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  1. Yes. I asked for two Certificates of Residence, to renew both car and motorbike D/L’s. You will need two copies of all documents. One set for each licence. I’m not even sure you can ask for only one COR at Samui Immigration, but I might be wrong. I think they will give two per application. I asked for three and they told me, “No. Can only have two. If you want more, you will have to apply again after picking up first two. I will be going next week on 9th, and will report back.
  2. With all the tax the government has been taking from tourism on Samui for almost 40 years, the place should already have a far better infrastructure than it does have., but it has been bled dry. Waste disposal, sewage treatment, electricity, roads, water supply have all been left wanting. Unfettered building on steep hillsides is also creating more problems, as the rain washes the soil down to block the drains, causing flooding.
  3. Can't find my receipt, but this might help: Line@ : http://bit.ly/SmegTH_Line Tel : 02 493 6565 กด 1
  4. You can call them and they will come and repair. They visit Samui about once a month. Look for Pen K Service Centre Bangkok. It is they who do the servicing. I had them come and replace some parts in my Smeg oven about three months ago. They have changed numbers so instead of calling service centre, you might have to try a different service such as Smeg showroom. Once you talk to someone you should be able to get in touch with Pen K Service. If I can find my receipt, I will post the number here.
  5. I can answer my own question. Found the online DMV e-learning Test. https://www.dlt-elearning.com/forignerhome Watched video, answered questions and took a screenshot of the part that shows I have completed the test.
  6. Some good suggestions. I like the one about buying flight tickets in home country. But the difference in VAT between Thailand and the UK may lessen some of those differences such as smartphones.. Also Thailand will charge 7% VAT on all imported items over THB1,500.
  7. Form OS/01/01 I am currently completing above Application Form. When I get to Section 10: Countersignatory: Do I need to get someone to fill this part? It says "IF a countersignatory is needed, they must fill in this section after the rest of the form has been filled in." I can't see if I need one or not just for a renewal. If so, does it have to be a UK National? The reason I ask is it says "Our work includes checking your details are genuine. We may need to contact you." I was thinking of asking my Thai GF to to it, or my German neighbour. TIA.
  8. Can samui. Do you do the online test at the DMV? Or do you have to do it prior to going? If so, do you have the web address please? Any idea where to find the questions to prepare? Applied for my Certificates of Residence yesterday. Told to pick them up next Wednesday. Next job Medical Certificates at Thai Inter. TIA
  9. Thank you. Maybe I should have worded it better, but I. Wasn’t talking about interest on the savings, but the savings themselves. Having saved through my working life, being retired for several years, and living in Thailand for eight, how does one go back to prove savings were from previous earnings and had already been taxed at source? Would the UK tax authorities even bother if asked? Unless the Thai gov’t agrees not to tax anything prior to implementation of this rule, it is going to be a nightmare trying to sort all this out. As for the CC. I disagree with you. I look at it as a loan. If you don’t pay the full amount in time you get charged interest, and I wouldn’t be taxed using it in the UK as already taxed on the income used to repay. Unless asked, I wouldn’t report it.
  10. In my case, the UK has a double tax treaty with Thailand, so my private pension is already taxed. But as it’s not enough to live on, I also have to bring over some savings each month. This is what worries me. How to prove payment of tax on savings earned over the years? How far to go back? Luckily I will qualify for UK State pension this year which should offset my shortfall to some extent. At least for a few years, seeing as it won’t increase. Also I am trying to see if I can pay any large upcoming bills using my UK credit card to reduce amount I have to bring in to Thailand. Will they be able to track that? I don’t know. I wish the Thai gov’t would make an announcement clarifying all this as they must be aware of the uproar and confusion. Even the tax experts don’t seem to know what is what. Seems like another ‘cannabis law’ fiasco.
  11. He could always go on TV and explain what the widespread misinformation is, where is son is, and why he ran away and continues to hide.
  12. Thanks. I tried that. Although the statement was in English, the address was still in Thai. I went to Bangkok Bank, explained what I wanted, and they had me write down my address in English and printed me a statement with that on it. Only problem is I noticed after I got home, they have typed a u as a v, so I think I will have to go back and get it redone. I don’t want to fly all the way to Bangkok and get application refused over a single letter.
  13. Starting to get requirements ready to renew passport at end of June. I know that VFS have moved to Huay Kwang area. I have some questions. I have downloaded and printed copies of application forms OS/01/01. Are such copies likely to be accepted? Proof of address: Went to both Kasikorn Bank and 3BB this morning to ask for a statement and a bill with my address in English. Both said "Cannot." I don't get utility bills such as PEA as we pay communally. So if I get either a bill or bank statement addressed in Thai, or a Certificate of Residence, would official translations of these documents be accepted? I have read that my Thai driving licence might be accepted, but it only shows a partial address, i.e. (House X, Moo Y). No apartment building name or Unit No. So might not be sufficient. TIA
  14. No. I only take my passport along with the piece of paper that they staple inside.
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