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  1. I can imagine the Russian got angry. Some years ago I was involved in a project that required me to live and work in Russia. I even did a crash-course in Russian, so I can speak a bit of the language. Anyway, living there was horrible. I soon discovered that when Russians are in control of any powered vehicle their aggressiveness and anger goes off the clock. You have not seen road rage until you've been to Russia. Many times I saw drivers get out of their car and kick other vehicles and have fist fights in the street. Parking wardens are regularly assaulted. Its a different level of aggressiveness.
  2. Unless you are Thai or are somehow getting money in THB I'm not sure why you'd invest in Thailand. I have almost nothing here, other than some domestic appliances and payment of 50% of the price of a car (which is actually in my wife's name). My wife owns quite a bit of land and property, including a couple of condos which are rented out. She also owns two small businesses that are run by family. It all seems to be profitable, but the profits are small. In the UK she owns 50% of a small hotel/restaurant business and that is very profitable - the return dwarfs what she gets from her Thai enterprises.
  3. I visited once. In 2019. I thought it was a dump - would rate it lower than Pattaya on every aspect and couldn't imagine living there. I speak/read Thai - if I didn't then maybe AC would rate a little higher due to almost universal use of English.
  4. An English-style roast chicken dinner with Paxo stuffing and Yorkshire pudding. My wife loves rhubarb - so apple and rhubarb pie and rhubarb crumble.
  5. That's effectively what I did. In the UK we have visited swingers' clubs and when in Thailand we often take a girl together. My wife is not lesbian and doesn't like to be touched by other women but she does have an interest in other women's bodies and touching them. She also gets very aroused by watching me have sex with another woman. We've been together nearly 13 years and so far its worked out OK.
  6. He says 'a Bangkok university'. Could be one of many. Possibly a course taught in English. 'Retreated' - probably means 'dropped out'. NK = Nong Khai ?
  7. Not a great fan of 7-11 food but their 'Chef Cares' food range is surprisingly good. The Masala sauce in the Chicken Tikka Masala is very tasty. They've also started selling a Khao Soi. Its not bad at all. Few years ago their fish burger was pretty good, with a thick piece of pollock fish in it. They seem to have cheapened it out though, I tried one recently and there was only a small amount of fish and a lot of 'breadcrumb' coating.
  8. There may well be more to this. Possibly some sort of erotic asphyxiation that went too far - she panicked (potential accusation of murder) and ran.
  9. Free Trade Agreement with China was a stupid move. There is nothing made in Thailand (apart from food products) that can't be made cheaper in China. They have huge economy of scale and the coming protectionist measures in the West will lead to massive 'dumping' into Thailand.
  10. Please PM me. I'll need the name of the bar and a picture of your fiance. I'll check her out. I only ask for reimbursement of her charges for whatever service she offers.
  11. Some years ago I had the misfortune to have to work in Russia for an extended period. It was a big project with Unilever and UK government involvement (me). I did an intensive course in Russian so can speak it to a conversational level (its not an easy language). I met some amazing Russians and worked with one guy who is probably the most intelligent and talent person I've ever met. However I have to say that the overwhelming majority of Russians that I met were deeply unpleasant. There are very few social graces in Russia. It remains a brutal society where 'might is right'. Road rage and aggressive driving is off the scale. If you can understand some Russian its bizarre to hear old ladies in the street swearing and using incredibly vulgar language. Every neighbourhood and apartment block has its own thugs and 'mini mafia' who mug, rob and extort money. Its generally accepted that anyone with significant wealth came by it illegally. Its a deeply unpleasant place to be. Do not imagine that Russians in Thailand don't support Putin and the war. Putin enjoys very strong support and most Russians are very patriotic. Generally the more affluent younger Russians, of the sort who are coming to Thailand, are not being sent to the front line. Putin is not stupid - the footsoldiers are drawn from poorer areas in the east. I've spoken to some older Russians who live in Jomtien and they were all very pro-Putin. I also had a chat with three young Russian guys who were drinking at Bali Hai. They were happy to be outside Russia but pro-war. Some of you may have seen the guy who rides around on a motorbike with a Russian flag attached and a speaker blasting out military songs...
  12. Sounds like a rather similar situation to that which my friend has found himself in. Two kids. Thai family making his life a misery. He is a very smart and highly qualified individual who is trapped in Thailand because the family keep an iron grip on the kids. Don't overlook the fact that if you become too troublesome you may wind up dead.
  13. I was married to my English wife for over 20 years. She was (and still is) a lovely woman and a great mother. Work pulled us apart. I was working overseas and also trying to run the family car dealership in parallel. She had a very demanding professional job. After divorce I was working in Thailand for months at a time and had a string of 'office girls' as girlfriends. I found them very superficial - mostly interested in shopping... I met my second (Thai) wife when queuing in a 7-11. She didn't speak a word of English (I speak Thai). She was rather shabbily dressed and I assumed she was a typical rural Isaan girl. We got on well and spent a lot of time together but was over a year before the truth started to come out - I found bank books in her name will several million baht on deposit. Quite a surprise. Later, when visiting her family in Udon, I was driving on a rural road when a motorcycle pulled alongside us and three shots were fired at our car. At this point I realised there was more to my wife and her family than met the eye.. Its been quite a journey since then.. Anyway, we have now been together about 12 years. She has a UK passport. Partner in a successful hotel/restaurant in the UK and owns several small businesses and property in Thailand. She still 'dresses down' and seldom wears jewellery.
  14. Some years ago I had the misfortune to have to work in Russia for an extended period. It was a very unpleasant experience. By comparison Russian drivers make the Thais seem as calm and orderly as the Swiss. Road rage is off the scale. Many times I saw drivers get out of their cars and fight and even ramming one car into another.
  15. I await the details with great interest because so far this DTV seems a bit too good to be true and potentially wide open to abuse. For a long time I used 1-year ME Non-O 'Thai Family' 90-day entry visa. IIRC that cost about ฿6k and I had to show ฿400k equivalent (London). It was withdrawn (again) about a year ago - only SE available now. In comparison this DTV would be an absolute bargain. Also the range of permitted activities is quite large and it would be dead easy to fake some income from an overseas entity. I think the devil will be in the detail.......
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