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    Korat, Thailand

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  1. You will have to wade through all the fake propaganda crap that has been seeded by the west. He didn't even get to stand in a head to head election with Putin because he didn't even achieve the minimum vote to qualify in the final elections. He was NEVER the 'opposition' the opposition is the next biggest party.... NOT every idiot that comes along and fancies their chances.... He was even thrown out of his original party for being a far right extremist racist who is on video waving a gun around and pledging to kick all muslims out of Russia or kill them if they don't leave... Youtube scrubbed all evidence of this but the video still does the rounds on X and Telegram... While checking his Wikipedia profile you will find EVERYTHING negative has been edited out.... Wikipedia does that all the time. He is the perfect golden boy for western leaders who are attracted to the biggest filth on earth.
  2. How do you define a troll?.... Amyone who isn't gullible enough to believe your world view of things?? I'm right, aint I.....
  3. I warned you about this didn't I... Navalny didn't even get 1% of the vote when he stood in elections against Putin... In fact his best ever political vote count was when he stood for mayor of Moscow where he achieved a startling 5% of the vote.... Not quite the required amount for victory... Western media banged on about how Putin put him in prison to stop him standing... What they failed to tell you is that Navalny and his brother embezzled over 150,000 Euros from a french cosmetics company called Yves Rocher, they were also found guilty of money laundering and even then he was given bail which he skipped and fled to Germany where he was hospitalised with suspected novachok poisoning which was all bull because for the world's most toxic nerve agent, it never seems to ever kill anyone (see Skrippals affair) where 3 people in the UK also survived contact with it but hey... It made great propaganda for idiots out there with low IQ. As for censorship of the media.... It was western mendia that censored themselves... The Russian parliament the State Duma created a law stating it illegal for ALL journalists in Russia to report FAKE NEWS about the Rusian military and the Special Military Operation.... So ALL western journalists packed their bags and left for the airport which was very telling in that their number one function was to create FAKE NEWS..... So by running away they basically self-censored opting instead to sit in an office in London and making it all up as they go along. Which by the way are almost certainly the same FAKE NEWS journalists you have gained your education from.
  4. There is no suppression of political opposition you complete dorkus. Give me an example???.... I bet you can't.... ALL Russian elections are overseen by representitives of scores of global election observers sent in by countries all over the world, but strangely western countrties NEVER send any.. I wonder why???.... The US even thretened sanctions of observers if they dared go to the Russian election. So I am waiting for you to name a 'so called' opponent that was suppressed. Don't even fricken try to name Navalny.... The ONLY opposition to Putin would be the communist Party of Russia who achieve just about 10% in an election which is hardly any threat to Putin's party and everyone else gets single figures. So while you are great at quopting the BBC and all the other western fake media, you are going to have to work incredibly hard to enter into discourse with someone like me who is incredibly well studied in this particular subject matter, and if you really do want to mention Navalny, let me warn you I can go into granular detail about his entire political achievements.
  5. He gave the Oligarchs NOTHING..... Do you even know where the oligarchery came from???..... It came from the collapse of the USSR in 1991 when all those state owned factories and warehouses and industries became vacant and armed gangs started to mobilize and walk into them claiming ownership..... That happened for 9 years before Putin was even elected.... What was the first thing Putin did when he came to office?..... He had the lot of them rounded up and thrown into prison where he let them stew for a few weeks without even knowing what they had done wrong, then one by one he had them marched into his office and told them he was demanding half of everything or back to prison they go.... EVERY one of them signed. All that was put into government ownership for the people.... but hey, I guess you have been successfully propagandised by the western media.
