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About FruitPudding

  • Birthday 04/01/1987

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  1. It's still almost entirely black people doing hip hop, no? Did I miss something? Just cos the greatest rapper of all time (Eminem) happens to be white, doesn't mean we "stole" it. And anyway, Eminem says he's embarrassed to be white. It seems he identifies as black, lol I, personally, prefer some good auld country music anyway.
  2. African American culture is getting into Thailand . Have you seen all the Thai booty twerking videos on Facebook? Now, dancing on cars, 😕 😞
  3. Jealous? They are laughing at you for drooling over their leftovers. They get the hookers in their teens. You get them after a thousand customers.
  4. It wasn't always. I never do. Thais don't accept that BS. You are totally missing the point. Nah, can't say I have, buddy.
  5. BS. I know cos I have extended family who work in this industry in Japan and Korea making 100k (baht) a month and when they work in Phuket they make 50k a month. The kids don't benefit. No education No dentist No healthcare No decent clothes No safe transportation Total neglect (by grandparents), abandonment (by parents) and various kinds of abuse. It's common. Try living in a rural Isaan village and see for yourself. Plenty of money for gambling though. They love that. I am absolutely certain they'll encourage their daughters to do the same. It's a good earner.
  6. You're also the kind of guy who takes taxis without the meter, right? Lol
  7. You like throwing money out the window? You like paying 10× a Thai person?
  8. Surprise surprise. It fascinates me how they become hookers so readily. Is it no sense of shame? No social judgement?
  9. They don't want to spend their money. They want yours. And they can't handle the thought of giving away free sex.
  10. You mean democracy? 😆 🤣 😂 Honestly, it's the liberals who have turned totalitarian
  11. So, you're telling me Thailand can get its grubby, little paws on your tax sheltered investment accounts abroad??
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