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    Korat, Thailand

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  1. In what way would it haunt them? The US is like Israel, becoming extremely isolated from the world that is on the rise... All they have are their little sycophants that are equally in decline. The era of western hegemony is OVER.
  2. Looks like it is official. Thailand has applied for full BRICS membership and seems like their acceptance will be declared in October this year at the BRICS summit in Russia. Seems like there could be around 14 new countries joining this year with another 59 countries delaring their intention to join. This will be very good for Thailand in the building of the new multi-polar world and away from the US dominated unipolar world. The west are finished... It is a dead parrot. The western economies can not function without the resources from the rest of the world... By the end of this year BRICS will control 80% of all energy exports and they will use that power to kill the petro-dollar.
  3. Nonsense... All countries have diverse socio-economic areas and people. You point out the slums of BKK.... I can tell you now, EVERY country in the so-called developed west have slums where people live on the edge of poverty. It is absolutely correct to compare one with the other.
  4. Just wanted to get a feel for the Expat community experiences regarding crime in Thailand they have personally experienced versus crime in their home countries they have personally experienced. I come from the UK and in the final 10 years I lived there my car was broken into 3 times and had my CD player stolen each time. My home was burgled (robbed) 2 times. I had my garden wall kicked down. I was assaulted once and was scammed once by a fraudster... I by no means lived in an inner city urban enviroment but instead a sleepy Oxfordshire market town... I have lived in Thailand for 14 years and have never personally experienced any crime against myself or my property and I can not recall any crime happening to any of my very extensive Thai family members... In fact the last time I visited the UK for 3 weeks, becasue we had lost our front door key, we just left it unlocked and I had absolutely no worries. Am I just lucky here? I am talking about crime you personally experienced or to anyone close to you... I am not talking about crime you have read about, because this is a country of almost 70 million population and of course there is going to be crime on a general scale... There is crime on a general scale in every country on earth. I don't think corruption should count here, we all know it is almost a cultural feature here but restricted to people of authority. I am talking about amongst the general public. Thanks for taking the time to read this and relay your thoughts.
  5. It aint that good really.... You can only stay here for up to 180 days, then extend for another 180 days... That is only 360 days. There are 365 days in a year, so it means you have to leave the country for 5 days every year. You will also have to pay 1900 every extension. So with the 10K fee that doubles the cost over 5 years. I may as well just keep on my 12 month extended non-imm O visa, it requires just 1 immigration visit per year and is half the price.
  6. Putin was pushed to invade... In fact when he eventually did the west were rubbing their hands in glee... Then their proxy war totally fell to pieces. When they showed you the satellite images of Russian troop buildups on the border, they didn't show you the 160,000 NATO trained and armed Ukrainian troops assembled and ready to invade the Donbass and slaughter the ethnic Russians there and all on the orders of their western masters. NATO and EU membership was never on offer.... It was the carrot and the stick and whatever they have on Zelensky who is by the way a billionaire all of a sudden.... Not bad work for a second rate comedian. Oh and it also didn't help when Zelensky was running around the Munich Security Forum in December 2021 telling all the European leaders 'We are getting into NATO and we are getting nukes'....
  7. Can you please name who he eliminated?.... Don't say Navalny, even the west has now admitted that he died of a strokem also Navalny has already ran againstn Putin and got less than 1% of the vote... In fact his biggest electoral success was for Moscow mayor and he got about 7%.... He was political nobody and so never a threat to Putin. As for anyone else expelled from running all have close ties and therefore funding from the west usually through the New Endowment for Democracy, the funding wing of US regime change all around the world. They even do it here in Thailand. Also all these stupid rumours that he was a ruthless KGB agent responsible for assassinations... Hahaha.... He was a lawyer in the KGB, that's it... A pen pushing lawyer. Not exactly the person you send out on hits.
  8. The USA will walk away from Ukraine in utter failure and leave Europe holding the bag. Like they did in Afghanistan leaving $90 billion of weapons for the Taliban and not even bothering to tell the Brits..... Lol
  9. The Americans are the mad ones, also Putin is no dictator... He won an election with 87% of the vote, those who came second got less than 5% with a record voter turnout and observed by representitives of over 80 countries worldwide to witness they were free and fair. In fact the US threatened some of the observers with sanctions if they attended, meaning the US did not want the elections to look legitimate. Meanwhile in the free and democratic USA, one side is trying to jail their opponent while students are being clubbed with batons for protesting the US involvement in genocide. While threatening to sanction everyuone in the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court.
  10. Those who seem to think the USA is militarily invincible have not studied the history of US performance in the art of war.... Fricken embarrassing and about to lose their proxy war in Ukraine. tut tut.... They don't even have hypersonic missiles and never will have them and those are the war winners. Russia, China, Iran and now even N Korea have hypersonics... 100% successm US HIMARS, ATACMS, British Storm Shadow and French Scalp, all being shot down by Russian air defences at least at a rate of 95%... That is an utter humiliation. Abrams tanks, Leopard 2 tanks, Challenger 2 tanks, Bradley IFVs all burning on the battlefield. All were called 'game changing wonder weapons'... They all turned out to be a complete joke. If the US launched a nuclear attack on any of the 4 above, most of those missiles will likely be shot out of the sky, but the same can't be said with a hypersonic missile.... For example the Avangard warhead in Russia's possession can hit speeds of up to Mach 30 and that's 37000 KPH... Good luck shooting those down.
  11. The American exceptionalist has spoken.
  12. The tinfoil hat belongs squarely on the heads of those who deny the actual science of nuclear fission and fusion. Even David Icke your king admits nukes axist. Conspiracy theories gone completely MAD.
  13. They head for the USA because they have no border and they know if they head for China they would be deported in a heartbeat.It's got absolutely NOTHING to do with what is a better economy. the US doesn't have an economy, it is an ocean of debt that they will soon not be able to sustain and their currency is about to be collapsed by the new BRICS currency. It's over for the USA and that is why they are trying to start fires all over the place, and is why all those people pouring in from Mexico will learn the mistake they made.
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