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  1. Loads OK for me. Laptop, Firefox, Win11.
  2. You chose the wrong vendor without due diligence, but regardless of that it's the vendor's fault, not Lazada's. Lazada are quite good in cases like this as their returns/refund procedure is quite straightforward.
  3. Lazada don't have any products - they are the selling platform for multiple products and multiple vendors. If you got a poor product it's because you chose poorly.
  4. I'd go along with that and it wouldn't affect most taxpayers so win-win. Can't see Rachel from accounts doing that though.
  5. Yes, I've met a few but please don't put me in that group. As said, I would like the extra money in my pocket too. Tell me where you would raise the money from if you were the Chancellor and did this.
  6. We'd all like extra money in our pockets, but if they take it from there they'll just have to raise it from somewhere else which could affect us adversely just as easily as this would benefit us.
  7. Have you read the thread? OP has posted numerous times that he can't use Skype and given a reason why not. He hasn't responded to the first reply to the thread which may provide the reason for his inability to get through using 003.
  8. White baht buses on Sukhumvit Road will drop you off with a 5 or 10 minute walk to the restaurant.
  9. I don't know who the guy you quoted used, but Maneerat charged me that a couple of months ago.
  10. Procedure on UK government website: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/confirm-youre-free-to-get-married-in-thailand
  11. Have you bought an 003 package as detailed on this page? It seems to be a new (to me) requirement that you need a package as well as the 003 prefix. https://www.ais.th/en/consumers/package/international/international-call/003
  12. I'm on Version 3.39.0 too without any issues. Android 13.
  13. Dee Money are off the game, for now at least.
  14. All banks have been ordered (by the government or BoT or someone) to verify SIM as part of money laundering reduction. It was in the news a few days ago. Probably a big pile of nothing for regular users whose phone ID and banking ID will already match.
  15. I have a couple of UK banks that will send OTPs to my Thai number. I use AIS and never had a problem similar to petermik. Never tried any other suppliers.

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