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  1. Have I ever met one? Hell, I have funded several! And, as you say, lipstick on a pig might look nice... ...but wait for that "oink".
  2. Sorry. I should have been more specific. I saw in Thong Lor, Bangkok.
  3. Give him solid advice on the pitfalls to watch out for. Keep an eye out for signs there is something terribly wrong. Then let him get on with learning about life...
  4. It seems to always be available at Villa Market.
  5. An article on Bangkok Post clearly shows that they are discussing taxing worldwide income. Currently, only two countries on the planet do this. The USA and Eritrea. This is a desperate act by the Thai government, and demonstrates that things are not good.
  6. It is interesting. The gold sitting in my safe is not asking me to fill out any forms, nor is it reporting itself to any government agency...
  7. Because you cannot purchase quality cigarettes, American Spirit for example, in Thailand. Why on earth the monopoly cannot produce a quality cigarette is beyond me.
  8. i have a Bangkok Bank account set up specifically for my (US) social security deposits. While I have no debit card for that account, I am able to login to my account online and transfer money directly to my KBank account, which has a debit card that I use for spending and payments.
  9. I have used the same agent for 10 years. If you can afford an agent, it is recommended.
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