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  1. Amazing that a foreigner would have such deep insight into America …all sarcasm aside you are unfortunately incorrect there’s still a lot of those garbage people about…as far as this particular piece of legislation it’s a dog whistle they know it won’t fly but it is a useful tool to divide and cause rancor it’s what the GOP has devolved into under trump sad 😞
  2. Not really interested it’s not my country sure sucks for the weagers though
  3. Stop drinking the bong water lol 😂 you remember that pesky pandemic thingy ehh?biden is responsible he didn’t want crowds and yup he did indeed receive 81 million legitimate votes .your trump lost every court case in that regard and they have the putin lacky on tape admitting it…..I would bet money the DOJ is working on that right now.
  4. Ahhh just who pray tell killed the strongest bipartisan immigration reform bill in decades?just who is lying just about every other word that comes out of his mouth?here’s a clue it isent Joe Biden spin your fairytales we know the truth
  5. Oh no what’s thaibeachlovers gonna do?this and rt are his go to sources!!
  6. Please explain the (bad) things the Biden administration is doing Im always up for some fairytales…….
  7. South Korea could supply Uber hi tech assistance to Ukraine by far a more useful ally to Ukrainian than N Korea is to Putin no wonder he’s threatening (bleating).
  8. Nor is the USA the United Kingdom France or any democracy…..nor was japan or Germany in the 40s look at them now not perfect but much much better and they are thriving .Ukraine doesn’t even compare to the heinous regimes that those 2 examples were in the past,they are a work in progress and far better than Russia under Putin.I don’t know the weapons systems of the nato nations but I suspect some do have very long range hyper accurate weapons systems.we here in the USA certainly do we are a nato member.Im sure glad our leaders didn’t think like you during ww2 and let England have to capitulate to the Nazi……salva Ukraine 🇺🇦
  9. The felons behavior and statements towards nato and his being an asset to the Russian federation is entirely relevant to the thread just what the dude says is enough evidence for any rational person who cherishes democracy and freedom he needs to be called out.furthermore to even suggest that NATO and her ALLIES don’t have the long range capability is laughable.it’s easy to deduce were your sympathy's lie…..
  10. The felon was busy cutting and running creating a vacuum for his pal putin to fill….remember the felons first day in office?that’s when he had the Russians in the Oval Office without an American representative……remember his private meeting with his pal in helinsky again without American a record or a American representative humm??the Donald indeed…..he’s the biggest asset Putin has.in my opinion in these modern times nato would destroy putins supply’s before the material arrives in theater.one thing Ukraine has exposed is the inferior systems the Russians have with sufficient resources and manpower Russia would be annihilated and sent packing rather quickly.the Russians need to take care of their (problem) and rejoin the world to thrive as a nation
  11. You missed a few an embezzler …the scam charity) a swindler NY business / tax scam….a sexual assaulter ….the judge thinks it qualifies as rape……a convicted felon x 34 so far…….a document thief…….an extreme national security risk…….a insurrectionists a taking away of rights (women) a voter disenfranchising piece of……a lousy president and father……there’s lots more he’s gonna lose again bigley!
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