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  1. I'm balancing the views here and I have expressed my profound sorrow for all those dying in this senseless war in many posts , some deleted when I try to express in more detail my beleifs , and I see a lot of posts gloating in the deaths of Russians and I haven't seen you expressing pushback on that. It is for the Russians to change their system if they can or want to I, however am a western voting taxpayer so I have some small skin in the game and if I can help in a very small to stop this relentless path to global war beween 2 superpowers with nukes on my "side" which I sincerly think is the road we are heading on , and one in which the US with the Monroe Doctrine wouldn't accept a foreign power in their own backyard ,then, in my humble opinion I beleive I am doing good. I checked out of Pax Americana a long time ago, I'm more a Private Švejk than a Colonel Blimp - they have destroyed enough countries and people in the name of democracy and justice but in reality is usually always about power, control and wealth, to know it's always different this time but seldom is, and in those beliefs I have held them sincerley for more than 50 years now man and boy. I can't cheerlead or get behind my government's bellicose trajectory so I wouldn't ask others , maybe coerced, to do something I wouldn't do myself. If you don't want to read my shading on this war then don't. But don't shoot the messenger, I didn't write the message and if you think I peddle Putin's propaganda and am a useful idiot well then that's your right. Oh and in the article you referenced from me they are not dying but avoiding that and best of luck to them in that struggle. There's nothing glorious about being dead.
  2. “I’m afraid I won’t get enough training and then I’ll be moved closer to the front and then I’ll die senselessly,” said Mykyta, a 28-year-old web designer from Lviv, in western Ukraine. Those fears are backed by some military analysts, who say that Ukrainian troops often lack adequate training, which makes it difficult for Kyiv to hold its lines as they are quickly sent into battle to replace combat losses. Jack Watling, a military expert at the Royal United Services Institute, a defense think tank in London, said that most Ukrainian soldiers were lucky if they got five weeks of training. By contrast, Britain trained infantry soldiers for about 22 weeks during World War II, he said. https://archive.ph/VrCeP
  3. Putin can't be held responsible for an operational accident in theatre - just as Biden can't be blamed for the US bridge collapse or Israelis shooting their own hostages. Blue on blue activity is normal in an active war zone.
  4. According to the Times, almost 1000 Ukrainian soldiers were trained by the Royal Marines. The Deputy Commander of the 38th Brigade revealed that very few of their British-trained commandos are still alive ‘The Russians are trying to drown us’: Ukraine’s cruel river war Zelensky’s marines once hoped their bridgehead would enable a southern offensive, sharpened by training in Britain. Instead they’re clinging on https://archive.ph/qckmh#selection-2151.0-2157.143 The Ukrainians claim they have killed significantly more soldiers than the Russians on the left bank of the Dnieper, but casualties on both sides appear to be immense. In the 38th Brigade, the number of commandos trained by the Royal Marines has been significantly reduced. “There’s not many of our guys left,” said Bassoon. “Very few.”
  5. It's call back in the context of the video it was qouted for which was frankly optimistic Ukrainian proganda which ever way you want to spin it. The purpose of my video was to shade that with last year's similar misguided optimism. It's always the next thing, the next wunderwaffe , it will be over by Christmas , the Russians are running out of <insert thing here> which I would purport is not objective reality. My opinion, obviously but based on my research. The carnage continues on both sides and just saying Putin started it isn't an anwer to that even if it is partial statment of fact. Ceasfire now, armistice in place and let the killing stop or it really could be to the last Ukrainian. I've never supported a war in my life and that will be my position to my last breath. If that makes me a commie , Putin's useful idot in the eyes of some , then so be it.
  6. First point maybe valid second point irrelevant as it is the offcial video released before the Spring Counteroffnesive as well you know ! Interesting that You Tube may have scrubbed some of the original videos from search though that came top of the list , not the official Ukrainian one. Is there a more free form thread where discussions can be had about how we got here , and where this is going where longer more thoughful discussions could be had and hopefully then keep this more on-topic ?