  6. Strange how just about EVERY western media organisation ran multiple reports about the Nazi problem in Ukraine until they were told to make Ukraine the heroes..... Azov Battalion, Right Sector, C14, Ethnic National Union, Homo Ethnicus, Denic Kapustin, Misanthropic Division, Social National Assembly, Social National Party of Ukraine, Wolfsangel to name but a few who seig heil there way around in their jackboots tatooed with German Nazi insignia.... Western Ukraine fought with the Nazis in WW2, the so-called 'father of Ukraine' Steppan Bandera was a fricken died-in-the-wool NAZI who is honoured all over Ukraine with statues and even roads and buildings named after him.... Guess where all these organisations get their funding?..... Yup, the US State dept, The British foreign Office and the EU Commission.... Why?.... that answer is simple, because if you want to use a country as a proxy, you need to get into bed with the most extremist elements just like they do with Al Qaeda and ISIS who strangely seem to fight all of the west's enemies, and don't try to tell me you are also ignorant about THAT.
  7. Well when you look deeper at what Putin has achieved for the Russian people in 2 decades then you might start to understand why he is so popular.... When he took over, Russia was a complete basket case lying drunk on the floor while the west was picking her pockets. Putin stopped all that and he has achieved an economic miracle that has lifted most of the population out of poverty and put Russia squarely on her feet. What country can say that about their leaders?..... Rishi Sunak who nobody voted for?.... Joe Biden the senile?.... Olaf Sholz who sat back and let the USA blow up his eesential pipeline?.... Macron the little Napoleon who is about to wiped out og the national Assembly?.... Ursula Von Der Lyon who can't string two sentences together? The west is run by idiots and incompetents and populated by morons who keep them in office..... So it is no wonder Putin gets the vote from his people.
  8. Move out immediately. Rent a house close by. Get your head clear. Stay in touch with and visit your daughter as much as possible. Put yourself back on the market, there are many nice Thai girls out there with decent stable families. As your daughter grows up, eventually she will be able to walk to your house to spend more time with you, so staying as close as possible is important. No need to have to return to your home country... You moved here for a reason after all, so why deny yourself all the benefits of living in this great country. You ay well have bad memories of Thailand but that is centric to the person you chose to share them with and NOT the country itself.... Experiences with a better partner make for better memories.
  9. Trudeau looked like a 10 year old when he did that.... Everybody laughed at him. The most low grade leaders in the world exist right across the west.
  10. Most milk is imported because of the low quality of the grass here. It is very dry and not the correct type for grazing. The UK has an excess of milk because they have the right type of grass for milk production.
  11. Well done Thailand for refusing to sign the document of the outcome of the comical 'so called' 'Peace' summit in Lucerne, Switzerland... They obviously were not going to be fooled that this comical collection of western leaders and low grade civil servants had any intention towards 'peace'. In fact at no time whatsoever was there any attempt to discuss 'peace'... In fact it was nothing more than a staged platform for OUTGOING western leaders of the so-called free world to stand up on stage and criticise and threaten President Putin and Russia. It was also used as an excuse for the most corrupt politician on earth to continue to beg for money so he can buy more luxury multi-million dollar properties worldwide while he feeds his male (and female) population into a meat grinder for the benefit of creepy hair sniffing Joe Biden and Co. So well done to Thailand for having principles and all those other countries who were not for one minute fooled.
  12. In what way would it haunt them? The US is like Israel, becoming extremely isolated from the world that is on the rise... All they have are their little sycophants that are equally in decline. The era of western hegemony is OVER.
  13. Looks like it is official. Thailand has applied for full BRICS membership and seems like their acceptance will be declared in October this year at the BRICS summit in Russia. Seems like there could be around 14 new countries joining this year with another 59 countries delaring their intention to join. This will be very good for Thailand in the building of the new multi-polar world and away from the US dominated unipolar world. The west are finished... It is a dead parrot. The western economies can not function without the resources from the rest of the world... By the end of this year BRICS will control 80% of all energy exports and they will use that power to kill the petro-dollar.
  14. Nonsense... All countries have diverse socio-economic areas and people. You point out the slums of BKK.... I can tell you now, EVERY country in the so-called developed west have slums where people live on the edge of poverty. It is absolutely correct to compare one with the other.
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