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  1. And those of us that are Boeing shareholders breathed a rare sigh of relief 😆
  2. To be fair, Thai men are more feminine than Western women too 😉
  3. Wuvu2

    90 days nightmare

    Dude - we are free to come and go as we please. Human rights don't include the right to live without restriction in foreign countries, and the privilege to live in Thailand comes with a very reasonable requirements. Human Rights complaints belong in the Ghaza forum 😆
  4. Wuvu2

    90 days nightmare

    Spoken like a man who doesn't understand the meaning of human rights 😄 https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/human-rights
  5. Perhaps you should be talking to a business consultant or an attorney if you are not satisfied with our services 😉
  6. Thaifriendly afternoon short-time - 1500b / The same girl taken from the gogo bar - 1500 bar fine + 2000 for the short-time. Yes it pays to shop around in Thailand 😆
  7. I say the same thing to myself every day about my birth country the USA
  8. I am 64 and need very basic health insurance for emergencies like a bad vehicle accident or a heart attack. I have coverage in my home country for non-emergency stuff like cancer and pay out of pocket here for minor medical expenses. I'm ok with a $USD5k-10k deductible. The international expat plan that I've had provides more coverage than I want, very limited on pre-existing conditions, and too expensive for my use case. Any recommendations for very basic coverage? Thai plans? Thanks in advance!
  9. I've had psoriasis for 40 years and recently discovered Daivonex (without cortisone) and Daivobet (with cortisone) which worked great. The base is a synthetic vitamin D. I use the one with cortisone if it's a bad itchy flare-up - which is usually solved with one application. I use the one without cortisone at the first sign of a patch, and seems to prevent flareups well. These are expensive for ointments (800b/tube) but work much better than anything I've ever used.
  10. Quit smokin weed? I got a pretty good idea how that turns out 😆
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