened to me when I didn’t drink enough fluids for about a week. I seriously thought I’d end up in hospital with rectal damage. I will have been on keto for 4 years on the 8th of next month and have lost over 50 kgs and kept it off. I know what I am doing by now. Here in Thailand the heat can play havoc with your hydration. I do get constipated at times but luckily we have a very powerful herbal laxative here (Radompon) which always does the job! I am at home much of the time and drink a lot of tea (about 8 pint mugs a day with just 10 mls of milk, no sugar of course) and enough water. However, last week I had to teach in down town Bangkok every day, so I was out of the house for around 5 hours at a time. It is forbidden to eat or drink on the MRT but when I arrive I always buy a 500 ml bottle of water, though rarely finish it because I am too busy teaching. It’s also been about 35 C or 95 degrees F here all week as Thai summer is starting. Last Thursday morning I felt the urge to do a bowel movement but needed to leave so thought I’d wait until I got home later and take some of the laxative, so when I returned about 4.30 pm I did. Well, it started to work but nothing would budge. Nothing. Only lots of liquid seeped out and after an hour of trying to push and almost crying in total discomfort, I was down on the bathroom floor curled up and having to do manual extraction! Sorry. I managed to get to my phone and called my wife to ask her to come home immediately, and luckily she called at a pharmacy and bought a box of saline enemas – pictured. Never seen them in the UK. It took two, but in 15 minutes - WHOOSH! Out in seconds and Jeez, what a relief. I was seriously wondering how on earth I could possibly get to the local hospital 2 miles away, what with Bangkok traffic and all that. It left my poor old bum very tender indeed for about 4 days but it’s pretty well calmed down now. It was a narrow squeak, I can tell you. If you are on a keto eating plan, be absolutely certain to keep well hydrated, especially as summer is here. So, I am sorry the subject is so icky, but it’s a salutary reminder to make sure you get plenty of those liquids down you, especially as summer is approaching in the UK.
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