  7. You may be referring to the David Axe's report for Forbes who is a notorious propagandist. However brave Ukrainian media is prepared to report the truth - possibly becuase they care about their people rather than spinning news for clicks. https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/06/18/in-russia-vehicles-are-expensive-but-soldiers-are-cheap-and-thats-why-the-battle-for-vovchansk-is-becoming-an-infantry-massacre/ There are 3 British clowns who report nonsense as truth , David Axe, Hamish de Bretton Gordon and Colonel Richard Kemp. You can safely put them in the bin marked "Scott Ritter". Dozens of Russian troops have been cut off at a building site in the city of Vovchansk, Kharkiv Oblast, not hundreds as previously reported by Forbes, Yurii Povkh, spokesman for the Kharkiv Operational Strategic Group (OSG), has said. Source: Povkh in a comment to Ukrainska Pravda Quote: "I would like to point out that, first of all, the Russians do not operate with the numbers of personnel mentioned in this report. The figure of 400 people [reported by Forbes] is impossible to confirm because it does not exist." https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/06/19/7461556/
  8. It's been pointed out by better people than me that he's a kleptocrat not a communist but still you persist.Words matter. I may or may nor be a communist and I'm certainly a pacifist socialist and Putin and his mates are not in my club.
  9. That's my best laugh of the day intentional or not and I thank you for that !
  10. Naah another one who likes the sound of her own voice and Pax Americana. Next ! For Applebaum, the main significance of Iraq seems to be that it drew the US and Polish governments closer together. Whatever impact it had on Iraqis themselves, on traumatized veterans returning home, and on an entire generation’s willingness to trust the very Atlanticist project to which she remains committed escapes her notice. So does the propagandistic disinformation campaign that the Bush and Blair governments deployed to whip up support for the war—essentially a conspiracy theory, and one significantly advanced by Applebaum’s current social circle. Both in Twilight of Democracy and in her recent interviews and tweets, Applebaum has insisted that the authoritarian temptation exists on both the left and the right, even if right-wing authoritarianism is the more immediate threat. That’s true to an extent, and it’s understandable that someone who has studied Stalin’s reign of terror in such detail would say so. But it’s also a dodge. Today’s rising leftists in the United States and the United Kingdom, by and large, aren’t calling for a return to Stalinism but for a social democratic model that would seek to repair the enormous human damage done by decades of the untrammeled neoliberalism that Applebaum and her friends have consistently championed. https://www.thenation.com/article/politics/anne-applebaum-twilight-democracy/
  11. "We had to destroy the world to save the world". How Pax Americana ends - it's either death by sharks or death by electrocution. China will not formulate a strategy to defeat the United States militarily because the United States cannot be defeated (the United States has a huge number of nuclear weapons). From ancient times all empires have not been defeated by external enemies, but have collapsed due to internal decay within. China's strategy now is to continue to strengthen itself and become invincible, and then wait for the United States to make mistakes and collapse.Trump was a sign that the dials are all on red.Just imagine if he wins in November ? “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.” Churchill November 1942 WASHINGTON—Russia’s military cooperation with Iran, North Korea and China has expanded into the sharing of sensitive technologies that could threaten the U.S. and its allies long after the Ukraine war ends, according to U.S. defense and intelligence officials. The speed and depth of the expanding security ties involving the U.S. adversaries has at times surprised American intelligence analysts. Russia and the other nations have set aside historic frictions to collectively counter what they regard as a U.S.-dominated global system, they said. China has shipped massive quantities of dual-use equipment, including machine tools, microelectronics for Russia’s defense industry, optics for tanks and armored vehicles, and turbo engines for cruise missiles, they said. It also is helping Russia improve its satellite and other space-based capabilities for use in Ukraine, officials said. https://archive.ph/SAyGk
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