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  1. Yes, the Liberal Party morphed into the "Lib Dems", Liberal Democrats. Pretty meaningless in effect. The problems with these words originates in the US. They don't seem to be taught European history, even though most of them came from there. Liberal to them seems to encapsulate everything they despise in modern society, just right of communism, just left of socialism, neither of which political ideologies seems to be taught in American schools even in history lessons. They grow up referring to a huge section of political science as "woke", "liberal", "progressive", "lefty", anti yee haw, deep state, Alex Jones complete and utter bs. Their only sources are YouTube videos and the right wing press. Is there anything left to like about America?
  2. "Liberal" was usurped by the unwoke as a sneering jibe. I call it peer sneer. I see a lot of it on this forum. And I mean a LOT of it. Remember, there used to be a Liberal Party in the UK, going back to the 19th century and Gladstone. Another word that got stolen by the far right is 'libertarian". This in my youth was associated with the far left, Marcuse et al. But it got taken over by the likes of right wing Cambridge don and later editor of the Spectator magazine, Roger Scruton, who decided they liked the sound of it and coopted it as the tagline for all things far right. Completely bastardized the meaning. Odious people.
  3. It doesn't mean any of these things. What has been transposed onto the concept of liberalism are all the petty hangups the unwoke have about modern society. They feel excluded and quite rightly, hated. The unwoke are a very sad crowd. Backward, brainwashed and boring. Uncultured, unenlightened, unmannered. Totally American in origin.
  4. Oh yeah, he announces the destruction of the pipeline, and lo and behold, it happens! Bit of a giveaway, don't you think? Is the US really that stupid? Apparently you're quite prepared to believe anything Biden tells you. But you still haven't said who you believe did it. That video has been seen a million times. So why is there still any question as to who did it? According to you, it's obvious.
  5. My point exactly. Now it's the grossest insult the anti woke army can come up with. Peer sneer.
  6. It would be patently ridiculous for the US to follow through on Biden's geriatric pronouncement. There would be no cause for any further investigation if anyone believed him. In fact he could well be up for criminal charges if it could be proved the US had anything to do with it. To make a threat like that... But you don't answer the question. You just repose it. Same with @Gweiloman. All huff and no puff.
  7. How do you classify yourself? Eastern illiberal? Western illiberal? Eastern liberal? None of the above? You're using "liberal" as a pejorative, fashionable amongst American and American influenced greenhorns. Like "woke". Why not call them libertarians? Because you don't understand the term, and it doesn't enable peer sneering, so popular amongst the "I know it all, or at least, a lot more than you" crowd?
  8. You call me clueless but present no alternative version. Who do you think blew it up? And saying it's obvious is just condescending crap. You either state your position or....
  9. Yeah, so you've chopped off what prompted my responses, so your list is really a cut and paste job with no context. Fake, in other words. Unless I'm in denial? Denial of what? Your version of the truth? You haven't even presented one. Please enlighten us.
  10. Well, I'm not answering for 3bb, just putting forward my take on it. They say it's unreroutable undersea cable damage. Make what you will of it.
  11. I suggested they reroute, but it's the main sub sea cable from Europe. Apparently no work around. It's a massively complex operation to repair the cable, bureaucratic hell, dive permits,security clearance (it's in the middle of axwar zone), manpower, logistics, etc etc. Yes, I understand, but like you say, with no backup route, their system is flawed (note spelling). But if the cable was really that badly damaged, I imagine data throughout would be seriously compromised for really a lot of ISPs and data centres, and we'd have heard a lot more about it. Maybe it's just a server issue, and not an undersea cable at all?
  12. No, it doesn't. It doesn't explain why you keep posting the same message over and over. We got it! You love 3bb. Many of us don't. But the same people don't keep posting about it. It may not be 3bb's fault, but the service interruptions are tedious. Last time I called, 2 nights ago, they said June 25th there should be an update. But I'm not holding my breath.
  13. What's your point GG? You must have posted 10 grovelling "I love 3bb" comments on this and other threads. You getting paid for doing this voice in the wilderness stunt? Or just more attention seeking?
  14. So what do you know? And please, no links to YouTube videos, or other such sources. I've got a brain. I can figure this stuff out. It's not difficult. Deductive reasoning is all that's required. And logic. But why do you feel the need to get personal, Gweiloman? What's your problem?
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