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About GreasyFingers

  • Birthday 03/04/1950

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    Khao Kho

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    Khao Kho

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  1. So the mods have come back to protect their masster baters.
  2. You are a deadset tosser or <deleted>. I reported what actually happened but you made up something different in your illuminated mind. It was the bank that had to do the contact, that they did, not us. Total <deleted> that has a keyboard.
  3. They are better when you are fitting a metal attachment (tap etc) to the pipe. But be careful that you do not over-tighten the fitting or the plastic surrounding the brass will break.
  4. We had 999 baht put into our joint account a little while back. While the wife told the bank to refund the money they took nearly a week to find someone that could speak to me in English so I could confirm her instructions. Crazy.
  5. CBA are offering 4.9% for 11 months. Trouble is when you hit the icon to accept the site says not found. This was this morning.
  6. It is an old wives tale started by women like my lovely wife who do not really want to share the durian with their husband.
  7. We have had dry + hot temperatures during the wet season in previous years but not at this time of the year March was fairly normal with a couple of mild storms but April has been too dry. Even though temps are 37-39 during the day we have had only one storm, almost three weeks ago. A couple have passed us by on the other side of the mountain, which is not unusual. We expect rain every 2-3 days at this time of the year but today i was out with the sprinklers on the front lawn. The new grass that grew after the last storm in now dead.
  8. With a GDP of 1.6%, largely due to government spending, and well below Russia & China. Happy times are here again?
  9. Tell me about it. Had to leave a storm up here (temperature dropped 10C to 25C) to drive down to the city in the afternoon.
  10. Try OFX, they quote a set rate that you can accept or not. THB is sent and my bank (KBank) deduct their own fees about 0.15%. But overall the rate received is not much different to KBank quoted TT rate. But your home bank might also have fees with a direct SWIFT transfer.
  11. This is a sign of desperation. Many past failing governments/economies have looked to create the biggest something or other. Not a good sign for Thailand.
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