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About kingstonkid

  • Birthday July 11

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  1. Good time of year weather is great for protests. If both go through expect an election in either December or the new year
  2. The other question is Does Thailand have the expertise and qualified manpower to build the road properly?
  3. Better idea go to bR but don't tell her who you are. See if she recognize you If not buy her a couple of drinks pretend you don't know her and see. I find it interesting that you are going to Pattaya to meet her. Surprised you are not meeting her in bkk If she works at BKK hospital she should be able to meet you at swampy. Consider that Nother red light. Also top tier hospitals pay well and would fire anyone working in a bar.
  4. She took my BP And pulse for some reason they were both dangerously high
  5. B. O. B. The reason is simple they all know you.
  6. Considering that all your friend was looking for was a set of breasts and to get off ladyboys give just as good a bj as any lady.
  7. This is the elite and military cleaning up all the remaining pieces. The elite know their people will not get into the positions next round. PYP and MFP will control things for the coming future
  8. The challenge for most kids is not the length of time of the official classes. The Challenge is that some kids are getting in vans at 630 to get to school Most schools end at 3 - 3:30 The challenge is that a lot of the schools because the teachers can not teach, have classes after school. I had a Pratom student who started class at 730. His parents drove and picked him up. Finished regular school at 3 Then I had an extra class from 3-4. Then another class from 4-5. Homework is not an issue if done right. Hell all of us growing up had homework. If done right and mom or dad can help it is the only way these kids will learn anything by doing the homework. Also for most kids homework is the time to play their favorite game CAW PEE Pratom 6, Mat 3, and Mat 6, the kids get hammered. First, the school says that Somchai has to stay and have an extra class for ONET (yes, schools still do it. Do they put up the advertising banner that says we had 15 students score high on the ONET test to see how good we are?) Pratom 6 and Mat 3: They then have extra classes to prepare for the Mat 1 and Mat 4 entrance exams. Mat 6 students are getting ready for TCAS, so yeah, they have a lot of time to spend learning how to prepare in 6 months for something they should have been preparing for 3 years. Add to this that if the parents have the money the kid also does at least a couple of hours a week at least of tutoring.
  9. Hell, if you are going to spend 50k, then find yourself a bar girl and do not marry her. Once they get married and you give them that much money, they will buy cars and houses and be more interested in shopping than in banging.
  10. Kissing in public on the lips is verboten. However, a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead is usually ok. She will give you hints depending on how she responds to you If you try to hold her hand and she pulls it away that is a good notice that she does not want toholdyour hand or kiss you
  11. The question, though, is how long he was giving haircuts. If he was doing it for a long time then you have to wonder who he was paying and why the locals did not scream earlier. Hove to think at the rates he was charging there was a lot of money that they were losing out on.
  12. Not a chance that would make him a Martyr. They will try to find charges and start to not give him all the goodies when he goes to jail.
  13. They gave you those prices because they really do not want your business. Too much effort and not enough for the buck
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