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About ourmanflint

  • Birthday 05/23/1965

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  1. Pita is the big thorn in Thaksin's side that just will not go away. Love to see it. Thailand deserves much better
  2. This is the solution to over tourism is it, how does that work?
  3. Strange, according to worldometer, Thailands pesticide use is 1/3rd that being reported here at 35,000 tonnes. 113,000 tonnes would put it in 4th place in the world which for a country size of Thailand is outrageous really, 25% more than Canada
  4. seems like good news. was planning on getting the Vientiane-Xishuangbanna train next Spring so this will help if it runs
  5. Good idea. More big cities should adopt this scheduling thing with HGV’s
  6. “Schwing… not out of wood” says PM
  7. Imelda sure does love shopping, Paris, Milan...
  8. BREAKING: Interior Minister Anutin Charnveerakul said Thurs the many foreigners owning marijuana shops must be arrested. The remark came after PM Srettha announced a crackdown on drugs Tues & to recriminalise marijuana for recreational purposes https://x.com/KhaosodEnglish/status/1788478966472556910
  9. Hang on, didn’t he just go out and say all foreigners owning marijuana companies or shops must be arrested straight away?
  10. Another useless article. His family need to know exactly how he died.
  11. Isn't almost all of the property built over past 25 years on Samui and Phangan etc all done with these proxy Thai shareholder schemes? Why did lawyers and sellers push it if it was not legal?
  12. Ha! great news, bound to be a lot of very unhappy people though as the marijuana boom seemed to be growing exponentially, and therein lies the problem. The industry grew far too quickly and attracted all those get rich quick types dreaming of a life of luxury. If it had stayed calm and understated it might have had a chance but instead it became more and more glamourous, and shops became like bars or clubs, and was bound to attract a lot of attention from those anti-marijuana.
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