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About JCauto

  • Birthday 08/27/1962

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  1. 1. Haven't figured out how to do it and can't be arsed. 2. I think it demonstrates an understanding of statistics. 3. If that's your level of intellectual understanding, then you're not worth debating. However it's obvious that it's not, you're just trolling. Yawn. I described my work, that means I read quite a lot of studies relating to climate change, forestry and other relevant issues. To pretend one could read the entire corpus of climate change research is an absurdity as you're fully aware. Your point was a dumb one. 4. Which study? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change Tell me which of the references you are talking about and I'll respond. 5. I know many who believe otherwise, they post about it on ASEAN Now every time there's a climate thread. This is just disingenuous. Why don't you argue your points with facts? It's so easy to disprove this, it's not even worth the clicks. Check this thread for instance. 6. Just go to the source. https://www.ipcc.ch/sr15/ 7. By no means do I take an article at face value. I explained to you already that I'm an engineer and data scientist. Why do you keep trying to mischaracterize what I say and do? Are you trained in engineering or science, or are you self-taught? Did you work as a scientist or technical person in those fields?
  2. Sales and popularity would mean that the esteemed works of JK Rowling are far better written than those of Tolstoy. Meaningless. And it's not the Bible that's popular, it's quite clear that many of those who call themselves "Christian" haven't bothered to read it. I just find the Bible poorly written and the various stories and allegories not that interesting or enlightening. Perhaps they appealed to the people who lived back then. I don't think the works of the Greeks are particularly interesting either, nor those of the Roman authors. There's some validity to their ethics, morals and principles, but I can get those far more easily and in a more relatable way with authors from the last two hundred years who use nuance and detail to build characters and illustrate these issues rather than olde texte with sledgehammer-subtle allegories that are often ridiculous. Anyway, I hope you enjoy your reading. Have you read Dos Passos before? He's not that well known but I really loved his style.
  3. Hard to respond the way the post gets broken up, but I'll try to do so to the questions you asked. "Does the average person not know that?" - I have found myself amazed at how much the average person doesn't know, my experience has taught me to no longer assume that they have even a basic foundation of knowledge. "I don't accept anything I am unable to review" - well, in that case you've got a bit of reading to do. Probably enough for the rest of your life if you spend 16 hours a day at it. The climate science papers are almost uniformly available for free since they're usually published at universities. For those that went via services that insist on users paying for access, you can simply write the authors and they'll send the full transcript to you. You see we scientists and engineers have to have peer-review before we publish or else nobody takes it seriously. If it's been published, then you can find it. If you're having trouble, e-mail the author directly. "often cited 93% of climate scientists agree thing was a lie" - so you have a source for this? I would agree that it is highly unlikely that we can put an accurate number to this since it's not something you can simply poll everyone about and get an answer to. However it's picking nits, I'll accept it's over 90%. Would you agree or are you of the opinion it is lower than that? If so, how much lower do you believe it to be? On what basis do you presume that to be the case? "I believe that the world is generally getting warmer, and that anthropomorphic impacts it" - this shows you're well ahead of most of your compatriots on the Right, which is of course to your credit. "An alternative to what?" - an alternative explanation for the data that shows very clearly that catastrophic global warming is occurring and at a faster rate than that originally feared. "What do you do for a living?" - I am an engineer currently working in data science and geo-spatial technology for forest conservation in Southeast Asia.
  4. Okay, let's start with Mark Twain, whom you will of course know was actually Samuel Clemens. I was fortunate to be given a set of his entire writings when I was small, soon he became my touchstone for humor. Another whom I was gifted a complete set of works was Alexander Solzhenitsyn. If I were to single out one of his books, it would probably be a toss-up between The Gulag Archipelago and Cancer Ward. I was a big fan of 20th Century American fiction, probably my favourite writer from that period would have been John Dos Passos and his trilogies. Also really liked Langston Hughes, Joseph Conrad and John Steinbeck. But of course, I'm a Leftie, so you probably didn't like most of those. Others I'd mention include Philip Roth, Toni Morrison, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, John Irving. A Confederacy of Dunces was a brilliant book, such a pity the author killed himself after having it rejected initially, he could have been incredible (John Kennedy Toole). Anthony Burgess, Dom DeLillo and Umberto Eco are others I liked, along with Joan Didion. My pick for "Just For Fun" reading would be George Macdonald Fraser's Flashman series, I've loved every single one of those and he remains an inspiration to this day. Also liked his other books. That's one that you probably would have in common and enjoyed, if not you should get yourself to a bookstore and start. How's that for Bible Alternatives? Every one of them is much better written and far far far more entertaining and enlightening that that book of <deleted>.
  5. Yes, of course you did, especially when I wrote "I'd reckon the man with the known Adderall issues and possible cocaine use" in my post that you were responding to. Sorry, I had thought you were a native English speaker, I won't make fun of those for whom it is a second or third language.
  6. There's training, then there's understanding what you have been taught. They're not the same. So do you believe that there is a global conspiracy amongst the millions of people working in climate science and related fields? Do you accept the overwhelming consensus of those scientists and engineers that the world temperatures are increasing as the result of anthropomorphic causes? Or do you have an alternative theory for us based on your knowledge and experience of the sciences and engineering? Don't be coy! Spill the beans!
  7. Who cares? Is he an elected official or working in the Government? Will he be participating in the debate? Do try to keep up. We were discussing the two debate participants - one of whom is the current President, the other of whom is the former President who apparently is having issues requiring the use of adult nappies. Can you connect the dots now?
  8. Wow, what a conclave of ASEAN Now's top scientific minds! Let me quickly contact the UNFCCC to let them know there's an important discussion going on that they really need to pay attention to. After all, there's been a dearth of cases for the AN Detectives to work on, so they're going back to one of their old staples, climate science. Can't wait for Bird Flu to start up and see them putting their White Lab Coats on as they move swiftly into expertise on epidemiology. Seriously, has a single one of you had the slightest bit of training or experience in science or engineering? Thought so.
  9. No, not here, was referring to your previous post where you were whining about the mean Scottish people making fun of your precious football team and pointing out the obvious irony of you throwing the "snowflake" insult out simultaneously. That's irony, I guess you weren't paying enough attention in school. As to football, can't really say I've ever watched a full game, probably among the least interesting sports. Now if they gave them weapons or allowed them to hit each other legally, I might become interested...
  10. Do you guys ever have any original thoughts, or do you just parrot the Faux News talking points o' the day endlessly? As to whom ought to be more worried about drug tests, I'd reckon the man with the known Adderall issues and possible cocaine use, both of which are known to increase incontinence in older men after years of use, should probably be the one who is more worried. Remember - every accusation is a confession with our friends from the Right.
  11. Thanks, I try to strive for authenticity. Are Scots yobbos generally that literate?
  12. What, I have to give you a reading list? Tell you what, I'll put in the effort if you promise to try to read the books. Deal?
  13. Oh but they do! It's called "reading", and in the books we read we find all the spiritual guidance, morals and ethics that one needs to become a virtuous and upstanding human being. This is why the Right is so intent on Book Bans and killing the library system, they want no alternative thoughts available to the young folks while they pump religious nonsense into them. https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Why_can't_I_own_a_Canadian%3F
  14. True enough, but interesting that this is the poll you wish to not hear about. After all, when Faux News even sees the Trump Train starting to derail, that's a bit concerning for our Far-Right friends.
  15. At least you're keeping irony's flame burning! So precious to see your feewings being hurt and in your whining you dare to evoke "snowflakes"? The guy whose bawling about those mean ol' Scots and their narsty songs? LOLOLOL! Cry me a river, snowflake!
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