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  1. I don’t know chomper perhaps the sandy hook families would be better served if Mr jones bought the farm and let probate liquidate the estate and compensate the families….i do know the world would be just one little bit better ehh??
  2. Ahhh ya they are fighting a criminal invader you know the guy that armed his criminals and sent them to attack his neighbor of course they have a draft …..
  3. Yup it’s good that they are being exposed to what he truly is + a lot of nutty proposals he’s come up with ….tarreffs to replace taxes can you imagine what that would cost regular folks….perhaps he’s better suited to worry about batteries and sharks.meanwhile president Biden is doing the g7 and working with our allies to make the world a safer place…….what a world……and so it goes
  4. Trump is indicted for trying to steal the electoral votes in that state (others as well)and disenfranchise the voters in that particular state (again others as well) all (democratic)prosecutors…….there are no dem or rep prosecutors they are prosecutors no body is (going after trump) he broke the LAW and tryed to pull off a COUP you are either biased ignorant or have an agenda .in this country we have the law to settle these issues trump is lucky he has a gullible base to fund him a party that is terrified of its base and he’s in a country that follows the rule of law many countries would have (taken care of him) long ago
  5. I agree with the prosecutor on this,2 professionals hook up consenting adults ect ect so what. perhaps the old saying of a workplace romance is a bad idea ok I’d buy that but that’s it absolutely pales in significance as to what trump is indicted for.
  6. That’s one rabid dog there in my personal opinion I’m not allowed to say what should happen to him,but I will say it involves baseball bats and sandy hook elementary school dads and moms………
  7. Unfreaking believable I’m truly dumbfounded another sad day in America.id sure like to hear a valid reason why anyone would need this….
  8. The Ukrainians don’t think so the Europeans don’t think so I dare say the free world doesn’t think so,when a criminal leader empties his prisons arms the inmates and sends them to his neighbors ain’t cool and the world isn’t going to tolerate it you don’t bend over for those kind of people + your pick for MY country has said on camera that Putin can do whatever he likes to NATO countries rember?that’s just one of the reasons he’s going to get crushed come November!
  9. Then YOU would be 10,000% in stopping a criminal like putin as every one knows you can’t appease someone like putin you surrender if you like not I and I doubt America will either.letting putin wreck Europe will not bring peace and you know it it will bring ruin
  10. He’s not daft he has an agenda in my opinion and would like to see trump in power to create a vacuum were Americas presence once was.in my opinion the Ukrainians will drop the Kerch looters highway bridge and indirect all supply’s into Crimea starving the orks out forcing them to abandon it.as has been demonstrated the Russian navy cannot function in the area allready with the proper tools it will cease to exist.
  11. The United States is standing with our ally Israel period all stop 🛑 the United States is trying to broker a cease fire and to get the hostages back no more no less it is what a responsible administration is trying to do and btw should do.
  12. Slow news day?heck just go down town in any large city on the planet you are bound to find some !
  13. We must develop a mechanism to stop these spurious lies by politicians and the news media and still respect freedom of speech just not freedom to lie and create mayhem.this Vaseline faced lie machine needs to face consequences big time!!
  14. Naaa haggis we didn’t like Covid and the inflation it created but fortunately with a responsible competent team in charge we are overcoming the setbacks.as far as I can tell America hasn’t started any wars but we have indeed stood by our allies and helped were asked.as you well know raising interest rates is a powerful tho unpopular tool used to fight inflation created by Covid and tax cuts for the wealthy by one Mr ex pres convicted felon trump hope that helps!
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