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  1. Why haven't they arrested the rapist and the aunt? Note how it's not the police that is looking into filing charges. can't believe they are letting that pedophile walk free.
  2. The money goes back to Daddy Red Bull. He's the one who bribed the cops and he's the one funding his murderer son's lifestyle abroad. Sickening. I wonder if the fugitive's party pals abroad know they are associating with a killer.
  3. What I'd really like to know is why the Thai media has never attempted to track this murderer down and expose his overseas life. You know why? Because reporters in Thailand are afraid to step on the toes of the rich in their country and in this case, Daddy Red Bull. I find it strange that no Thai journalist has the stones to research, find where he is, have photographers taking pictures out on the clubbing circuit and also researching how he is getting his money. The cops should do this too and see if daddy is protecting his murderous son and then arrest him for aiding and abetting. But again. The prosecutors go after the low-hanging fruit and people with no real power.. the low-level cops, while they don't dare touch Daddy Red Bull. And after all, it was he who bribed and perhaps even threatened the cops to cease their investigation. They didn't do it on their own accord.
  4. The headline says "Axed" which means he was fired. But he wasn't. Ya'll need to brush up on headline writing skills.
  5. Hey look reporting but nobody quoted and only explaining reactions on social media. Reporters are supposed to interview people
  6. No it's not in Thailand. How many times have you seen news articles of Thais who have been arrested and not convicted being photographed reeanacting a crime scene for gawkers. They regularly show the faces of crime suspects. I worked at the Bangkok Post. This is definitely not a law or policy in Thailand's news organizations. .
  7. What can make someone get so upset that they spit on someone? Really? He's a scumbag and lowlife. He should be barred from entering the kingdom. I'm sure he'll come back to get his punishment! And if he had a lawyer in Thailand, it means he's Russian mob. But that bloke in the photo could not be his lawyer because foreigners are not allowed to practice law in Thailand. They can only serve in an advisory status. They certainly cannot represent them before the court. The Thai authorities need to do a clean sweep and get rid of the Ruskie mob before they start trying to take control of local police. .
  8. It really astounds me taht the reports are so lazy or too afraid to ask for the suspect's full name. And then what baffles me even more is that they are blacking out the faces of these foreign criminals. Why protect them?
  9. WHy cover the man's mug up with emojis? Police didn't charge him because they got the phone back? He still stole it. The guy needs to be arrested and then deported. Not sure why they are so soft on the criminal.
  10. :"In fact, the man involved said he even went back out drinking the same night on Walking Street." No doubt returned to his hotel with a honey or two. What a warrior! What a champ
  11. Pot isn't drugs. Drugs are manufactured and processed. Cannabis is a plant, hence, not a drug.
  12. And the description of what the dead man was wearing is also superfluous information.
  13. Living in Thailand for 17 years and having crossed paths while drunk with local guys, I NEVER had a problem. I've always been friendly to Thais and smile and when walking by guys sitting and drinking whisky and one of them calls out at me "YOU YOU." I always smile a and say "Sawasdee kraap" next thing you know they invite me for a drink
  14. I'll say this too: This is shoddy reporting. This is written by Asean Now and the writers there should know the reality of life in Thailand. This line really stood out at me: " Jessica has applied for a visa with the Thai Immigration Bureau, signalling their intent to make this a long-term move." REALLY? You don't just apply for a visa to "signal intent to make this a long term move." There is no such visa for foreigners. There is a visa for work in their case. And they are too young to qualify for a retirement visa. And she is not married to a a Thai so no spousal visa. If she wanted to get a longer-term type visa. she has to put in many years until she can do that. You'd think the reporters in Thailand would know this.
  15. You get what you pay for. Is it worth short-changing your kids?
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