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  1. To be fair, when this underground cable project started it was said it would be done in stages with the final stages completed by year end 2024.
  2. Ghosn was planning to merge Renault and Nissan which would have placed Nissan under French control.
  3. 80kg ? Sounds like buyers remorse hiding behind the security guards !
  4. Mid 2021..... wonder if it was a reaction to a forced infulenza vaccine ?
  5. Yeah they like doing that ! My soi.... it is being dug up again... replacing concrete drainage pipes. They look to be the same size drainage pipes, that have be installed 3 times in the past 7 years !
  6. Yeah was a bit of damage to the car.... it caught fire too which would not have been beneficial for occupant survival.
  7. 3kg a week is not impossible. Did 60kg (50% body weight loss) in 5 months in 2022. 2023 to now I put back on 20kg.... hence I have returned to my diet and have dropped back 12.
  8. She might be playing away and could bring it home.... best to test !
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